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SS 2018 Software Verification FOL to ML

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1 SS 2018 Software Verification FOL to ML
Prof. Dr. Holger Schlingloff 1,2 Dr. Esteban Pavese 1 (1) Institut für Informatik der Humboldt Universität (2) Fraunhofer Institut für offene Kommunikationssysteme FOKUS

2 Quick recap Complexity of PL satisfiability?
Complexity of PL validity? Is the PL calculus correct and complete? What is a derivation in PL? Translation from sequential circuits into PL? What is a resolution proof in PL? Syntax of FOL? FOL vs. PL – commonalities and differences? Semantics of FOL?

3 Recap: FOL Syntax New syntactic elements as compared to PL
R is a set of relation symbols, where each pR has an arity nN0 V is a denumerable set of first-order (or individual) variables Usually, V={x, y, z, x1, x2, …} (if not stated otherwise) An atomic formula is p(x1,…,xn), where pR is n-ary and (x1,…,xn)Vn. O-ary (constant) relations are called propositions, unary relations are called predicates Syntax of (pure) first-order logic FOL ::= R (Vn) |  | (FOL  FOL) | V FOL Remark: There is no law which prohibits “empty” quantifiers, e.g., x p(y,z) Remark: if all predicates are propositions, then FOL = PL (only empty quantifiers occur, e.g., x (p()  (q()  y p()))

4 FOL: Models Here, we give the semantics for pure FOL First-Order Model
Let a universe U be some nonempty set Interpretation I: assignment R ↦ Un in particular, I(r)  U U for binary rR I(p)  U for unary pR for 0-ary p ? Valuation V: assignment V ↦ U Model M: (U,I,V) Example: R ={even, <, =}; U ={1,2,3} I1(even)={2}, I1(<)={(1,2),(1,3),(2,3)}, I1(=)={(1,1),(2,2),(3,3)}. I2(even)={1,2,3}, I2(<)={(1,2),(2,3),(3,1)}, I2(=)={(1,1),(2,2),(3,3),(1,2)}. V(x)=1, V(y)=2

5 FOL: Semantics Given a model M: (U,I,V), the value xM of variable xV is xM=V(x) Likewise, the validation relation ⊨ between model M and formula  M ⊨ p(x1,…,xn) if (x1M,…, xnM)I(p) M ⊭ ; M ⊨ () if M ⊨  implies M ⊨  M ⊨x if M‘ ⊨ for some M‘ which differs at most in V(x) from M Validity and satisfiability is defined as in the propositional case Some examples, e.g., M1 ?⊨ y (even(x)  x<y) M2 ?⊨ y (even(x)  x<y)

6 More Examples ⊨ x  x  ⊨ x   x   x (  )
⊨ x y   y x  ⊨ x   [x:=t] where t is any first-order variable in the signature and [x:=t] denotes the formula  where each occurrence of x is replaced by t. If ⊨ , then ⊨ x 

7 Extending FOL with Types and Functions
As „syntactic sugar“, we introduce types and functions. Let again V be a (denumerable) set of (first-order) variables, where each variable has a type DD (written as x:D) (for any type, there is an unlimited supply of variables of that type) The notions Term and Atomic Formula AtF are defined recursively: each variable of type D is a term of type D if f is an n-ary function symbol of type (D1,…Dn,Dn+1) and t1, …, tn are terms of type D1, …, Dn, then f(t1,…,tn) is a term of type Dn+1 if p is an n-ary relation symbol of type (D1,…Dn) and t1, …, tn are terms of type D1, …, Dn, then p(t1,…,tn) is an atomic formula Syntax of first-order logic with types and functions FOL ::= AtF |  | (FOL  FOL) | V:D FOL

8 Extended FOL: Models Now, we extend the semantics
First-order model with types Let a universe U be some nonempty set, and let DU  U for every DD be the domain of D Interpretation I: assignment F ↦ Un R ↦ Un Valuation V: assignment V ↦ U interpretations and valuations must respect typing Model M: (U,I,V)

9 Extended FOL: Semantics
Given a model M: (U,I,V), the value tM of term t (of type D) can be defined inductively if t=xV, then tM=V(x) if t=f(t1,…,tn) , then tM=I(f)(t1M,…,tnM) Likewise, the validation relation ⊨ between model M and formula  M ⊨ p(t1,…,tn) if (t1M,…,tnM)I(p) M ⊭ ; M ⊨ () if M ⊨  implies M ⊨  M ⊨x if M‘ ⊨ for some M‘ which differs at most in V(x) from M Some examples

10 FOL: Calculus A sound and complete axiom system for FOL:
all substitution instances of axioms of PL modus ponens: , () ⊢  ⊢((x:=t)x) instantiation () ⊢(x) if x doesn‘t occur in  particularization Relaxation: particularization may be applied if there is no free occurrence of x in ; i.e., x may occur in  inside the scope of a quantification

