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Foundational Services

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1 Foundational Services
Science – Phase 1

2 Session 2 The Three Dimensions of NGSS 

3 Overview of NGSS Framework
What does “THREE-DIMENSIONAL LEARNING” look like? What eight “PRACTICES” help teachers and students make sense of phenomena and/or to design solutions to problems? What seven “CROSSCUTTING CONCEPTS” provide ways of looking at phenomena across different science disciplines? What criteria characterize “CORE IDEAS” and help focus K-12 science curriculum, instruction, and assessments on the most important aspects of science? Talking Points In order to answer our questions on the Driving Question Board and to use the EQuIP Rubric, we will begin by focusing on the following areas. Therefore, participants should be able to answer some of our own questions as well as the following questions by the end of this segment: What does “THREE-DIMENSIONAL LEARNING” look like? What eight “PRACTICES” help teachers and students make sense of phenomena or design solutions to problems? What seven “CROSSCUTTING CONCEPTS” provide ways of looking at phenomena across different science disciplines? What criteria characterize “CORE IDEAS” and help focus K-12 science curriculum, instruction, and assessments on the most important aspects of science?

4 Which students does NGSS target?
Talking Points To begin, it is essential to consider the NGSS audience. Next Generation Science Standards are standards for the next generation of students, but which students does NGSS target? Today there are profound differences among specific demographic groups in their educational achievements and patterns of science learning, as in other subject matter areas. Achievement gaps are well documented. Within the K-12 Science Framework, the research on the lack of equity in education in general and science education in particular are summarized. One of the most important and significant shifts: NGSS and the Framework are about science for ALL students. In today’s world, science, engineering, and technology are not a luxury to be experienced by SOME students. Science, engineering, and technology: Serve as cultural achievement and shared good of humankind; Permeate modern life and as such are essential at the individual level; Are critical to participation in public policy and good decision-making; Are essential for ensuring that future generations will live in a society that is economically viable, sustainable, and free. Using NGSS in the fullest capacity will enable all students to access science in order to prepare students for college, career, and citizenship. Using NGSS is also a means to promote equity in science education. Let’s consider the lesson we participated in at the onset of our day. How does this lesson target all students? By using phenomenon that is relatable for our students. Effective Discourse – giving all students a voice. Creating “an equal playing field” in students all sharing the same experience. While these are not the only ideas in creating equity, this does provide a good lens for our work today. [Facilitator: click to animate] For more information on Science Education for ALL students, look to the following resources: Framework: Chapter 11 – Equity and Diversity in Science and Engineering Education ( Appendix to NGSS: Appendix D – All Standards, All Students. (

5 What is Three-Dimensional Learning?
Practices Core Ideas Facilitator Notes Set up Three-Dimensional Learning consensus discussion poster in advance. Individual Task: Allow 2-3 minutes for individuals to complete the task. Use Packet: Participants record responses in packet. Whole Group Task: Conduct a Consensus Discussion. Recall that consensus discussion does not mean the group needs to agree on everything. Instead, this is a discussion to determine what consensus exists at this point. Use Talk Moves to elicit participants reactions and responses. Scribe (or ask for a volunteer scribe) points of agreement on poster. Talking Points Perhaps the most important shift in NGSS is three-dimensional learning. This shift is defined here in Session One; however, it addressed in more detail in the third segment of the professional development. The three dimensions are practices, core ideas, and crosscutting concepts. When you hear the term “three-dimensional learning,” what does it mean to you? Take 2-3 minutes to create a working definition of this process. Be prepared to share. [Allow 2-3 minutes for individual work. Then ask participants to share in a consensus discussion. Record the groups thoughts on a poster paper labeled Three-Dimensional Learning.] Three-dimensional learning is when these three dimensions work together to support students in making sense of phenomena and/or in designing solutions to problems. Students engage in practices to develop a deep understanding of core ideas and the crosscutting concepts throughout multiple areas of science. Before looking at how the dimensions work together, we’ll look at the three separately to ensure our common understanding of each. Crosscutting Concepts

6 What Are Science and Engineering Practices?
Practices are the behaviors that scientists engage in as they investigate and build models and theories about the natural world and the key set of engineering practices that engineers use as they design and build models and systems. Talking Points Practices are the behaviors that scientists engage in as they investigate and build models and theories about the natural world and the key set of engineering practices that engineers use as they design and build models and systems. The term practices is used instead of skills to emphasize that engaging in scientific investigation requires not only skill but also knowledge that is specific to each practice. These are the practices that students will engage in within the classroom. Lesson plans become based on which practice or practices the students will be utilized in each lesson. Unit plans become based on practices woven together to discover and design. When used effectively, these practices are more than activities in an inquiry or problem-based learning environment. How? To understand these significant shifts, we will examine each of the practices.

