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Discipline Data ILT-AP September 5th, 2018

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1 Discipline Data ILT-AP September 5th, 2018
What Gets Reported? What Gets Checked? What Data Gets Reported? Six Week Audits Reminders Technology ILT-AP TSDS PEIMS September 5th, 2018

2 What Gets Reported? “Under Texas Education Code §37.008(m-1), failure to report all disciplinary removal actions as required by state and federal law may result in a review by the commissioner of education and notice to the local school board of any problems noted in the district’s data, or a violation of a law or other rule. This review may also result in a notification to the county attorney, district attorney, criminal district attorney, as appropriate, and the attorney general. This provision can apply to missing, inaccurate, and/or falsified information/data.” TSDS PEIMS Data Standard §8.2.4, pg. 122 Technology ILT-AP TSDS PEIMS September 5th, 2018

3 What Gets Reported? “A PEIMS discipline record must be reported for each disciplinary action that results in a removal of a student from any part of their regular academic program.” “Every disciplinary action that results in the removal of a student from any part of their regular academic program will be categorized in one of the following general categories: In-School Suspension (ISS), Out-of-School Suspension (OSS), Juvenile Justice Alternative Education Program (JJAEP), or DAEP assignments.” TSDS PEIMS Data Standard §8.2.4, pg. 122, 125 Technology ILT-AP TSDS PEIMS September 5th, 2018

4 What Gets Reported? “Discipline record data is required by TEC, Chapter 37, P.L No Child Left Behind (NCLB), and IDEA 2004, which includes students who are receiving special education and related services.” “Anytime a disciplinary action spans multiple school years or multiple school districts, the reporting period indicator code for continuation assignments should be the reporting period in which the continuation assignment is made in the subsequent school year or by the subsequent school district. Be sure that continuation DISCIPLINARY-ACTION-CODEs 08-12, 15, or 61 are used when continuing a disciplinary assignment from a prior year or prior district.” TSDS PEIMS Data Standard §8.2.4, pg. 122, 125 Technology ILT-AP TSDS PEIMS September 5th, 2018

5 What Gets Checked? “For each 425 Discipline Action record there must be a 400 Student - Basic Attendance Record and/or 500 Student - Flexible Attendance record with a matching STUDENT-ID.” “For JJAEP, a DisciplineActionExtension Complex Type is reported if a student is placed in a JJAEP. However, once in the JJAEP, no further DisciplineActionExtension Complex Type are reported for disciplinary actions that occur while in the JJAEP. The only exception to this rule is when a student is continuing a JJAEP assignment from either a prior school district or prior school year.” Technology ILT-AP TSDS PEIMS September 5th, 2018

6 What Data is Reported? Technology ILT-AP
Calculated Calculated Calculated Technology ILT-AP TSDS PEIMS September 5th, 2018

7 What Data is Reported? IF THEN Technology ILT-AP
TSDS PEIMS September 5th, 2018

8 Suspension/Expulsion and Attendance Audit Report
Two paths to this report Office\Attendance\Reports Office\Discipline\Reports Run at least every six weeks to make sure all needed discipline is recorded Records listed in report have some type of error in data, as records with correct, matching data are not listed Auditing Discipline and Attendance for PEIMS reporting 9/2018 Technology ILT-AP TSDS PEIMS September 5th, 2018

9 Suspension/Expulsion and Attendance Audit Report
Technology ILT-AP TSDS PEIMS September 5th, 2018

10 Suspension/Expulsion and Attendance Audit Report
Technology ILT-AP TSDS PEIMS September 5th, 2018

11 Susp/Exp and AAR Report
Check all records listed in report – only lists records that have some issue – correct records not listed Situations that need attention ISS, but Attendance shows absence OSS, but Attendance shows present or unexcused absence DAEP only partially served DAEP attendance missing Discipline record DAEP missing Attendance Technology ILT-AP TSDS PEIMS September 5th, 2018

12 425 PrePEIMS Report Technology ILT-AP TSDS PEIMS September 5th, 2018

13 425 PrePEIMS Report Click the link for 425 Discipline Action Report
Technology ILT-AP TSDS PEIMS September 5th, 2018

14 425 PrePEIMS Report Configuration of report template Technology ILT-AP
TSDS PEIMS September 5th, 2018

15 Notes on 425 Report If the entire disciplinary assignment has not yet completed, there will likely be errors regarding missing data or days served/unserved Once discipline assignment has been completed, there should be no errors remaining In the case of a completed assignment that has a #4250B error, it is likely missing the Difference Reason code, which likely should be 00 A #42509 error happens when Official Length and Actual Length are not equal, but the Difference Reason code is 00 (No Difference) Technology ILT-AP TSDS PEIMS September 5th, 2018

16 Discipline Audits Every Six Weeks
Pre PEIMS 425 report should be run and corrections made at least every six weeks throughout the year. Definitions of Discipline Action Reasons Codes and Mandatory/Discretionary Offense charts are Appendices to this presentation. If a SpEd student is involved in a discipline incident, communicate with the SpEd department to ensure everyone is on the same page. Technology ILT-AP TSDS PEIMS September 5th, 2018

17 Other Important Reminders
Enter discipline records AS THEY HAPPEN. Don’t guess about something two months later. If it is a group offense where all students are getting the exact same Offense/Action Reason Code from the Incident, then use the same Incident number for all involved. MAXIMUM Out of School suspension is THREE (3) days. If a student is suspended for even 5 minutes of a school day, it counts as an entire day. Adding this as a separate detail record does not mitigate this, Skyward/state requirements simply adds all detail records together to get a total for days. Technology ILT-AP TSDS PEIMS September 5th, 2018

18 Appendix – Discipline Charts
Technology ILT-AP TSDS PEIMS September 5th, 2018

19 TSDS PEIMS Code Table C165 Disciplinary Action Reasons Codes and Definitions
Appendix 8.E: PEIMS Additional Information Related to Discipline See page 10 Technology ILT-AP TSDS PEIMS September 5th, 2018

20 TSDS PEIMS Chart for determining Mandatory and Disciplinary DAEP Placements and Expulsions
Appendix 8.E: PEIMS Additional Information Related to Discipline See page 20 Technology ILT-AP TSDS PEIMS September 5th, 2018

21 Questions? Michael Barrett x5654 Tonya Main x5617 Technology ILT-AP
TSDS PEIMS September 5th, 2018

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