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ASU MAT 591 Image Processing Science and Robotic Vision Rod Pickens Principal Research Engineer Lockheed Martin, Incorporated.

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Presentation on theme: "ASU MAT 591 Image Processing Science and Robotic Vision Rod Pickens Principal Research Engineer Lockheed Martin, Incorporated."— Presentation transcript:

1 ASU MAT 591 Image Processing Science and Robotic Vision Rod Pickens Principal Research Engineer Lockheed Martin, Incorporated

2 Signals and Processing
Analog and discrete signals Dimensionality of signals 1-D signals Sounds (temporal), echocardiogram, seismic signal 2-D signals (this presentation) Images (spatial) 3-D signals Video sequences of images (spatial and temporal) Signal processing Synthesize and analyze signals Filter signals using low-pass, band-pass, and high-pass filter Modify signals such as warp, delay, stretch, rotate, shrink, … Restore and enhance signals Recognize patterns and detect signals

3 Signal Processing: Now
Animal Robotic Touch Touch Vision Vision Taste Taste Hearing Hearing Smell Smell

4 The Processing Analogy

5 Analysis and Synthesis of Light
Fourier Synthesis White Light In Fourier Analysis White Light Out Inverse Functions

6 Fourier Transforms are Inverse Functions

7 Inverse Functions Derivative Inv Fourier Trans Inv Radon Trans
Warp Correction Integral Fourier Transform Radon Transform Warp Data

8 Filtering White Light In Red Light Out
Filtering removes all but red colors Red Light Out

9 Television Television Stations 3, 5, 6, 13, 15, … Channel 6 Television
Filtering removes all but Channel 6 Channel 6

10 Television Television Stations 3, 5, 6, 13, 15, … Channel 15
Filtering removes all but Channel 15 Channel 15

11 Radio Radio Stations Radio Stations 91.5, 96.9, 100.7 Station 100.7
Filtering removes all but Station 100.7

12 Radio Radio Stations Radio Stations 91.5, 96.9, 100.7 Station 96.9
Filtering removes all but Station 96.9

13 Scene of a Room: walls, books, desks, chairs, windows,…
Vision Scene of a Room: walls, books, desks, chairs, windows,… Robot vision Book Filtering removes all but a book

14 Scene of a Room: walls, books, desks, chairs, windows,…
Vision Scene of a Room: walls, books, desks, chairs, windows,… Scene of a Room Robot vision Table Filtering removes all but a table

15 Graphics to build a scene
Synthesis Descriptor of scene is D(w) All Room Contents Scene of a Room

16 Filter that eliminates less important data.
Data compression Signal Filter that eliminates less important data. Approximation of Signal

17 Filter that eliminates less important data.
Data compression goal Signal Approximation of Signal Filter that eliminates less important data.

18 An Example of a Processing Architecture

19 The Example Architecture
Data Format Format Correct Errors Communications Correct Errors Preprocess Preprocess Normalize Remove Noise Remove Distortions Restore Remove Sensor Effects Restore Analyze Decompose Signals Analyze Recognize Label Signals Recognize Descriptions Will Discuss in more detail!

20 Preprocess Data Format Correct Errors Preprocess Preprocess Restore
Normalize Remove Noise Remove Distortions Analyze Recognize Descriptions

21 Fourier Based Noise Filtering
Noisy Input Image Fourier Analysis Mostly Noise so is Zeroed Clearer Output Image Mostly Signal Fourier Synthesis and Filter the Noise Fourier Transform From Jason Plumb at

22 Filtering and Enhancing Data
Math to follow From Mathworks homepage at

23 Filtering: Analysis Image Analysis

24 Filtering: Removing Noise
Image Filtering: removes noise

25 Filtering: Synthesis Image Synthesis Enhanced

26 Filtering Enhanced Filtering: removes noise Image Synthesis Analysis

27 Enhancing the Data: Linear map
I2 = m* I1 Enhance (stretch) Using Linear Mapping I=Intensity I1 p(I1) Input Image Intensity Histogram I2 p(I2) Output Image Intensity Histogram (more contrast)

