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Coaching & Field Development

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Presentation on theme: "Coaching & Field Development"— Presentation transcript:

1 Coaching & Field Development
Coaching, Counseling, and Corings

2 Getting Started Follow-up #1
Review Shopping Advisor Review Shopping Annuity Shopping Assessment Review Goals and set a work schedule Get organized and set expectations Review Set calendar Create tasks, objectives, and timelines

3 Getting Started Follow-up #2
Review their Why Open the “Box” (SUB KIT) and review it’s contents Set Dates for Grand Opening Set Dates for Product Preview Set Dates for Home Business Presentation Set Webinar Overview Review Possibilities List and Top 10 with Bio Sheets Review events and sell tickets to next events Connection Workshop

4 Weekly Coaching Calls

5 Up Front Agreement New UFO’s Goals CORE Values
Expectations for UFO and Expectations for the Leader Objectives of the coaching calls Establish the line of communication 4 Things We Do Use Product Sell Product Expand Distribution Attend and Promote the Events JR’s 5 Keys

6 Weekly Coaching Call #1 Connections and Reach Outs (Why)
Methodology (What): communication method, what to say, etc. Possibilities (Who) Sources Geographies Qualities Interests Engagement (How) Conversations and F.O.R.M. Do NOT talk about your business!

7 Competency & Benchmark
How to add new possibilities How to engage in conversation How to LISTEN 2 Reach Outs per day, EVERY DAY! 60 Possibilities will be developed per Month

8 Weekly Coaching Call #2 Who did you connect with? How did it feel?
What did you learn? Do any of them appear to have a want, need, don’t want? Choose 1 Product to expose and promote What products do you love and why? What instant gratification product do you love? What might be the system to expose this product and talk about it?

9 Competency & Benchmark
Creates belief, cash flow, and ticket funding Put samples or this product on Autoship How to share information about a product How to use samples or instant gratification product How to place an order How to register a Preferred Customer How to Create a Sales Receipt How to update Autoship Goal: Sell 1 product to 10 people

10 Weekly Coaching Call #3 Share and Review the Approaches
Product Direct Referral PAIN Discuss the Inviting Formula How does it sound? What does it look like? What is the method? Who are we approaching? How are we approaching? WHY are we approaching?

11 Competency & Benchmark
Role Play each of the Approaches What approach feels most comfortable? Approach and Invite 3 per week (12 /mo) Schedule 1-3 Appointments per week (4-12/mo) REMINDER Connect & Engage Approach & Invite Share Information & Present Follow-up Appropriately

12 Weekly Coaching Call #4 Tickets produce Residual Income
Share Power Profiles from Events with Power of Tickets Build VALUE in the ticket.

13 Competency & Benchmark
Tickets=residual income. Tickets = THEIR WHY! Sell 1-3 tickets to them for next Local Sell 1-3 tickets to next Regional/District (if applicable) Sell ticket to the next Major event Have them hold the ticket and share their Why/30 sec-2 min commercial Do they believe this ticket is the ticket to their goals (time & financial freedom)?

14 Weekly Coaching Call #5 Follow-up on calls 1-4
4 Step Follow-up Process Product Plan to 2 “B Levels” Professional Development (attend GMTSS event) Pre-Registration

15 Competency & Benchmark
Follow-ups and Tracking Who are we following up with? What are their next steps? Sell tickets to people in the process

16 Weekly Coaching Call #6 Understanding Basic UFMS Reports
What is important to look at and when? Review Shopping Annuity Revisit Shopping Assessment Revisit Shopping Advisor Review Master UFO Program Goals and moving forward for next 4-6 weeks

17 Competency & Benchmark
How to check reports When to check reports What to look for in reports Take the Basic 5 Diagnostic Test Do they have their next 3-6 months scheduled in their calendar? Are they on track for Local Challenges?

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