7 Eight Scientific & Engineering Practices
Asking Questions (for science) and Defining Problems (for engineering) Developing and Using Models Planning and Carrying Out Investigations Analyzing and Interpreting Data Using Mathematics and Computational Thinking Constructing Explanations (for science) and Designing Solutions (for engineering) Engaging in Argument from Evidence Obtaining, Evaluating, and Communicating Information Talking Points The Framework identifies eight scientific and engineering practices that occur throughout the different disciplines of science. Descriptions of these practices and how they should become more complex over time can be found in the Framework, NGSS, and the Appendix to NGSS. Show participants the resources for future reference. Framework: Chapter 3 - Dimension 1 SCIENTIFIC AND ENGINEERING PRACTICES ( NGSS: With each performance expectation, you are able to examine the relevant and related practices. Appendix to NGSS: Appendix F ( These eight practices are: Asking questions (for science) and defining problems (for engineering); Developing and using models; Planning and carrying out investigations; Analyzing and interpreting data; Using mathematics and computational thinking; Constructing explanations (for science) and designing solutions (for engineering); Engaging in argument from evidence; and Obtaining, evaluating, and communicating information. We are now going to view a short video that reviews and demonstrates the eight science and engineering practices.

8 Science & Engineering Practices
Taking Points During this video consider the following questions: How do the practice engage students in thinking deeply about their work? How are the practice interrelated? How could you use the practices in your classroom? Source:

9 Analyzing Science & Engineering Practices
Facilitator Notes Small Group Task: Allow 5 minutes for groups to discuss the different practices that were part of the lesson. Use Group Reflection: Participants record responses in group reflection packet. Whole Group Task: Conduct a “Sharing Initial Ideas” discussion. Use Talk Moves to elicit participants reactions and responses. Talking Points Now, take 5 minutes at your table to discuss the practices that were utilized in today’s lesson. To help facilitate your discussion: We are providing you will a one page, two-sided summary of the all three dimensions. The blue section summarizes the Science and Engineering Practices. An analysis sheet has been provided to record your groups thoughts. Be prepared to share. [After 5 minutes, have a few tables share their initial ideas.]

10 Analyzing Practices: Investigations
Students have created a consensus model explaining the behaviors they understand about light. This model is challenged in the first part of the lesson when students are asked to make predictions from their model. Students are then prompted to plan an investigation to collect data that can be used to enhance their model. Facilitator Notes Individual Task: Allow 2-3 minutes for individuals to examine the marked sections of the Framework. Use Packet: Participants have been provided with the page of the Framework. Small Group Task: Allow 2-3 minutes for small groups to discuss their impressions. Use Group Reflection: Participants record responses in group reflection packet. Whole Group Task: Conduct a “Sharing Initial Ideas” discussion. Use Talk Moves to elicit participants reactions and responses. Review notes on the screen. Following the discussion, review the slides. Talking Points When you consider the unit as a whole, there are many practices that can be identified. From the lesson in which you physically participated, we look towards investigation. Before we simply label this lesson as “Planning and Carrying Out Investigations,” we look for guidance from the Framework on how to ensure the lesson is enabling the students to engage in the scientific practice of Planning and Carrying Out an Investigation. Let’s examine a section of the Framework and apply it to our lesson [Facilitator: click to animate]: Take a minute or two to read the marked statements. Then, as a small group, discuss: Was this present in the lesson? How? Let’s discuss your small group thoughts as a whole group. As you can see, we have identified many of the ideas in these sections. [Facilitator: click to animate this slide and the following two slides]

11 Analyzing Practices: Investigations
The students design an investigation. Students formulate questions: Does light do anything other than scatter and reflect? Does light travel through objects? Does it travel through all objects in the same amount?

12 Analyzing Practices: Investigations
Students determine what to test. Students are asked to collect materials that would be beneficial to test. Students bring in objects and select from objects available in the classroom. Students determine how to test the objects. Students call upon their past experience in the unit to decide the tools needed and required measurements.

