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Headteacher Raynham Primary School

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1 Headteacher Raynham Primary School
Webinar Aspiring to senior leadership - preparing for interviews Marva Rollins Headteacher Raynham Primary School Download this presentation from:

2 Leadership Complex Think about leaders you have worked with
Think about their strengths/weaknesses What would you do differently? How do you know you will be able to do things differently? Leaders have to get things right all time Leaders – the most heavily critiqued people in education Being prepared

3 How to develop your leadership through identification of strengths and weaknesses
Become acutely aware of what you do on a day-to-day basis: self observation (say, do, when, what, why) Managing vs. leading (doing vs. directing/guiding) Observe others – discuss their leadership styles Have a good understanding of different leadership styles e.g. pace setting, democratic Courses, coaching, reading

4 How to develop your leadership through identification of strengths and weaknesses
Get yourself an A4 notebook Principles, values, vision Reflect on current role/responsibilities (these should be quite detailed) What do you do well? Think about evidence Gaps/areas to develop further - evidence Use performance management Be brave, honest and open to self-critique and critique from others

5 How to prepare for senior leadership interviews by self-assessing your skills
Give yourself at least six months of development/planning time for your new role Identify a mentor/senior colleague Use your notebook Annotate expectations of role and person specification – evidence Identify readiness for role Make a plan for closing gaps e.g. whole-school budget setting

6 Coaching methods to use for interview preparation
Get yourself an A4 note book Download questions for the role you are applying for - these lists can be lengthy Choose some questions - use a page per question Get a coach

7 Knowing what qualities make you a good leader and how to show them in an interview
First impression is the lasting impression (mostly true) Welcoming/friendly/enthusiastic (genuine) Sincere Good listener Sharing – distributing leadership Know yourself Blend of non-negotiable and flexible Demonstrated in how you answer questions Link to personal qualities you may find helpful success/633

8 Reflections What has prompted you to say ‘I am ready for this step into senior leadership? To what extent have your current leaders enabled you to prepare for this step? What have you done to ensure that you are emotionally and physically prepared for the role of leader?

9 Find more resources at:
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