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Roman High School No girls allowed!.

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1 Roman High School No girls allowed!

2 The Grammaticus After learning, the basics of reading, writing and arithmetic at the ludus litterarius, Roman boys (no girls!) were sent to a grammaticus Boys from wealthy families would start with the grammaticus around the age of 10 and go for five years As you would imagine, the focus was on learning the grammar of both the Latin and Greek languages and literature Grammatici were banned from Rome early in the Republic because the Senate thought that they poisoned the minds of the youth by making them overly clever..i.e. smart alecks


4 Activities with the Grammaticus
Students would meet with their grammaticus wherever he could find space in a building – some classes even met outside on the side of streets! The grammaticus would drill his students on aspects of Latin/Greek literature such as grammar (duh) and enunciation of words Teachers would grade students on the spot based on their performance in class Pg. 113 in your book gives an example.. Grammatici had self-developed standards for their students, since they were considered masters of the language.

5 Other Subjects History Geography Mathematics (especially Geometry)
Astronomy Natural Science Philosophy Music However, it’s worth noting that these subjects were often only covered when they tied in to the literature

6 The Rhetor After studying under the grammaticus, the best students would go on to study under a rhetor The rhetor was usually Greek and would teach these students the art of public speaking Most students who studied under the rhetor were aspiring politicians or lawyers Pictured is the orator Quintilian speaking and teaching rhetoric to a group of students. He wrote a famous book on the subject.

7 Study Abroad! Numerous students who went on to study rhetoric would take time afterwards to live and study abroad Greece and Asia Minor were the most common destinations Athens was the center of culture for Romans who wanted to continue their education of rhetoric

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