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2 North Avant Expansion 325 328 Bring 325 and 328 in on clicks

3 #325 #328

4 The effect of 325 and 328 on production
North Avant Expansion 55 BOPD x 850 BWPD Add in production text box “ 4 Hz Wells” The effect of 325 and 328 on production

5 North Avant Expansion 8 36 325 328 Bring 8 and 36 in on clicks

6 #8 #36

7 The effect of 36 on production
North Avant Expansion 85 BOPD x 1200 BWPD Add to production text box 6 Hz Wells The effect of 36 on production

8 North Avant Expansion 36 8 325 328

9 #8 Re-Drill

10 Production after re-drilling 8
North Avant Expansion 110 BOPD x 1500 BWPD Add to text box 6 HZ Wells Production after re-drilling 8

11 Avant Expansion Conclusion
2 new vertical wells: Re-drilled horizontal 4 old wells (95+ years): Plugged back and drilled horizontal 1 old well: Plugged back and re-drilled horizontal

12 Workshop Summary Team approach Understand depositional environment
Computer model reservoir to determine economics of horizontal wells Determine completion requirements Design horizontal drilling program to satisfy completion requirements

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