28 Warping data Suppose we have unwanted camera motion.
From Mathworks homepage at

29 We can correct motion errors if we know motion model.
Warping data We can correct motion errors if we know motion model. From Mathworks homepage at

30 Warping data From Mathworks homepage at

31 Warping Correction is an Inverse Function

32 Linear Algebra to Flip x1 y1 x2 y2

33 Linear Algebra to Flip x1 y1 x1 x2 x2=- x1 y1 y2 y2=y1 x2 y2

34 Linear Algebra to Flip y1 I(x1,y1) y2 y2=y1 x1 y1 x2 x2 y2 x1 x2=- x1

35 Linear Algebra to Flip y1 I(x1,y1) y2 y2=y1 x1 y1 x2 y2 x1 x2=- x1 x2

36 Linear Algebra to Flip y1 I(x1,y1) y2 y2=y1 x1 y1 x2 y2 y2 y2 y2 x1
x2=- x1 x2 x2 x2 x2 I(x2,y2)=I(f(x1),g(y1))

37 Linear Algebra to Flip y1 y1 y1=y2 x1 y2 x1 y2 x2 x1=- x2 x2 I(x2,y2)

38 Linear Algebra to Flip y1 I(f-1(x2), g-1(y2)) y1 y1=y2 x1 y2 x1 y2 x2
x1=- x2 x2 I(x2,y2)

39 Linear Algebra to Flip y1 y2 y2=y1 x1 y1 x2 y2 x1 x2=- x1 x2 I (x2,y2)
I (x1,y1)=I(f-1(x2), g-1(y2)) y2 y2=y1 x1 y1 x2 y2 x1 x2=- x1 x2 I (x2,y2)

40 Linear Algebra to Flip and Shrink
y1 x1 y2 x2

41 Linear Algebra to Flip and Shrink
y1 y2 y2 = -0.5 * y1 x1 y1 x2 y2 x2 = 0.5 * x1 x1 x2

42 Correcting warped data (camera motion)
If we can determine f(), g(), f-1(), and g-1(), then we can correct camera motion! From Mathworks homepage at

43 Restoration Data Format Correct Errors Preprocess Restore Restore
Remove Sensor Effects Analyze Recognize Descriptions

44 Restoring data for smear, optics,…
From Mathworks homepage at Smear and optics can be viewed as filters that can degrade an image! Uses Linear Systems Theory Next

45 Restoring data for smear, optics,…
From Mathworks homepage at Restoration Uses Linear Systems Theory Next

46 Restoration: Analysis
Image Analysis

47 Filtering: Removing Smear
Image Smr-1(wx,wy) is a filter that removes smear or restores the original object.

48 Filtering Smear inverted as a filter
Image Object Image Restored to best look like original Object

49 Restoring data for smear, optics,…
From Mathworks homepage at Uses Linear Systems Theory Image(wx,wy) Next

50 Restoring data for smear, optics,…
From Mathworks homepage at Smr(wx,wy)*Image(wx,wy) Uses Linear Systems Theory Image(wx,wy) Next

51 Restoring data for smear, optics,…
From Mathworks homepage at Smr(wx,wy)*Image(wx,wy) Uses Linear Systems Theory Image(wx,wy) *Smr-1(wx,wy)* Smr(wx,wy) Image(wx,wy)= Image(wx,wy) *1(wx,wy ) Image(wx,wy)

52 Synthesis and Analysis
Data Format Correct Errors Preprocess Restore Synthesize Analyze Analyze Recognize Descriptions Decompose / Compose Signals - Transforms: Fourier, SVD, Wavelets - Statistical Analysis: parametric and non-parametric

53 Fourier Transform Fourier Synthesis White Light In White Light Out
Fourier Analysis White Light Out

54 Fourier Transform Magnitude Phase
From Wolfram homepage at Magnitude Phase

55 Radon Transform From Mathworks homepage at

56 Wavelet Transform From Wolfram homepage at

57 Many kinds of transforms
Common Transforms Fourier Discrete fourier Cosine Sine Hough Hadamard Slant Karhunen-Loeve Fast KL SVD Sinusoidal Many kinds of transforms