13 At this point, what can we take away from our work regarding the Science and Engineering Practices in Three-Dimensional Learning? Facilitator Notes Whole Group Task: Conduct a “Building Understanding” discussion. Use Talk Moves to elicit participants reactions and responses. Scribe (or ask for a volunteer scribe) take-aways on Three-Dimensional Learning poster. Talking Points We stated earlier that the practices are the behaviors that scientists and engineers engage in as they investigate and design. As science educators, we are charged with enabling our students to engage in the practices of scientists and engineers at their developmental level. By introducing and analyzing practices through the exercises today, what can we take away at this point? [Allow responses from the participants.] In summary: Students engage in the practices in each lesson Students experience multiple practices throughout a unit. Students are not explicitly and independently taught the practices; instead, students learn by using the practices as they are attempting to understand the science or design a solution. Thus, practices are purposeful. Incorporating practices into the classroom is not as easy as “check” we investigated because we did a lab. Utilizing the Framework (and Appendix) are essential to understand what is intended in incorporating the practices.

14 What Are Crosscutting Concepts?
Crosscutting concepts are concepts that have application across all disciplines of science. As such, they provide a way of linking the different disciplines of science. Talking Points Crosscutting concepts have application across all disciplines of science. As such, they are a way of linking the different disciplines of science by providing ways of looking at and making sense of phenomena and/or of designing solutions to problems. Crosscutting concepts have always been a part of how scientists and engineers approach science and engineering respectfully . In practice and discussion, these concepts are a means to process what is being discovered or engineered, make sense of collected data, and connect discovery to current understanding. Furthermore, science and engineering in practice do not take place in a vacuum of one subject. The crosscutting concepts enable students to see the connections within science disciplines and between science and engineering. This is essential for science and engineering that will be experienced in college, careers, and life. The Framework emphasizes that these concepts need to be made explicit for students because they provide an organizational schema for interrelating knowledge from various science fields into a coherent and scientifically-based view of the world.

15 Seven Crosscutting Concepts
Patterns Cause and Effect Scale, Proportion, and Quantity Systems and System Models Energy and Matter Structure and Function Stability and Change Talking Points The Framework identifies seven crosscutting concepts that occur throughout the different disciplines of science. Descriptions of these crosscutting concepts and how they should be made explicit can be found in the Framework, NGSS, and the Appendix to NGSS. Show participants the resources for future reference. Framework: Chapter 4 - Dimension 2 CROSSCUTTING CONCEPTS ( NGSS: With each performance expectation, you are able to examine the relevant and related crosscutting concepts. Appendix to NGSS: Appendix G ( These seven crosscutting concepts are: Patterns; Cause and effect; Scale, proportion, and quantity; Systems and system models: Energy and matter Structure and function; and Stability and change. This set of crosscutting concepts begins with two concepts that are fundamental to the nature of science: that observed patterns can be explained and that science investigates cause-and-effect relationships by seeking the mechanisms that underlie them. The next concept—scale, proportion, and quantity—concerns the sizes of things and the mathematical relationships among dissimilar elements. The next four concepts—systems and system models, energy and matter flows, structure and function, and stability and change—are interrelated in that the first is illuminated by the other three. Each concept also stands alone as one that occurs in virtually all areas of science and is an important consideration for engineered systems as well. We are now going to view a short video that demonstrates how these crosscutting concepts can be used in Three-Dimensional learning.

16 Crosscutting Concepts
Taking Points: During this video consider the following questions: How do students benefit from understanding the Crosscutting Concepts? How do the NGSS use Crosscutting Concepts in a new way? How did the task prompt participants to use the Crosscutting Concepts? Source:

17 WEATHER Facilitator Notes
The participants were given cards when they entered to put them in groups. Each card was one of the crosscutting concepts. Assign each group one of the Crosscutting Concepts based on their earlier cards. Small Group Task: Allow 2-3 minutes for small groups to discuss their impressions. Whole Group Task: Use Talk Moves to elicit participants reactions and responses. Talking Points Think, for example, about weather, a phenomenon in nature. Within weather, there are many, many phenomena for us to understand. Lets consider these phenomena with lens of the crosscutting concepts. If needed, you may reference the one page, two-sided summary of the all three dimensions. The green section summarizes the Crosscutting Concepts. In each of your groups, use the NGSS reference sheet. Focusing on your Crosscutting Concept, how could we examine weather or some other weather phenomena through the lens of your crosscutting concept. How/why or why not? Now we will have each small group share out. Could you describe this phenomenon through the lens of: Patterns? How/why or why not? [Note to facilitator: Allow one or two participants to respond.] Cause and effect? How/why or why not? [Note to facilitator: Allow one or two participants to respond.] Scale, proportion, and quantity? How/why or why not? [Note to facilitator: Allow one or two participants to respond.] Systems and system models? How/why or why not? [Note to facilitator: Allow one or two participants to respond.] Energy and matter? How/why or why not? [Note to facilitator: Allow one or two participants to respond.] Structure and function? How/why or why not? [Note to facilitator: Allow one or two participants to respond.] Stability and change? How/why or why not? [Note to facilitator: Allow one or two participants to respond.]

