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The Simple Way to Invest

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1 The Simple Way to Invest
Franklin NextStep Funds™ Franklin NextStep Funds are sub-funds of Franklin Templeton Investment Funds, a Luxembourg registered SICAV (“FTIF”) People work hard for their money. The next step is getting that money to work for them. Franklin NextStep Funds are a suite of multi-asset funds designed to be the simple way to invest.

2 Franklin NextStep Funds
Simplicity All-in-one portfolios matched to three levels of risk Diversification A broad mix of funds invested across fund managers, asset classes and countries Expertise Professionally managed to navigate the ups and downs of the market Franklin NextStep Funds offer investors: Simplicity The funds are designed as all-in-one portfolios that can be easily matched to investors based on their goals and risk tolerance. [Click] Diversification The funds invest in mutual funds and exchange traded funds to create a portfolio with access to top tier investment managers and a broad mix of asset classes (like equities, bonds and alternative investments) and countries. [Click] Expertise The portfolio management team has flexibility to adjust fund holdings and take advantage of potential market opportunities, while trying to avoid unnecessary risks. The funds are managed to stay aligned with the funds’ target risk goals. Diversification does not guarantee a profit or protect against a loss.

3 Simplicity All-In-One Portfolios Matched to the Client
Potential Return HIGHER Equity Funds Bond Funds Alternative Investment Funds¹ Franklin NextStep Growth Fund Franklin NextStep Moderate Fund Franklin Templeton Investments has created three multi-asset funds aligned to different risk levels: conservative, moderate and growth. Each fund, seeks the highest level of long-term total return consistent with an acceptable level of risk. These funds are rebalanced to ensure they stay matched to the appropriate risk tolerance. Franklin NextStep Conservative Fund Relative Risk HIGHER LOWER The value of shares in the Fund and any income received from them can go down as well as up, and investors may not get back the full amount invested. 1. Alternative investments include less traditional asset classes such as real estate, commodities and hedge strategies. Performance and market movement of alternative investments do not typically follow equities and bonds. Fund allocations are provided for illustrative purposes only. There is no guarantee that the Franklin NextStep Funds will be allocated in a similar manner.

4 Diversification One Fund—Many Fund Managers, Asset Classes & Countries
Franklin Templeton Funds and Exchange Traded Funds Non-Franklin Templeton Funds and Exchange Traded Funds FUND FUND FUND Bonds FUND FUND FUND MANAGERS ASSET CLASSES COUNTRIES North America Europe FUND Equity FUND FUND FUND Emerging Markets Asia Alternative Investments1 Each Franklin NextStep Fund is one fund… [Click] …with access to top tier investment managers. The funds will typically invest no more than 50% in Franklin Templeton funds. The remaining underlying funds are comprised of mutual funds and exchange traded funds managed by other fund companies. [Speaker to discuss current holdings.] [Click] Through this multi-asset fund approach, Franklin NextStep Funds offer a simple way to remain diversified across major asset classes, such as equities and bonds. Franklin NextStep Moderate Fund and Franklin NextStep Growth Fund may also allocate a relatively small percentage to alternative investments to further diversify, as these investments do not typically follow the market movements of equities and bonds. [Click] In addition, these funds are invested globally as other markets may provide global growth opportunities and may also help to reduce the risk of investing in only one country. [Click] Franklin NextStep Funds offer fully diversified portfolios through the purchase of a single product. That’s why Franklin NextStep Funds are the simple way to invest. Broadly Diversified Invested Globally One Fund Access to Top Tier Investment Managers Diversification does not guarantee a profit or protect against a loss. Alternative Investment Funds are included in the Franklin NextStep Moderate Fund and the Franklin NextStep Growth Fund.

