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The Culture of Islam Chapter 6 Section 4.

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1 The Culture of Islam Chapter 6 Section 4

2 Philosophy, Science, and History
Throughout the Islamic Empire's conquest they came into contact with Greek and Roman culture. Instead of destroying these things they translated them into Arabic, helping preserve Greek & Roman literature. As a result of translating things into Arabic, today we have the works of Aristotle and other famous Greek philosophers. The translation into Arabic along with new technologies like papermaking allowed these works to become widespread in the eastern Hemisphere.

3 Philosophy, Science, and History
Along with translations from Greek & Roman scholars, Islamic philosophers also contributed to our understanding of the natural world. Ibn- Rushd – Philosopher who translated Aristotle’s work. His own work in philosophy also helped advance the discipline. Ibn – Sina – Philosopher and scientist, his work with contagious diseases was very advanced for his time. Ibn – Khaldun – Historian, studied how empires rise and fall. His work , Muqaddimah studied the cycle that empires go through , rise, growth, decay.

4 Literature The most important literary work to Muslims was the Quran and it shows in the way they introduced it into their new acquired territories. Other important Islamic works of literature include the Rubaiyat and Nights, both written by Omar Khayyam. These stories included tales that mixed the natural with the supernatural. The plots included a mix of comedies & tragedies.

5 Art & Architecture Some of the most well known Islamic architecture are mosques, they holy house of worship for Muslims. One feature that is almost universal with mosques built during the time of the Islamic empire are minarets. A tall structure from which a muezzin, or crier would let Muslims know when to pray. Since politics and religion are intertwined within the Muslim world during this time period, Administrative buildings were built with great grandeur. Geometric patterns known as arabesques decorated many mosques and administrative buildings. One thing that you will not see within the Muslim world are depictions of holy figures within Islam. This is against the rules of the Quran.

6 Minaret at Samarra

7 Arabesque Pattern

8 Arabesque Pattern

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