58 Statistics From Mathworks homepage at

59 Recognition Data Format Correct Errors Preprocess Restore Analyze
Recognize Recognize Descriptions Label Signals - Signal Detection - Pattern Recognition - Artificial Intelligence

60 * Features are mathematical measurements
Pattern Recognition Analysis * Features are mathematical measurements Class 2 (rose) Class 1 (daisy) Feature 1 Feature 1 Class 3 (sun flower) Feature 2 * Feature 2 Transforms: Fourier, Wavelet, … Statistics: mean, st. dev, … Shape: Fourier, Hough, Moments Texture: Cooccurrence, Eigen Filters, … Analysis Tools Features Feature 1: Hough measure Feature 2: 3rd Eigen Filter Classification Bayesian Neural nets Nearest neighbors Linear

61 Mathematical Decisions
Class 1 is z f2 z z z z z z o How do we separate the classes? z z z o z z z o z o o z z o o o o o o f1 o o o o o o o Class 2 is o

62 Mathematical Decisions
Class 1 is z f2 z z z z z z o z z z o z z Linear decision z o z o o z z o o o o o o f1 o o o o o o o Class 2 is o

63 Mathematical Decision
Class 1 is z f2 z z z z z z o z z z o z z Linear decision z o z o o z z o o o o o o f1 o o o o o o o Class 2 is o

64 Mathematical Decision
Class 1 is z f2 z z z z z z o z z z o z z Quadratic decision z o z o o z z o o o o o o f1 o o o o o o o Class 2 is o

65 Mathematical Decision
Class 1 is z f2 z z z z z z z z z z z z z z z f1

66 Mathematical Decision
f2 o o o o o o o o o o f1 o o o o o o o Class 2 is o

67 Mathematical Decision
Class 1 is z f2 z z z z z z o z z z o z z z o z o o -1 3 z z o o o o o o f1 o o o o o o o Class 2 is o

68 Isolate Object: Segmentation
Analysis Synthesis From Mathworks homepage at

69 Analyze Object: Features
- Length - Width - Contour - Orientation - Edges Skeleton - Texture Details - Intensity From Mathworks homepage at

70 Matched Filtering (registration)
Input Image or Iin(x,y) From Mathworks homepage at

71 Matched Filtering (registration)
Input Image or Iin(x,y) Exemplar (reference) or Iref(x,y) From Mathworks homepage at

72 Matched Filtering (registration)
Input Image or Iin(x,y) Exemplar (reference) or Iref(x,y) error x x2 From Mathworks homepage at

73 Matched Filtering (registration)
Input Image or Iin(x,y) Exemplar (reference) or Iref(x,y) error x Actually search form min of x,y simultaneously! x2 From Mathworks homepage at

74 Image Processing: Summary
Data Format Format Correct Errors Communications Correct Errors Preprocess Preprocess Normalize Remove Noise Remove Distortions Restore Remove Sensor Effects Restore Analyze Decompose Signals Analyze Recognize Label Signals Recognize Descriptions

75 References Fundamentals of Image Processing by Jain
Digital Image Analysis by Gonzalez and Wintz Pattern Recognition by Fukunaga Pattern Recognition Principles Tou and Gonzalez Detection, Estimation, and Modulation Theory by Van Trees Pattern Classification by Duda and Hart Robot by Hans Moravec (graphics from

76 Signal Processing: 50 years from now
Evolved Robotic Touch Touch Hmmm. Vision Vision Vision Taste Taste Hearing Hearing Smell Smell

77 Signal Processing: 50 years from now
Evolved Robotic Touch Touch Wow! Vision Vision Vision Taste Taste Hearing Hearing Smell Smell

78 Signal Processing: 50 years from now
Evolved Robotic Touch Touch I see, therefore, am I? Hmmm. Vision Vision Vision Taste Taste Hearing Hearing Smell Smell

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