5 Expertise Continuously Managed for Opportunities and Risks
Conservative Moderate Growth Franklin NextStep Funds Target Allocations Equity Funds 25% 60% 75% Bond Funds 40% Alternative Investment Funds Allocation Ranges Equity Funds 10–30% 45–65% 60–80% Bond Funds 70–90% 35–55% 20–40% Alternative Investment Funds 0-5% 0-10% Bear Market: Risks in the Market Equity Funds 10% 45% 60% Bond Funds 90% 55% 40% Alternative Investment Funds 0-5% 0-10% Bull Market: Opportunities in the Market Equity Funds 30% 65% 80% Bond Funds 70% 35% 20% Alternative Investment Funds 0-5% 0-10% As we saw earlier, each of the three Franklin NextStep Funds is allocated to a different risk/return level. What you see here is the long-term target allocation for each of the funds. [Click] For example, the funds can increase their equity fund investments to help capitalize on opportunities in the market. In addition, Franklin NextStep Moderate Fund and Franklin NextStep Growth Fund may add alternative investment funds to the portfolio in an attempt to increase growth potential. Franklin NextStep Conservative Fund has a long-term target allocation to equity funds of 25% and to bond funds of 75%. Investors in Franklin NextStep Moderate Fund should have a higher risk tolerance than those in Franklin NextStep Conservative Fund so the amount invested in equity funds is higher to increase the return potential. [Click] If the portfolio managers anticipate significant risks in the market, they can decrease the amount invested in equity funds from the target allocation in an attempt to decrease volatility. Portfolio managers may also increase the amount invested in bond funds if they see that as a more attractive risk/return tradeoff. The fund allocates 60% of the portfolio to equity funds and 40% to bond funds. Finally, Franklin NextStep Growth Fund offers the greatest risk/return potential for those looking for strong, long-term growth. The portfolio managers can also use alternative investment funds in an attempt to reduce risk in the portfolio. Derivatives may also be used to assist the portfolio. It allocates 75% to equity funds and 25% to bond funds. One of the defining characteristics of these funds is the portfolio managers’ flexibility to adjust the amount invested in equity funds and bond funds. [Click] In summary, the funds are able to adjust within these ranges to continuously stay aligned to objectives, while seeking to take advantage of opportunities and striving to avoid unnecessary risks.

6 Benefits to the Investor
World-Class Investment Management An All-In-One Portfolio Broadly Diversified with Access to Top Tier Managers Matched to Investors Based on Risk and Goals Investing with Franklin NextStep Funds is the easy way to invest. Why? Let’s summarize the benefits: [Click] Franklin NextStep funds are managed by Franklin Templeton, a world-class investment manager and one of the largest asset managers in the world. [Click] Franklin NextStep Funds offer an all-in-one portfolio through the purchase of a single product that invests in multiple underlying funds. [Click] These funds are broadly diversified across fund managers, asset classes and countries. Franklin Templeton invests in a blend of mutual funds and exchange traded funds managed by Franklin Templeton and other fund groups. [Click] Each Franklin NextStep Fund is aligned to a risk/return level that can be matched to investors based on their goals and risk tolerance. [Click] Each fund is rebalanced and portfolio adjustments are made as managers seek to take advantage of opportunities and avoid unnecessary risks. Continuously Managed to Align with Fund Objectives

7 Benefits to the Investor
Choose the Simple Way to Invest with Franklin NextStep Funds

8 Franklin Templeton Investments
Franklin Templeton Investments is a global leader in asset management serving clients in over 150 countries 65+ £516.8B+ 649 Years of Asset Management Experience Total Assets Under Management Investment Professionals1 35 Countries with Offices Franklin Templeton Investments brings together multiple, world-class investment teams in a single firm. Franklin Templeton Investments is able to offer specialized expertise across styles and asset classes, all supported by the strength and resources of one of the world’s largest asset managers. This is important because… Source: Franklin Templeton Investments as of 31/03/16. 1. Investment professionals include portfolio managers, portfolio managers/analysts, research analysts and traders of Franklin, Templeton, Franklin Mutual Series, and subsidiary investment management groups.