18 Analyzing Crosscutting Concepts
Facilitator Notes Small Group Task: Allow 5 minutes for groups to discuss the different practices that were part of the lesson. Use Group Reflection: Participants record responses in group reflection packet. Whole Group Task: Conduct a “Sharing Initial Ideas” discussion. Use Talk Moves to elicit participants reactions and responses. Talking Points Now, take 5 minutes at your table to discuss the crosscutting concepts that were utilized in today’s lesson. To help facilitate this discussion as well: Reference the one page, two-sided summary of the all three dimensions. The green section summarizes the Crosscutting Concepts An analysis sheet has been provided to record your groups thoughts. Be prepared to share. [After 5 minutes, have a few tables share.]

19 Analyzing Crosscutting Concepts: Patterns
Students look for patterns in the objects in the way they transmit light. When looking for patterns, students observe and naturally classify the objects as some objects although a lot of light, some light, and no light to be transmitted. Facilitator Notes Individual Task: Allow 2-3 minutes for individuals to examine the marked sections of the Framework. Use Packet: Participants have been provided with the page of the Framework. Small Group Task: Allow 2-3 minutes for small groups to discuss their impressions. Use Group Reflection: Participants record responses in group reflection packet. Whole Group Task: Conduct a “Sharing Initial Ideas” discussion. Use Talk Moves to elicit participants reactions and responses. Review notes on the screen. Following the discussion, review the slides. Talking Points When you consider the unit as a whole, there are more than one crosscutting concept that could be a focus of lessons or the entire unit in order to help students build and add to their organizational schema. From the lesson in which you physically participated, we look towards patterns. Before we simply label this lesson as “Patterns,” we look for guidance from the Framework on how to ensure the lesson is enabling the students to build and add to their organizational schema with a focus on the crosscutting practice of Patterns. Let’s examine a section of the Framework and apply it to our lesson [Facilitator: click to animate]: Take a minute or two to read the marked statements. Then, as a small group, discuss: Was this present in the lesson? How? Let’s discuss your small group thoughts as a whole group. As you can see, we have identified many of the ideas in these sections. [Facilitator: click to animate this slide and the following slide]

20 Analyzing Crosscutting Concepts: Patterns
From this investigation, students ask more questions: What makes an object transmit light? Does light do anything else?

21 in Three-Dimensional Learning?
At this point, what can we take away from our work regarding the Crosscutting Concepts in Three-Dimensional Learning? Facilitator Notes Whole Group Task: Conduct a “Building Understanding” discussion. Use Talk Moves to elicit participants reactions and responses. Scribe (or ask for a volunteer scribe) take-aways on Three-Dimensional Learning poster. Talking Points We stated earlier that the crosscutting concepts are a way of linking the different disciplines of science by providing ways of looking at and making sense of phenomena and/or of designing solutions to problems. As science educators, we are charged with utilizing the crosscutting concepts within instruction. By introducing and analyzing crosscutting concepts through the exercises today, what can we take away at this point? [Allow responses from the participants.] In summary: Students are able to use crosscutting concepts to create connections. Students are able to use crosscutting concepts to make sense of phenomenon they are investigating. Crosscutting concepts need to be made explicit in the instruction. The crosscutting concepts have been a part of science. The difference is that they are now part of each performance expectation, an equal part of the three dimensions, and a means to create coherence. Utilizing the Framework (and Appendix) are essential to understand what is intended in incorporating the crosscutting concepts.

22 What Are Disciplinary Core Ideas?
Disciplinary core ideas are the big ideas of science that provide scientists and engineers with the concepts and foundations to make sense of phenomena and/or design solutions to problems. Talking Points Disciplinary core ideas are the big ideas—the most important aspects—of science that provide scientists and engineers with the concepts and the foundations to make sense of phenomena and/or to design solutions to problems. They can be used to focus K–12 science curriculum, instruction, and assessments on the most important aspects of science.

