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Transparent and efficient

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1 Transparent and efficient
North Springs High School DRAFT 90% of 9th grade students will earn the course credits they need to be on-track for graduation, earning 5 credits and completing Algebra I by the end of 9th grade. Teacher retention: Increase retention of teachers beyond their 5th year to 59% Partnerships: Increase the number of impactful partnerships that align to school goals Transparent and efficient management of local funds: Reduce the number of audit findings for Student Activity funds and ensure effective management of funds between schools and School Governance Councils Outcomes: What will success look like for our school? On-track for graduation: 65% of 10th graders will meet the benchmark for college readiness on the PSAT School and district culture: Increase the percentage of families and students who recommend North Springs High School as a place to attend school to a family member or friend Community engagement: Increase the percentage of parents and students who are engaged and supportive of school-wide initiatives and events *and aware of classroom academics* NA School Name: North Springs HS Learning Community: CLC School Governance and Accountability & Area Superintendent Initial Feedback on Outcomes: Flexible support schools can have 3 outcomes and 3 initiatives. Student Achievement 9th graders on track outcome: Change language to align to district plan: “90% of 9th grade students will earn the course credits they need to be on-track for graduation, earning 5 credits and completing Algebra I by the end of 9th grade.” 10th grade PSAT outcome: Change the language to align to district plan: “65% of 10th grade students will meet the benchmark for college readiness on the PSAT in both Math and Evidence-based Reading and Writing (ERW).” Lexile level outcome: Choose 1 outcome. The current box has 2 outcomes. Make sure the language you use follows the format in the district plan. “__% of students in [grade] will [action] in [subject].” There should be 1 grade level and 1 subject area. People & Culture Teacher retention outcome:  Change language to align to district plan: “Increase retention of teachers beyond their 5th year.” Community Collaboration Partnerships: Clarify what is meant by “enhance North Springs’ visibility.” Consider aligning to the district plan. With both initiatives, change “number” to “percentage.” Initial Feedback on Initiatives: Freshman Academy initiative: Include a short description of the initiative. PLC: Change language to: “Professional Learning Communities: Establish educational teams that meet regularly, share expertise, and work collaboratively to improve teaching skills and the academic performance of students.” Include 10th grade PSAT initiative For both initiatives, what will North Springs do to build school culture? What will North Springs do to honor diversity? What you will do in the initiative. For both initiatives, have an overarching initiative and include a short description. See sample plan. Partnerships: What will North Springs do to encourage partnerships? What you will do is the initiative. Consider aligning to the district plan. Marketing: What will North Springs do to enhance marketing? This will be the initiative. Additional Modifications Needed for Approval Alignment to district plan outcomes and targets (see notes above).  Click here for specific language.     The Critical Actions page is a living document.  Include what you plan to do for the school year. First, thank you for your diligent effort thus far in the strategic planning process!  We’ve made a lot of progress in our ability to get clear about where we’re headed and what it’ll take to get there.  To that end, there has been some additional clarity provided by our district leadership that will help us stay aligned to our north star.  You can find school specific feedback attached, general feedback is below.  Additionally, I am attaching a sample plan based on your school level (elementary, middle, or high) which should help you with language. General Feedback for all plans: School Strategic Plans will align to student achievement district goals, specifically when schools are currently not meeting the district targets regardless of Flexible, Tailored, or Intensive. Additionally, within people and culture, any school not currently meeting the district’s retention target will need to set a retention outcome.   Guidance was provided to ensure the initiative language was broad in scope, and accessible to the public (see specific feedback). Schools will have one target, one grade, and one subject per each outcome and not combine multiple grades or multiple subject areas into one outcome. Once you have a chance to review the feedback, here are a few next steps: Meet with your SGC to review feedback and bring an updated draft of your revised plan to the Jan 29th session to begin sharing with your feeder pattern schools. Before Feb. 9th, I need to meet with the principal, chair, or the principal's designee to review feedback.  This meeting can take place in-person or via phone. Submit revised draft (including critical actions and evidence of progress) by Feb 9th to Dr. Henderson, Kirk, and myself. Best regards, Freshman Academy: Provide 9th graders with a small learning community designed to create a safe and positive environment that allows students to acclimate to the rigors of high school New Teacher Induction Program Teacher Leadership Program Community Champions: Cultivate and sustain community champions to support student achievement Effective budgeting: Refine and adjust our modified zero-based budgeting process to ensure that resources are used effectively and efficiently to impact district goals Initiatives: What will we do to achieve success? Professional Learning Communities: Establish educational teams that meet regularly, share expertise and work collaboratively to improve teaching skills and academic performance of students Offer and enhance variety of academic and extra-curricular programs that appeal to all stakeholders. Effective Communication: Establish and maintain communication with stakeholders to increase participation in school events and awareness of classroom academics. NA

