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Presentation on theme: "Islam."— Presentation transcript:

1 Islam

2 What is Islam? Peace with God, oneself, creations
A way of life, not just a religion

3 Who are Muslims, and what do they believe?
All races, nationalities (only 18% are in the Arab world) The majority of Muslims live in Indonesia, and other Southeast Asian countries! Allah (God), angels, His authority over destiny, life after death

4 Why is Islam often misunderstood?
Exotic Not a dominant religion in U.S. Different form of worship Radical elements

5 Where did Islam originate?
Abraham’s son, Ishmael, was commanded by God to build Ka’bah in Mecca, and spread God’s word

6 Who is Muhammad? The “Messenger of God” 570 C.E. (Middle Ages)
Received direct word of God through angel Gabriel

7 What is the Koran/Qur’an?
The 23 year revelation of God to Muhammad The very word of God, complete Exact record of Gabriel’s words to Muhammad

8 Is Islam tolerant of other beliefs?
Yes. Protection of rights of non-Muslims is in the Koran. Muslims are required to treat other religions “kindly and justly”

9 What images appear in Islamic art?
Nothing human or animal—to have these appear would be insulting to God

10 The Five Pillars of

11 Faith “There is one true God, and His prophet is Muhammad.” Shahadah

12 Prayer Pray 5 times a day, facing Mecca, using verses from Koran Salat

13 Charity Concern for giving to needy “Tithe” 40% of assets
e.g.: If you make $50,000/yr—you should give $20,000 away Zakat

14 Fasting Self-purification During Ramadan Dawn to sundown
(if physically able, otherwise, make up later) Sawm

15 To Mecca, if physically and financially able
Pilgrimage To Mecca, if physically and financially able (if unable, give money to help send someone else) Hajj

16 Nine Forms of Art

17 1. Illuminated Manuscript

18 2. Decorated Pottery

19 3. Inlaid Metalwork


21 4. Geometric Designs



24 5. Tapestry and Carpet

25 6. Glasswork


27 Mosaics Pieces of tile or glass that form pictures or patterns

28 More Mosaics – looking into a dome

29 7. Carved Wood & Stone



32 8. Calligraphy




36 9. No human or animal forms

37 Architecture

38 Main Form: Mosque

39 Minarets: Towers from which muezzin call believers to prayer

40 2. Domes: often lavishly decorated, both inside and outside; onion-shaped


42 3. Fountain: to cleanse worshippers before entering

43 4. No pews; large open space for prayers


45 5. Niche (mihrab): shows direction of Mecca

46 6. Miniber: stepped pulpit, used for Friday formal sermon


48 7. Decorated with calligraphy—verses from the Koran


50 Islamic Architecture: Blue Mosque
Look at the photographs and answer the following: --Evaluate two areas where its form fits the function of Islamic belief. Support your response with examples. Interior Exterior

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