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WASC Leadership Team.

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Presentation on theme: "WASC Leadership Team."— Presentation transcript:

1 WASC Leadership Team

2 What was your first experience in a leadership role?
Grounding Jahaira What was your first experience in a leadership role?

3 Setting the Context: PURPOSE
Setting expectations/norms and built-in limitations for this Leadership Team Sharing of the WASC timeline OUTCOMES: Finalize the Vision Mission & Schoolwide Learner Outcome Next Leadership Team Meeting: June 9th Aug 8 (tentative) Tinajero/Watanabe

4 What does the leadership team do?
The Leadership Team Creates and Manages the WASC Process Watanabe or CHE? It helps make final decisions based on all of the DATA from our Self-Study

5 Expectations/norms & Built-in limitations
Share within the time limits All members are engaged LIMITATIONS: Budget Time Di Pietro can present

6 WASC timeline Tinajero

Group Review and Finalization DATA found on: Read Around (5 groups and 5 Versions of Vision/Mission Statements) Each group votes for the Vision/Mission

Results are based on the feedback of all shareholders (students/teachers/parents) from online survey from May 28- May 30th Based on 2203 Responses form our 2639 Student Population On the 9th we must look at bullets, are they measurable….?

9 UPCOMING MEETINGS: June 9th August 8th
-Finalize Schoolwide Learner Outcome -Refine Perception Surveys -Review & Revise Chapters 1-2 UPCOMING MEETINGS: June 9th August 8th

10 Cascading Message What do you take away from this meeting?

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