11 FOL: Completeness As in the propositional case, correctness is easy (⊢  ⊨, “every derivable formula is valid”) Completeness (⊨  ⊢, “every valid formula is derivable”) follows with a similar proof as previously: given a consistent formula, construct a model satisfying it ~⊢¬  ~⊨¬ Extension lemma: If Φ is a finite consistent set of formulæ and  is any formula, then Φ{} or Φ{¬} is consistent Needs additionally: If Φ is any consistent set of formulæ and x is a formula in Φ, then Φ{(t)} is consistent for any term t From this, a canonical model can be constructed as before

12 FOL: Expressiveness Consider the formula
xyz ((p(x, y) ∧ p(y, z)) → p(x, z)) ∧ x ¬p(x, x) ∧ x y p(x, y) This formula is satisfiable only in infinite models FOL cannot express equality x=y p (p(x)  p(y)) (Leibnitz’ extensionality) Usually: take “=“ as a new, special predicate with fixed interpretation (FOL=)

13 Modal logics – a motivation
Introduced by C. I. Lewis ( ) in 1910 Critique on the concept of variables in formalizations of language Actually Aristotle had already discussed about syllogistic logic being too absolute; he wondered about the consequences of potentiallity and time Main drive behind MLs in the 1960s Influencial people: Saul Kripke (1940-), Jaako Hintikka ( ) Arthus Prior (1957): Interpretation of modal as temporal operators Amir Pnueli (1977, 1996 Turing Award) proposed the use of a particular ML (temporal logic) for formalising concurrent software behaviour

14 Modal logics – a motivation
C. I. Lewis (and others) had problems with the material conditional A B A  B T F

15 Modal logics – a motivation
C. I. Lewis (and others) had problems with the material conditional Transitivity {A  B, B  C} ⊢ A  C A B A  B T F

16 Modal logics – a motivation
C. I. Lewis (and others) had problems with the material conditional Transitivity {A  B, B  C} ⊢ A  C Distinguish between material implication and necessary implication? A B A  B T F If James Bond was Russian, he would spy for Russia 👍 If James Bond spies for Russia, he would be a traitor to the Crown 👍 If James Bond was Russian, he would be a traitor to the Crown 🤔

17 Modal logics – a motivation
C. I. Lewis (and others) had problems with the material conditional Monotonicity (Left-strengthening) A  C ⊢ (A  B)  C A B A  B T F

18 Modal logics – a motivation
C. I. Lewis (and others) had problems with the material conditional Monotonicity (Left-strengthening) A  C ⊢ (A  B)  C If I put Ketchup in my Bratwurst, it tastes great 👍 If I put Ketchup and curry in my Bratwurst, it tastes great 💩 (*) (*) Yeah, I hate Currywurst! A B A  B T F Talk also about negation of implication (courtroom example)

19 Modal logics – a motivation
Dorothy Edgington (*1941) famously “proved” God’s existence If God does not exist, then it is not the case that when I pray, the prayer is answered ¬G  ¬(P  A) Ok, so I don’t pray ¬P But! {¬G  ¬(P  A), ¬P} ⊢ G If I don’t pray, God exists! 😱

20 A question of necessity
Essentially, there is a deep difference between an absolute necessity (material implication), a contingent necessity, and a possibility “All men are mortal. Socrates is a man. Socrates is mortal” (absolute) “Nothing can travel faster than the speed of light” (contingent on the laws of nature) “If it rains, I get wet” (possibility)

21 Modal logic syntax ML is an extension of PL with an additional modal possibility operator noted ◊ Assume again a set of propositions P (i.e., a signature) Formulae are built inductively: ML ::= p |  | (ML  ML) | ◊ ML Dual operator necessity: □φ = ◊φ Formulas, e.g., (□□p  ◊□p) Which formulas are “valid”? (□p  ◊p) (□p  p) (p  □p)

22 Kripke Models A Kripke model is a tupel M=(U,R,I,w), where
U is a non-empty set, the universe of „possible worlds“, R  UU is the accessibility relation, where world v is accessible from world u whenever uRv holds, I: is the interpretation function mapping each proposition pP to the set of worlds where it is true, and wU is the initial (or current) world. Some authors call M=(U,R,I) a Kripke structure, and note the current world separately (i.e., M,w⊨ ). The graph described by (U,R) is sometimes called the frame of the Kripke model, or a Kripke frame.

23 Modal logic – Kripke models
Example M=(U,R,I,s0), where U ={s0,s1,s2,s3} R={(s0,s1), (s1,s2), (s1,s3), (s2,s3), (s3,s2), (s3,s3)} I(p) ={s0,s1} I(q) ={s0,s1,s3} I(r) ={s0,s2,s3}

24 Modal logic – Satisfiability
Recall W is a set of worlds. A formula may be true in some world in a frame, but false in another world. The satisfiability definition must take into account Let M=(U,R,I,s0) M ⊨ p if s0 I(p) M ⊭  M ⊨ () if M ⊨  implies M ⊨  M ⊨ ◊  if there exists an s1U such that (U,R,I,s1) ⊨  (U,R,I) ⊨  if for every sU we have (U,R,I,s) ⊨  (U,R) ⊨  if for every interpretation I we have (U,R,I) ⊨  Some examples…

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