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d18O and dD in Animals: Applications

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Presentation on theme: "d18O and dD in Animals: Applications"— Presentation transcript:

1 d18O and dD in Animals: Applications
Water resource use in birds Dinosaur thermoregulation Marine mammal habitats

2 McKechnie et al. 2004, Oecologia, 140: 191-200
Potential: dD in tissues are a tracer for water resource use in animals Unknown: Level of dependence of D on environmental factors Question: Can a mass balance model explain dD in body water? Test: Manipulate water flux and switch water source fract factor

3 The data

4 Labeled source water switching experiment (sweatin’ out the deutirium)
after before

5 Relationship between and E both pre- and post-switch
Expt Relationship between and E both pre- and post-switch Model Post-switch Var=12.9‰ No significant relationship pre-switch… Pre-switch Var=12.0‰

6 Estimating proportions of 2 water sources w/different dD:
accuracy of the mixing model 95% Assuming a maximum absolute error in dDD = 13‰

7 Dinosaur thermoregulation

8 Dinosaur Endothermy Take II

9 Discriminating aquatic mammals habitat and foraging
ecology with stable isotopes in tooth enamel (Clementz and Koch, 2001) Variability in primary productivity

10 Animals analyzed in this study

11 Carbon in animals…

12 Oxygen in animals…

13 The dual isotope approach
Teasing apart the picture… means and variability coyote terr. & estuary marine & fresh

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