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September 20 & 23.

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1 September 20 & 23

2 FANBOYS (warm-up) A coordinating conjunction is characterized by having an independent clause (subject and verb) on both sides of the coordinating conjunction. Be sure to put a comma before the coordinating conjunction. Subject + verb, [coordinating conjunction] subject + verb. Example: I want to travel to Italy. I have no money. -> I want to travel to Italy, but I have no money. FOR AND NOR BUT OR YET SO

3 FANBOYS PRACTICE Combine these sentences:
Julie bought her mom a sweater. Her mother loved it. You could take a cruise through the Mediterranean. You could take a plane to Greece. I wanted to backpack through Europe last summer. My mom told me I couldn’t. Jill spent all her money at the GAP sale. She went back the next day for more bargains. Bryan didn’t have enough money to fly to Boston. He took a train instead.

4 Practice Outlining I. A. B. C. D. II. 1. 2. 1. 2. 3.
3. Organize the following list. Then put the items correctly into the skeleton outline. Put each item in its correct position. Skiing Boots Snowplow turns Clothing Jumping Skis Equipment Downhill technique Going straight downhill Poles Turning Chairlifts Gloves Christie turns Parkas Ski lifts Ski pants T-bar lifts

5 Answer Key I. A. Skiing B. Equipment / Clothing C. Lifts D. Technique II. A. Equipment 1. Skis 2. Poles B. Clothing 1. Boots / Gloves 2. Ski Pants /Parkas 1. Chair 2. T-bar 1. Downhill technique 2. Going straight downhill 3. Christie turns

6 Outline for your first paper…
A. Introduction Strong thesis statement where you state your position clearly (for or against) B. Reason 1 (from thesis) Evidence to support / clear details C. Reason 2 (from thesis) Specific observations with clear details D. Conclusion Final thoughts on the quote

7 Thesis Statements tells the reader how you will interpret the significance of the subject matter under discussion. is a road map for the paper; in other words, it tells the reader what to expect from the rest of the paper. directly answers the question asked of you. A thesis is an interpretation of a question or subject, not the subject itself. The subject, or topic, of an essay might be World War II or Moby Dick; a thesis must then offer a way to understand the war or the novel. makes a claim that others might dispute. is usually a single sentence somewhere in your first paragraph that presents your argument to the reader. The rest of the paper, the body of the essay, gathers and organizes evidence that will persuade the reader of the logic of your interpretation. "College of Arts and Sciences." The Writing Center. University of North Carolina, n.d. Web. 20 Sept

8 Thesis Statement Cont…
Your thesis statement will need to address your quote (or quick write) and your position. Example: Katherine Hepburn once stated that “if you obey all the rules, you miss all the fun;” I strongly agree / disagree with this statement because… As is currently the case, juniors are not allowed off campus; I agree / disagree with this policy because…

9 Practice organizing your thoughts…
Look at one of your quick writes or your quote from the packet. Your thesis should be the statement where you agreed or disagreed and provided a reason why. Using that sentence, write down two or three more reasons why you are for or against the prompt/quote. Now let’s write out a detailed outline. Using a similar outline to the practice. Introduction¶ attention grabber and thesis Body: 2nd / 3rd / 4th ¶ your claims with specific, strong evidence Conclusion ¶ wrap up thoughts (call to action)

10 Jump on it… Write out a detailed outline for your persuasive essay.
Make sure… You’re including your specific, persuasive pieces of evidence. You’re evidence is sufficient enough to persuade your audience.

11 C-E-C Paragraph Development
CLAIM: Topic sentence. What is the claim of your paragraph and what do you want to say about that claim? EVIDENCE: List evidence to support your claim. What information, details, quotations, examples will you include to support your claim? COMMENTARY: Write sentences to explain, comment, and expand upon the evidence, showing how it connects to and supports the idea you stated in your claim (topic sentence). All of your body paragraphs must connect back to your thesis.

12 Don’t forget the rhetorical appeals
How are you going to establish your ethos? Why are you credible? Are you going to appeal to pathos? How so? Factual information always aids a persuasive essay, in this case we’re using your personal observations and experiences.

13 Hammer time When you finish, get your outline approved by me and begin writing your rough draft. It’s due next class. Make sure… You’re appealing to your audience You’re appealing to ethos, pathos, and logos You’re using the C-E-C method of paragraph development

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