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Story Elements.

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Presentation on theme: "Story Elements."— Presentation transcript:

1 Story Elements

2 PLOT The sequence of events in a story

3 SETTING The time and place in which the story occurs

4 Setting of a Story-Time:
Time of: day, month, or year Example: morning, afternoon, dusk, dawn, tomorrow, seasons, holidays, months, etc. Time in: history/centuries, eras Example: wars, Renaissance, medieval times, 17th century, Jurassic period, etc.

5 Setting of a Story-Place:
Places in: cities, neighborhoods, homes, states, countries, malls, etc. Places in nature: mountains, caves, forests, canyons, lakes, oceans, beaches, deserts, frozen tundra, etc.

6 CHARACTERS The people, animals, or imaginary creatures that act out the story

7 Dynamic Character A character that learns a lesson, or changes behavior as a result of the events in a story

8 Static/ Flat Character
A character that remains unchanged throughout the story

9 POINT OF VIEW The relationship between the narrator and the story he/she tells

10 “I was framed! I just wanted to borrow a cup of sugar!”
“That rotten wolf tried to eat us!!!!”

11 Voice The distinctive style and tone in which a writer tells a story

12 Dialogue A written conversation between two or more characters in a story

13 THEME A message that the author is trying to convey to the reader

14 CONFLICT A struggle or problem that the main character is having with himself, another character, or another thing

15 CLIMAX The turning point of the action, when the reader’s interest peaks You can predict the outcome of the conflict

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