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How to have a successful FRG within USAREC

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1 How to have a successful FRG within USAREC

2 Challenges' FRG’s face Communication Distance Support Participation
USAREC FRG’s Challenges' FRG’s face Communication Distance Support Participation

3 Communication Company Commander 1SG Battalion Advisor
Needs to be able to have contact with the FRG Leader. Contact includes phone calls, text, or s. To have information such as; mission, ATM information, family information that comes down from BN. Keeping the FRG Leader informed of anything going on within the company so they can properly support families as needed. Supports activities for the families. 1SG Supports everything above. Families They need information about the area(s), about mission, Tricare, United Concordia, support, and to feel connected. Battalion Advisor To keep in contact with FRG Leaders throughout each Company and forms a positive relationship with FRG Leaders to support families. Willing to listen and take advice on what the families NEED.

4 Communication Personal Experience Commander
Sit down once a quarter to go over quarterly Company Events. We’d also go over events our spouses have planned such as our monthly spouse events and kids events when requested. Go over any issues within the company and find solutions for those issues. 1SG Put out information, such as mission, to our Company spouses group as needed. Would encourage any events posted within the group. Would engage to have the spouses feel support and remind them they are the reason the Company is successful, because of their family support with the mission. Families We’ve utilized social networks and established multiple friendships inside and outside of the forum. The spouses play an important role, especially during rough times. We provided the comfort of knowing that other spouses can relate and had monthly spouse only gatherings so spouses can be outside their comfort zones and properly connect. Battalion Advisor Utilized social media for FRG Leaders to keep in contact and share information. Listened to what the families needed for support and what type of information was lacking. Encouraged each FRG Leader with events and even attended Company events to engage with families. Put out information such as Tricare, Battalion information, SFA information.

5 Distance Distance is one of the biggest challenges that FRG’s face within USAREC, however, we do not let that come between supporting our families. When building relationships with our families, there are times we must think outside the box. We need to utilize social media and establish support for our families inside and out of these forums. Social Media provides the comfort of knowing that families will get information as needed and will get support during rough times.

6 Distance Personal Experience Facebook
Created a Company level Facebook group. 98% of spouses were in the group. It was created for spouses of recruiters only and not recruiters. Families from hours away can interact with each other and feel like they have support no matter the distance. 1SG was the only recruiter within the group to provide Company level information only. The two spouses that were not on Facebook received texts or s. Families from hours away can interact with each other and feel like they have support no matter the distance. How does Social Media help families feel connected? Recruiting can be a difficult adjustment, it affects everyone differently. We like to utilize social media to help connect through the following: Company Events Spouse Only Events Local and surrounding area events Welcome new babies Random meetups Provide resources such as; Tricare, SFA, BN information, United Concordia

7 Support As stated on the previous slide, recruiting can be challenging for families and not everyone adjusts the same. The families need support as they adjust and a source of comfort or encouragement.

8 Support Personal Experience Provide general information
Tricare United Concordia Company Mission Bn Level information Fun actives around the area(s) SFA information Have empathy for families As leaders, we should be understanding and sensitive to families. Not every family is going to be the same. Some families can handle the pressure of USAREC, while some experience more difficulties. As leaders, we should listen to their feelings and allow them to express them without judgement or negativity. Allow families to have a voice when it comes to events, in return, that makes them feel welcome and want to be a part of supporting the Company, the Battalion, Brigade, and USAREC. Respond meaningfully Make spouses feel they have value within USAREC, because they do. We are all in the same situation at the end of the day. We are all here supporting our Recruiters in their careers. Some of us have taken roles and have chosen to be advocates for our families, and spouses turn to us to advocate for them. Every single spouse deserves self-worth, we need to always remember this as leaders. Friendship(?) We do not have to be everyone’s friend, but we need to make sure every spouse knows they matter. When spouses feel they have a purpose, it may help them feel like they are apart of something bigger.

9 Participation Spouse participation within USAREC FRG’s is very slim at times. It takes a lot of time and dedication to have a successful FRG in USAREC. Families are so disconnected, at times, they do not want to participate with any sort of events or activities. Because of the distance, the feeling of togetherness will put a restraint on participation.

10 Personal Experience Participation Events Company Event
BBQ at a local park BBQ at splash pad Holiday Party at a VFW or American Legion Funding for these events MWR Funding

11 Participation Continued
Spouse Only Events At times, spouses may lose their sense of identity while supporting their recruiters career. We’ve all probably felt lost in some ways at one time or another. Spouses may benefit from support during these difficult times. This is where spouse only events come in to play. Without spouses or children in attendance, there is no other choice but to interact with each other and hopefully bond and form a support system. Type of events Breakout. We are locked inside a room and have to figure out how to get out within a certain amount of time. It’s a great ice breaker because you are forced to communicate with one another. Lunches. We’d usually do a lunch after every event anyway. We started a tradition of going to a restaurant called Chuys. Giving back. Give back to the communities and get involved. We did a local Food Pantry for an entire day. Color Run. Any type of team building event helps spouses feel more connected. Not everyone was a runner in this event, we supported everyone that wanted to do it and made everyone feel welcomed. Quarterly Baby Showers. Every quarter we’d see if anyone was pregnant and how far along , we’d then have a baby shower. At times it nay be a shower for 5, other times it may be a shower for just 1 or 2. Being away from families while pregnant is hard. These baby showers can be a way for spouses to feel more connected during a special time in their lives. Spouses Retreat. We took a weekend getaway and went to the furthest center Spouses participated in this retreat and we booked a nice little condo to stay in while we were away. We played games such as “Minute to win it”. This is what really made a lot of spouses come together and want to participate more within the company. We all bonded and supported each other. Funding for the retreat Each spouse paid $30 for staying in the condo. Everyone provided one snack and we all chipped in on pizza for dinner. There were no issues with the small amount paid because leaving with the memories will stay in our hearts forever.

12 Participation Continued
I started with just myself. Eventually the company received a new 1SG who I was lucky enough to already have a supportive relationship with, he is one of the mentors on the “Spouses Of USAREC Support Facebook Group". His wife joined me and supported me with anything the company needed. Slowly, we built trust with each spouse, spouses came around wanting to volunteer as well. Trust is what the spouses look for. They need to know what your intentions are because let’s face it, FRG’s do not have a good reputation. I would actually love to change the name because FRG doesn’t make any sense in USAREC in general. Volunteers FRG Assistant Leader Activities Chairperson 4 Station Representative's 5 Volunteers as needed

13 “Spouses Of USAREC Support Page”
Support Refences “Spouses Of USAREC Support Page” “USAREC FRG Leaders”

14 Questions?

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