9 A Few More Words About Asset Allocation
While an asset allocation plan can be a valuable tool to help reduce overall volatility, all investments involve risks, including possible loss of principal. Because these funds invest in underlying funds, which may engage in a variety of investment strategies involving certain risks, the Franklin NextStep Funds are subject to those same risks. In addition, shareholders of the NextStep Funds will indirectly bear the fees and expenses of the underlying funds. The risks described herein are the principal risks of the Franklin NextStep Funds and the underlying funds. Typically, the more aggressive the investment, or the greater the potential return, the more risk involved. Generally, investors should be comfortable with some fluctuation in the value of their investments, especially over the short term. Equity prices fluctuate, sometimes rapidly and dramatically, due to factors affecting individual companies, particular industries or sectors, or general market conditions. Bond prices generally move in the opposite direction of interest rates. Thus, as the prices of bonds in a fund adjust to a rise in interest rates, that fund’s share price may decline. Foreign investing carries additional risks such as currency and market volatility and political or social instability; risks which are heightened in developing countries. Investments in derivatives involve costs and create economic leverage, which may result in significant volatility and cause the funds to participate in losses (as well as gains) that significantly exceed the funds’ initial investment. These risks are described in the funds’ prospectus. Investors should consult their financial adviser for help selecting the appropriate fund of funds, or fund combination, based on an evaluation of their investment objectives and risk tolerance.

10 Important Information
Franklin Templeton Investment Management Limited Cannon Place 78 Cannon Street London EC4N 6HL    Important Information © Copyright Franklin Templeton Investments. All rights reserved. This document is intended to be of general interest only and does not constitute legal or tax advice nor is it an offer for shares or invitation to apply for shares of Franklin Templeton Investment Funds (“FTIF”), a Luxembourg-registered SICAV ("the Fund"). Nothing in this document should be construed as investment advice. Subscriptions to shares of the Fund can only be made on the basis of the current prospectus, the relevant Key Investor Information Document (“KIID”), accompanied by the latest available audited annual report and the latest semi-annual report if published thereafter. Please consult your professional adviser and read the KIID and current prospectus before deciding to invest. U.S. Persons (as more fully defined in the latest Fund prospectus) are not eligible to invest in the Fund. Shares of the Fund are not available for distribution in all jurisdictions and prospective investors should confirm availability with their local Franklin Templeton Investments representative before making any plans to invest. An investment in the Fund entails risks which are described in the Fund's prospectus and the relevant KIID. The value of shares in the Fund and any income received from them can go down as well as up, and investors may not get back the full amount invested. Past performance is not an indicator, nor a guarantee of future performance. Currency fluctuations may affect the value of overseas investments. When investing in a fund denominated in a foreign currency, performance may also be affected by currency fluctuations. Where a fund invests in emerging markets, the risks can be greater than in developed markets. Where a fund invests in derivative instruments, this entails specific risks that may increase the risk profile of the fund and are more fully described in the Fund’s prospectus and in the relevant KIID. Opinions expressed are the author’s at the publication date and they are subject to change without prior notice. Given the rapidly changing market environment, Franklin Templeton Investments disclaim responsibility for updating this material. All or most of the protections provided by the UK Regulatory System will not apply to Franklin Templeton Investment Funds (SICAV) Investors. There is no guarantee that the Fund will achieve its objective. For a free copy of the latest prospectus, the relevant KIID, the annual report and semi-annual report, if published thereafter or for more information about any Franklin Templeton Investments’ fund, UK investors should contact: Franklin Templeton Investments, Telephone: , or write to us at the address below. Alternatively, the information can be downloaded from our website Issued by Franklin Templeton Investment Management Limited (FTIML) Registered office: Cannon Place, 78 Cannon Street, London EC4N 6HL. FTIML is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. © 2016 Franklin Templeton Investments. All rights reserved NSOA PPT 02/16

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