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1 Your session will begin shortly
Housekeeping: Test your “Audio” connections, speaker and microphone are working properly. CHAT: Make sure CHAT window is open. To access the Chat area click on the blue chat icon in the upper right hand are of the screen. In the right hand corner you will note a box, select- send to all participants. Please mute your mic when you log into the Webinar.

2 Prior Learning 101 – Session 7 Putting the Portfolio Together

3 Prior Learning 101 Webinar– Session 7
Renee Babcock Faculty, Department of Psychology Part Fillable Forms Part Signature Block/Notarization Page and VIII Portfolio Checklist Part How are Dates/Duration Used and Submitting the Portfolio Part Helpful Resources Prior Learning Portfolio Program

4 You must use the forms provided to complete and submit your portfolio.
There are interactive PDF fillable forms on our website. You will need access to a computer with a recent version of Adobe Acrobat Reader installed (downloading is free). The forms are already formatted with the typeface and font size necessary to complete the forms. Save the form to your computer and then fill in your information and save. You must use the forms provided to complete and submit your portfolio. A completed portfolio will include your filled in forms including your written self-assessments and documentation that verifies the length of experiences and supports the learning you have gained. Prior to submitting the portfolio, it’s important that you: 1. Double check for accuracy between the Table of Contents and the Work, Training and Life Experience Tabs. 2. Have a friend read the self-assessment for clarity and have a co-worker read to provide suggestions for additional responsibilities or learning you may have overlooked. 3. Take advantage of the CMU Writing Center for suggestions to improve your composition. 4. Proof read everything!!!!! Fillable Forms What is the Prior Learning Portfolio Program? Students create a portfolio in which they write assessments of what they have learned and how they have applied it in the workplace or in life. Undergraduate or graduate college credits are awarded based on your written assessments tied to college level competencies. YOUR portfolio is prepared by YOU on YOUR schedule. Based on an average 24* undergraduate credits awarded, these credits would take the average undergraduate student 2 – 4 semesters to complete (based on 8-three credit courses). The average graduate credits awarded are 6* which would represent 1- 2 semesters based on 2-three credit course) *the potential awards are based on a number of criteria including time on job, dates, competencies etc. Undergraduate students can earn up to 60* credits towards select degrees and graduate students can earn up to 10* credits towards select degrees. Not having to spend the time in class to earn credits gives you more time for your jobs, families, other classes or other activities. This represents a significant TIME SAVINGS FOR YOU! Prior Learning Portfolio Program Fillable Forms

5 Signature Block/Notarization and Portfolio Checklist
The fillable checklist is designed as a final review to ensure all materials are included and placed within the correct Tab sections. The checklist encapsulates the criteria used by evaluators. For areas that you are not submitting, do not complete. The checklist is also a great guide in the beginning of the portfolio process as it will give you an idea of what is involved, what is needed and what the final submitted portfolio should have. VII Tab – Signature Block and Notarization Page The notarized signature form, should be done after the portfolio is fully developed and immediately before you submit your portfolio. This form is not a fillable form. You will need to print it and you and the notary will handwrite your names, signatures and dates. You will need original signatures/notarized to include with your portfolio. In addition to the significant time savings that can be achieved through the Prior Learning Portfolio process, there is also a SIGNIFICANT MONEY SAVINGS to submit a portfolio and pay for the credits awarded. The cost to submit a portfolio is a low fee of $125 and includes unlimited submission of portfolios beyond your initial portfolio should you want to attempt to gain more credits. Undergraduate students pay 77+% LESS per credit hour than the regular in-state tuition rate for undergraduate credits awarded. Graduate students pay 85+% LESS per credit hour than the regular in-state tuition rate for graduate credits awarded 24 undergraduate credits awarded* would cost approximately $2,280 vs. $9,720** 6 graduate credits awarded* would cost approximately $570 vs. $3,600** *based on the average awarded credits per undergraduate or graduate portfolios ** based on current tuition rates for undergraduate and graduate in-state tuition Signature Block/Notarization and Portfolio Checklist Prior Learning Portfolio Program

6 How are dates/duration used?
Please reference the ‘Potential Credit Chart’ on the Prior Learning webpage under Worksheets, Charts and Fillable forms for detailed information on use of dates. You will be able to view the possible credits that can be awarded based on your months on the job, or class or credit hours for trainings. Evaluators look at the duration of each experiences, because the length of the experience determines the maximum number of potential credits for the experience. Supporting documentation/verification is reviewed for the experiences submitted. If documentation is missing, inconsistent, or in anyway problematic, evaluators will not further review that section of the portfolio. Submitting the Portfolio Once you have reviewed all of your documents, completed the checklist and the portfolio has been signed and notarized; it is now time to submit for evaluation . Mail one 1 copy of your portfolio with the processing payment of $125 made payable to Central Michigan University. Keep your 2nd copy for yourself. Mail to: Central Michigan University Prior Learning Assessment Park Library 415-A 250 E. Preston St Mt. Pleasant, MI 48859 Prior Learning credits awarded can be used on select degrees*. Currently, credits awarded can be used on the following undergraduate and graduate degrees: Undergraduate: Bachelor of Science, Community Development Bachelor of Science, Integrated Leadership Bachelor of Science, Administration Electives for other CMU majors Graduate: Master of Science Administration, all concentrations Master of Education, various concentrations *Prior Learning credits may be used on other degree programs but you must check with and get approval from your academic advisor prior to starting a portfolio. Credits are awarded as: Undergraduate [UNV 297 or UNV 497] and Graduate [UNV 697]. 5 CMU credits must be taken and posted on the transcript prior to applying prior learning credits. Always consult with your advisor to see if Prior Learning credits will work for you. Dates/Duration and Submitting Portfolio Prior Learning Portfolio Program

7 We Are Here to Help RESOURCES YOUR success is OUR success!
In Person – if you are in the Mt. Pleasant, Michigan area, you can schedule an appointment with our Prior Learning staff located in Park Library-Room 415A. Call (866) , option #1. Phone – call our Prior Learning staff members who can assist you over the phone. Call (866) , option #1. – send your questions to us via Webinar Series: our monthly live webinars will continue and focus on specific topics helpful to you as you begin the Prior Learning Portfolio process Online Office Hours: online office hours are scheduled several times monthly where you can join others in an online setting to get guidance and address questions pertaining to your portfolio planning and process. Check our webpage for more details. Writing Center and Writing Workshops – as a CMU student, you have access to the Writing Center. You can submit your writings online and they will be reviewed by a Writing Center consultant and returned to you with comments. Check our main Prior Learning webpage for any Writing Workshops that may be scheduled (in person or online). Visit the Writing Center online at Webpage – our webpage has a wealth of information to assist you in planning, preparing and submitting a portfolio. The web page has links to worksheets/templates, a comprehensive Student Handbook, FAQs, links to archived webinars, video briefings and much more. . Prior Learning Portfolio Program RESOURCES

8 Thank you for attending today’s webinar.
Please check our webpage for the next webinars in the Prior Learning 101 series. YOUR success is OUR success!

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