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Book 3 Note: this is a GREAT example for your

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1 Book 3 Note: this is a GREAT example for your
Terms to know: Hubris vs. Arete Hubris: excessive pride; tragic flaw Arete: Virtue, goodness, honor Note: this is a GREAT example for your individual POD book presentations. This ppt is uploaded to weebly for you s a model.

2 Pallas Athene- epithet explained- thanks Nathan!
Greek allusion to Athene’s childhood friend, Pallas. In a mock battle, Athene killed her. In her honor, took her name= Pallas Athene Her symbol is the aegis (shield) line 394

3 Summary Telemachos, aided by Mentor “Athene” travels by ship to Pylos.
He inquires into his father and any information King Nestor has regarding Odysseus.

4 Epithets Line 4 Neleus’ strong-founded citadel
Line 6 dark-haired Earthshaker Line 21 thoughtful Telemachos

5 Lines 5-9 Theme: respect 4 the gods vs. Odysseus at Troy
Nestor’s people are god-fearing, sacrifice to the gods their gratitude daily and the BEST animals in sacrifice. Lines Nestor’s people are very hospitable to Telemachos even BEFORE knowing who he is. Lines Telemachos is doubtful and needs confidence CR pg 49 Telemachos has begun his call to adventure by crossing the 1st threshold and embarking on his journey. He still lacks confidence but is striving to be courageous and inquire to the truth about his father, aided by Athene.

6 Nestor’s son Line 36 Peisistratos will eventually escort Telemachos onto Sparta Line 48 All men need the gods vs. blaming the gods CR book 1 Line 76 characterize Telemachos- courage Purpose for travel to Pylos lines Need to know truth about Odysseus CR pg. 45 Archetype: Orphaned and Wanderer- Odysseus

7 Nestor’s information on Odysseus
Lines Last he saw Odysseus was after war, they traveled a few days together but were separated when a fight between brothers- Menelaus and Agamemnon broke out. Odysseus followed Agamemnon; Nestor followed Menelaus lines Nestor returns home safely line 184 Telemachos questions Odysseus’ safe return line

8 Parallel Triangles Lines 254-328
Warns Telemachos of what happened to Menelaus- warns him to return home to Ithaka before the same happens. Motif- disguise line 372 Athene disguised as a vulture

9 Homeric Simile Lines “Meanwhile lovely Polykaste, who was the youngest…and came and sat down beside Nestor, shepherd of the people” [epithet] Line 481 Telemachos and Peisistratos are equals

10 Wrap up Line 490 theme hospitality
Line 491 epithet “young Dawn with her rosy fingers” Line 494 alliteration “winged their way” Line 497 dark imagery “journeying ways were darkened”

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