23 Criteria for Core Ideas
Have broad importance across multiple sciences or engineering disciplines or be a key organizing concept of a single discipline;  Provide a key tool for understanding or investigating more complex ideas and solving problems; Relate to the interests and life experiences of students or be connected to societal or personal concerns that require scientific or technological knowledge; Be teachable and learnable over multiple grades at increasing levels of depth and sophistication. Talking Points According to the Framework, to be considered core, the ideas must meet at least two of the following criteria and ideally all four: Have broad importance across multiple  sciences or engineering disciplines or be a key organizing concept of a single discipline;  Provide a key tool for understanding or investigating more complex ideas and solving problems; Relate to the interests and life experiences of students or be connected to societal or personal concerns that require scientific or technological knowledge; Be teachable and learnable over multiple grades at increasing levels of depth and sophistication. Disciplinary core ideas are grouped in four disciplines: The physical sciences; The life sciences; The earth and space sciences; and Engineering, technology, and applications of science.

24 What Are the Core Ideas in . . .?
PHYSICAL SCIENCE Matter & Its Interactions Motion & Stability: Forces & Interactions Energy Waves & Their Applications in Technologies for Information Transfer Talking Points The physical sciences include four core ideas: Matter and its interactions Motion and stability: forces and interactions Energy Waves and their applications in technologies for information transfer

25 What Are the Core Ideas in . . .?
LIFE SCIENCES From Molecules to Organisms: Structures & Processes Ecosystems: Interactions, Energy, & Dynamics Heredity: Inheritance & Variation of Traits Biological Evolution: Unity & Diversity Talking Points The life sciences include four core ideas as well: From molecules to organisms: structures and processes Ecosystems: interactions, energy, and dynamics Heredity: inheritance and variation of traits Biological evolution: unity and diversity

26 What Are the Core Ideas in . . .?
EARTH & SPACE SCIENCES Earth’s Place in the Universe Earth’s Systems Earth & Human Activity Talking Points The earth sciences include three core ideas: Earth’s place in the universe Earth’s systems Earth and human activity

27 What Are the Core Ideas in . . .?
ENGINEERING, TECHNOLOGY, & APPLICATIONS OF SCIENCE Engineering Design Links Among Engineering, Technology, Science, & Society Talking Points Engineering, technology, and the applications of science include two core ideas: Engineering design Links among engineering, technology, science, and society

28 Disciplinary Core Ideas
Taking Points During this video consider the following questions: What are the disciplinary core ideas? How are the Disciplinary Core Ideas used differently than content has been in the past? How do Disciplinary Core Ideas progress through grades? Source:

29 Analyzing Disciplinary Core Ideas
Talking Points Which of the following DCI was present in the lesson and/or unit we sampled today? Today’s lesson was focused on the PS4: Waves and Their Application in Technologies for Information Transfer. [Facilitator: click to animate] In order to understand light waves, can you foresee any other Disciplinary Core Ideas that may be relevant? Use your reference sheet in your packet. [Allow responses from the participants.] Energy (Light Energy and Thermal Energy) Structure & Properties of Matter (Depending on the properties of the object, light interacts in different ways.) Large-Scale Systems in Earth (Seismic Waves)

30 Analyzing Disciplinary Cores Ideas: Light
Talking Points From the lesson in which you physically participated, we look towards PS4.B: Electromagnetic Radiation. How do we know the essence of what the students are supposed to discover? We look towards the Framework to guide our understanding of the Disciplinary Core Idea. And, we look Let’s examine a section of the Framework and apply it to our lesson. We will focus on the particular grade band related to the lesson.

31 Analyzing the Disciplinary Core Ideas: Light
Analyzing Disciplinary Cores Ideas: Light Analyzing the Disciplinary Core Ideas: Light Previous to this lesson, the students have learned that light is reflected and scattered. Through this lesson, students come to understand that light is transmitted. Students begin to ask questions which will lead to absorption of light. Facilitator Notes Individual Task: Allow 2-3 minutes for individuals to examine the marked sections of the Framework. Use Packet: Participants have been provided with the page of the Framework. Small Group Task: Allow 2-3 minutes for small groups to discuss their impressions. Use Group Reflection: Participants record responses in group reflection packet. Whole Group Task: Conduct a “Sharing Initial Ideas” discussion. Use Talk Moves to elicit participants reactions and responses. Review notes on the screen. Talking Points Let’s look to the framework for more details. Let’s examine a section of the Framework and apply it to our lesson [Facilitator: click to animate]: Take a minute or two to read the marked statement. Then, as a small group, discuss: Was this present in the lesson? How? Let’s discuss your small group thoughts as a whole group. As you can see, we have identified many of the ideas in these sections. [Facilitator: click to animate]

