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Film Genre Notes Action-Adventure

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1 Film Genre Notes Action-Adventure

2 Action-Adventure Genre
traceable in literature all the way back to Beowulf. the Western is arguably the first real action film genre.

3 Westerns vs. Action-Adventure
Western focused on taming nature or the natural inhabitants Today’s Action-Adventure is more about wars over oil reserves, mineral deposits and preservation of homeland security. The modern movie has given way to spreading democracy and clashing against diverse religious doctrines.

4 Westerns vs. Action-Adventure Continued
Gunslingers, Indians, and swindling town mayors are replaced by serial killers, egomaniacal dictators, suicidal terrorists, and corrupt corporate CEOs.

5 Westerns vs. Action-Adventure Continued
Star Wars follows the typical Western, yet blends seamlessly with the modern war theme. The television Star Trek ( ) was first pitched to network executives as Wagon Train in Space.

6 Action vs. Adventure The term action-adventure is widely used to label both action and adventure films; however, there are important differences between the two genres.

7 Action Movies Contain Violence – whether with fist, knife, or gun
Enormous explosions Car crashes Nearly impossible on-foot pursuits

8 Action Hero Generally the hero gets in a predicament he must escape.
There’s a female involved in some way. There’s a wicked, unrelenting villain. Most stories are contemporary (modern) in nature.

9 Adventure Movies Focus on larger than life heroes exploring and conquering exotic lands in predicaments linked to greater world conflicts and consequences. Portray a hero, generally a male, with a female needing rescuing from a perilous predicament.

10 Adventure Movies Continued
In its purest rendition, the adventure genre embraces stories from history and mythology. Hollywood uses action-adventure films as the primary source for their tentpole movies: big-budget films released during the summer months and marketed to the widest audience possible. This approach means big bucks for the studios

11 Popular Action-Adventure Sub-Genres
Science fiction – Star Wars ( ), X-Men ( ), Transformers (2007) Fantasy – Lord of the Rings ( ), Spiderman trilogy ( ) Suspense – Bourne ( ), Mission Impossible ( ) Disaster – Titanic (1997), The Day After Tomorrow (2004)

12 Top Box Office Action-Adventure Franchises
Star Wars – science fiction Jurassic Park – science fiction The Lord of the Rings – fantasy Harry Potter – fantasy Die Hard – thriller James Bond – thriller Indiana Jones – adventure

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