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McKinney-Vento Homeless Project

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Presentation on theme: "McKinney-Vento Homeless Project"— Presentation transcript:

1 McKinney-Vento Homeless Project
North East ISD

2 Homelessness: Legal Definition
Homeless Children and Youth: Who lack a fixed, regular and adequate nighttime residence Loss of housing Nighttime residence that is: Public space not designated for human beings; Substandard housing

3 District Profile

4 Shelters Strong Foundation SAMMs Haven for Hope Salvation Army

5 McKinney-Vento Homeless Student Assistance ACT
Immediate Enrollment Free Lunch Transportation School of Origin Access to all programs

6 Where can they attend? Student School of Origin Attendance Area
Pick a District Where can they attend?

7 Enrollment Family or Unaccompanied Youth must:
Complete the Student Residency Questionnaire (SRQ) They are NOT required to present: Identification Shot Records Proof of Residence (Including “Lives With”) Hotel Receipts POA or Guardianship Paperwork

8 No Documents??? We assist with obtaining birth certificates
In the event one is not located in 30 days, we contact ChildSafe and SAPD If the parent is refusing or resistant to providing an address, please call the office 30 Days to obtain shots and provide documents Responsible Party form for Unaccompanied Youth

9 Once Enrolled Comparable Services Same classes Same activities
Flexibility for Extracurricular activities FEES Do not segregate Free Lunch Due by 10:00AM each morning Next day if after this time

10 Campus Contact Responsibilities
Posting Homeless student rights are to be posted in public areas and staff to be trained on identification and accommodations Training all front and administrative staff Point of Contact for all issues AP, Family Specialist, Counselor or Principal Compliance forms/surveys

11 FERPA Students are identified by:
on the Mainframe (for now) with a “Z” SNAC code SPGM Screen under HMLS STSB with “H” on program with your campus number Report then ed

12 Common Enrollment Issues
Campuses are to immediately enroll students who are in homeless situations If the family “might be” homeless, do not send the family to Pupil Personnel for enrollment; Call our office and we may be able to conduct an interview over the phone Do not require Proof of Residence Do not send an Attendance Officer Referral to verify residence Send SRQs immediately

13 Qualifications Students are qualified based on their current living situation Cases are prioritized based on need when received by our office Family/Unaccompanied Youth are interviewed Determine where they are to be enrolled Disqualified students withdrawn if they do not live in the attendance area Retain rights for the entire school year Rights begin when we receive their SRQ

14 How do they qualify? Circumstances at the Time of SRQ
Imminent eviction with documentation CPS Documentation Each student’s qualification is based on their situation Remember, each case is different, even though they seem similar

15 Transportation Issues
New or Updated Schedules Call your Liaison to update the information and set up transportation Schedules and instructions are to be followed Please call your Liaison immediately if the McKinney bus is late

16 Attendance Attendance
Homeless students experience greater than average absenteeism due to: Couch surfing Unreliable housing Eviction Unaware of federal rights Avoiding ex-spouse Residing in hotel, motel or tent

17 Attendance: Campus Responsibility
Truancy Campuses are directed to not withdraw homeless students for non-attendance Court action is only to be taken once it has been cleared through the McKinney Office/Director ATP Campus responsible for attendance calls Call your Liaison regarding concerns

18 Why Can’t I Withdraw the Student?
School of Origin The Director of Family Support, who is the registered Homeless Liaison for North East ISD, is the only person who can “Revoke” the student’s “School of Origin” rights Immediately, the District Grievance Process begins and the parent/guardian/student is delivered their rights and the Grievance Process steps

19 Discipline Student Behavior Issues
Homeless students have higher than average rates of discipline referrals Most students in homeless situations are experiencing PTSD and related issues such as: Witnessed violence in or around their family Have unstable housing Unable to help their parents or guardians Lack trust in adults and institutions Physical and mental trauma No support structure or role models

20 What to look for…..Identification of Homeless Students
Identifiers Unable to provide a Proof of Residency Statements from student/parent Loss of job Living with another family Student chronically absent, wearing same clothes, CPS referrals, etc. No destination when they withdraw from the campus Discuss temporary living arrangement

21 Support Programs SEGway Drop-in Program Comprehensive Food Bank
Fresh vegetables, fruit and bread Campus Websites Baby Box After-hours Attendance Coach

22 Contact Information Family Support Services 3736 Perrin Central, Bldg. 1 San Antonio, Texas P- (210) F- (210)

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