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The Odyssey – Odysseus and Circe

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1 The Odyssey – Odysseus and Circe

2 The Travels of Odysseus

3 The Odyssey – Odysseus and Circe Vocabulary
lamenting - (verb) to feel, show, or express grief, sorrow, or regret Odysseus and his men rested on the island, drinking and lamenting. sullen – (adj.) unwilling to talk or be sociable; gloomy “A map,” he replied in a sullen voice. poised – (verb) to hold supported or raised In a moment, he had his sword poised at her throat. conferred – (verb) to consult together; compare opinions;  or carry on a discussion  Odysseus conferred with his men. lethal – (adj.) causing death, great harm or destruction There comes a point, my friend, when caution is lethal. elapsed – (verb) for time to slip or pass by In fact, a full year elapsed before any of them noticed.

4 geo earth -GEO-

5 geo – earth Choose 1 of the following words to add to vocabulary:
geology geologist geometry

6 graph picture -GRAPH- This image (or other media file) is in the public domain because its copyright has expired.

7 graph - picture Choose 1 of the following words to add to vocabulary:
photograph graphic telegraph

8 The Odyssey – Odysseus and Circe Vocabulary
lamenting - (verb) to feel, show, or express grief, sorrow, or regret Odysseus and his men rested on the island, drinking and lamenting. sullen – (adj.) unwilling to talk or be sociable; gloomy “A map,” he replied in a sullen voice. poised – (verb) to hold supported or raised In a moment, he had his sword poised at her throat. conferred – (verb) to consult together; compare opinions;  or carry on a discussion  Odysseus conferred with his men. lethal – (adj.) causing death, great harm or destruction There comes a point, my friend, when caution is lethal. elapsed – (verb) for time to slip or pass by In fact, a full year elapsed before any of them noticed. geo- – earth geology, geologist, geometry -graph - picture photograph, graphic, telegraph

9 Would Mrs. Britz count it correct?
1). Using one of the vocabulary words, create a sentence that both uses the word correctly and defines the word within the context of the sentence. 2). Compare sentences with your partner. Underline the section that defines the vocabulary word in context. Circle the word if it is used correctly. 3). With your partner, correct your sentences. 4). With your partner, choose the best sentence. Have the partner that didn’t write the sentence, write it on the board. 5). Analyze each sentence as a class. Write down all corrected sentences.

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