2 North Springs High School DRAFT
Initiatives: What will we do to achieve success? Critical actions: What major actions will we complete and by when? Evidence of progress: How will we know that the initiative is working? Outcomes: What will success look like for our school? : *** Evidence of progress for Freshman Academy seems to be missing something? Shouldn’t these measures include something specific to students’ interest in college and graduation? Increased inquiries for test prep materials? Increased number of inquiries to counselors regarding post-secondary education? Improved grades/test scores? -Miriam Implement a college/career awareness and readiness program to include college visits and all students earning post-secondary education credit before graduation. Implement cross-curricular program in Freshman Academy. Teach concepts of self advocacy, academic resiliency and the growth mindset. Provide professional development for teachers to support these concepts. Decrease in number of disciplinary infractions (ISS, OSS, etc.) Improved performance in Algebra I Increased percentage of students earning enough credits to advance to 10th grade. Improved attendance*** 90% of 9th grade students will earn the course credits they need to be on-track for graduation, earning 5 credits and completing Algebra I by the end of 9th grade. Freshman Academy Provide professional development about effective PLCs Leverage Math/Science coaches with PLCs in Math/Science PLCs will create data-driven instruction and determine if students are mastering content. PLCs will use common assessments to ensure all students are learning the same material. PLCs will use Student Mastery Framework to demonstrate student mastery. On-track for graduation: 65% of 10th graders will meet the benchmark for college readiness on the PSAT Professional Learning Communities (PLCs) 2

3 Initiatives: What will we do to achieve success?
North Springs High School DRAFT Initiatives: What will we do to achieve success? Critical actions: What major actions will we complete and by when? Evidence of progress: How will we know that the initiative is working? Outcomes: What will success look like for our school? Perhaps Scott, Travis, Cam and Lauren have suggestions for this stream. Perhaps Scott, Travis, Cam and Lauren have suggestions for this stream. Teacher retention: Increase retention of teachers beyond their 5th year to 59% New Teacher Induction Program Teacher Leadership Program School and district culture: Increase the percentage of families and students who recommend North Springs High School as a place to attend school to a family member or friend Offer and enhance variety of academic and extra-curricular programs that appeal to all stakeholders.

4 Initiatives: What will we do to achieve success?
North Springs High School DRAFT Initiatives: What will we do to achieve success? Critical actions: What major actions will we complete and by when? Evidence of progress: How will we know that the initiative is working? Outcomes: What will success look like for our school? Convene committee of stakeholders to focus on school’s needs and serve as a central clearinghouse for community partnerships. Create evaluation rubric to assess and evaluate partnership potential. Challenge all school groups* to Identify potential external organizations that our school can partner with to support students and to achieve school goals. Committee of stakeholders is active, creates a rubric and meets at least quarterly. School groups suggest potential partners to be evaluated based on designated rubric. Increase in the number of partnerships that contribute resources (time, materials, or money) or opportunities to support school initiatives. Partnerships: Increase the number of impactful partnerships that align to school goals Community Champions Cultivate and sustain community champions to support student achievement Underlined text reflects additional suggestion to add something regarding academics to our communication section. Other yellow text represents topics not discussed in the full committee. Regular principal updates Increase frequency of teacher communication to parents about classroom activities/plans and school events Pair academic programs with school activities to increase awareness and attendance at each. Increase outreach to south county families. Use gaming/competition to encourage participation Stakeholders will be aware of methods school and faculty use to communicate and engaged in at least one. Teachers will have direct communication via their chosen tool to inform parents/guardians of classroom events, school news, etc X number of times per month. Increase %age of events paired with academic programs and meetings. Hold quarterly meetings/meet & greets/coffees in south county. Stakeholders engaged in winning participation prize Community engagement: Increase the percentage of parents and students who are engaged and supportive of school-wide initiatives and events and aware of classroom academics Effective Communication: Establish and maintain communication with stakeholders to increase participation in school events *and awareness of classroom academics.* *such as Athletic Boosters, FOMAS, music and art departments and academic departments

5 North Springs High School DRAFT
Initiatives: What will we do to achieve success? Critical actions: What major actions will we complete and by when? Evidence of progress: How will we know that the initiative is working? Outcomes: What will success look like for our school? Minimize monthly deficits by monitoring budget Principal and administrative staff will review the Budget Accountability Report (BAR) monthly SGCs will monitor school General Fund on a quarterly basis Average monthly deficits are 1 or less each month Carryover is projected to be less than 5% at the end of the school year Transparent and efficient management of local funds: Reduce the number of audit findings for Student Activity funds and ensure effective management of funds between schools and School Governance Councils Effective budgeting NA NA NA NA: do not need to fill in

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