32 Analyzing the Disciplinary Core Ideas: Light
Analyzing Disciplinary Cores Ideas: Light Analyzing the Disciplinary Core Ideas: Light Physical Science Progression INCREASING SOPHISTICATION OF STUDENT THINKING K-2 3-5 6-8 9-12 PS4.B Electromagnetic radiation Objects can be seen only when light is available to illuminate them. Object can be seen when light reflected from their surface enters our eyes. The construct of a wave is used to model how light interacts with objects. Both an electromagnetic wave model and a photon model explain features of electromagnetic radiation broadly and describe common applications of electromagnetic radiation. Talking Points Another useful document for understnading the progression of the Disciplinary Core Ideas is Appendix E: Progressions Within the Next Generation Science Standards ( Read the statement that is marked. [Facilitator: click to animate] From looking at this document, we can see that we are on track and we can see what comes before and after as well. From: APPENDIX E – Progressions Within the Next Generation Science Standards

33 in Three-Dimensional Learning?
At this point, what can we take away from our work regarding the Disciplinary Core Ideas in Three-Dimensional Learning? Facilitator Notes Whole Group Task: Conduct a “Building Understanding” discussion. Use Talk Moves to elicit participants reactions and responses. Scribe (or ask for a volunteer scribe) take-aways on Three-Dimensional Learning poster. Talking Points We stated earlier that the disciplinary ideas are the big ideas—the most important aspects—of science that provide scientists and engineers with the concepts and the foundations to make sense of phenomena and/or to design solutions to problems. As science educators, we are charged with enabling our students to engage in the practices of scientists and engineers at their developmental level in order to learn the science or engineer the design. By introducing and analyzing a disciplinary core idea through the exercises today, what can we take away at this point? [Allow responses from the participants.] In summary: Disciplinary Core Ideas have broad importance across multiple sciences or engineering disciplines. Thus to understand one phenomenon multiple disciplinary cores may be incorporated. Disciplinary Core Ideas are a key organizing concept of a single discipline;  Disciplinary Cores Ideas build in a progression over the k-12 experience. Students learn the core ideas through the use of the practices and crosscutting concepts. Utilizing the Framework and Appendix are essential to understand what is intended in incorporating the disciplinary core ideas.

34 Session 2 Reflection What does “THREE-DIMENSIONAL LEARNING” look like?
What are some ways the eight “PRACTICES” help teachers and students make sense of phenomena and/or to design solutions to problems? What are some ways the seven “CROSSCUTTING CONCEPTS” provide ways of looking at phenomena across different science disciplines? What criteria characterize “CORE IDEAS” and help focus K-12 science curriculum, instruction, and assessments on the most important aspects of science? Facilitator Notes Individual Task: Allow 5 minutes for individuals to reflect Use Packet: Participants have been provided with reflection page. Talking Points In order to implement NGSS into the classroom and use the EQuIP Rubric to examine and evaluate NGSS lessons and units, it’s imperative that we have a common understanding of the concepts of practices, disciplinary core ideas, and crosscutting concepts as they relate to the Framework. Look back at the questions we began with in this segment.  Where are you now in terms of being able to respond to these questions with confidence? Take 5 minutes to jot down your reflections and your take-a-ways from this segment: Where are you now in terms of being able to respond to these four questions with confidence? Has your thinking changed as a result of this segment? What did you hear that was new? What’s still rolling around in your head that you need to know more about? [After 5 minutes, ask a few people to share their reflections. Use Talk Moves.] As we conclude this first Session, keep in mind that practices, disciplinary core ideas, and crosscutting concepts do not function in isolation. The key shift in NGSS is three-dimensional learning.  That is, lessons and units where practices, disciplinary core ideas, and crosscutting concepts work together to help students make sense of phenomena or to design solutions to problems.   We’ll talk more about three-dimensional learning in a subsequent segment. If you would like more information about the NGSS & Framework, visit the NGSS website: Keep in mind that you may wish to refer to the handout from Session One when you begin to use the rubric itself.

35 Revisiting Our Driving Question Board
Facilitator Notes Whole Group Task: Revisit the DQB. Use Talk Moves to elicit participants reactions and responses. Talking Points At this point, we are going to revisit the Driving Question Board. [Facilitator: click to animate] Are any of the questions that you placed on the board answered at this point in our professional development? Similar to the students, what artifact could we attach to the question?

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