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Presentation on theme: "FINDING VICTORY IN 2018."— Presentation transcript:


2 All addictions, serve an emotional purpose
All addictions, serve an emotional purpose. Addictions are not just substance abuses (drugs, alcohol), but also behaviors. In humans, the common denominator behind any compulsive behavior is the desire for a, “quick fix or mood changer,” for how we feel, the need to feel better. Addictive behavior is learned, there is always a reason and a reward.

3 The purpose of any addiction is to regain control over intolerably helpless-trapped-powerless feelings, an emotional state.  This helplessness is always rooted in something deeply important to the individual.

4 There is simply no hurt, habit or hangup immune from the premise that life is about how we manage our emotions (feelings). Do we regain control and empower ourselves with displaced behaviors or direct behaviors.

5 Example: Road Rage

6 Road rage is about anger but substitute any compulsive hurt, habit or hangup for anger and examine the thinking behind this behavior. Imagine a careless driver swerves into your lane causing you to maneuver your car out of his path in order to keep from hitting your car.

7 At that moment you are helpless and relatively powerless (you can't control him). You could: - Flip him off & scream expletives -Pull off the highway and go to a bar, where you can drink and vent.

8 These types of displaced behaviors will help you regain control of your feelings at least for the moment, because you are empowering yourself and doing something about it!

9 Alternatively, you could do something more direct and healthy: - Take down his license plate and call it in to the police - Consider the possibility that the driver might be physically handicapped, or racing to the hospital - Turn on some mood changing music - Take a deep breath and thank God you are okay, etc.

10 Once again, you are empowering yourself and regaining control, but in the latter scenario, in a more direct healthy manner.

11 Christ Driven Behavior (CBD), is a Direct empowering behavior that honors God, a direct way to regain control over helpless, trapped, powerless feelings! When we delegate control to God, He empowers us with a seminal mentor that imparts motivation, conviction, purpose and the fruits of the Holy Spirit called values. 

12 Self-control is one of those fruits or values
Self-control is one of those fruits or values! When we act with direct healthy behavior and not with displaced-indirect behaviors, we exercise self-control. When we learn to act with assertive healthy Christ Driven Behavior there is no addiction!

13 Victory Prayer for HHH Lord, I invite you into my life today. Guide my footsteps and help me make wise decisions in order to manage my feelings, my emotions. Help me to regain control over emotional circumstances in life, that make me feel helpless, trapped, powerless and lacking control.

14 Victory Prayer for HHH I accept that I cannot control everything and I delegate that control to You, so that You will transform my thinking and empower me, through the Holy Spirit.

15 Victory Prayer for HHH Empower me to regain control with (Direct), assertive, Christ Driven values and behavior and not with (Displaced substitute behaviors), the quick fixes or mood changers of chemicals and other errant behaviors. Always allow me to be sensitive to Your Will, especially if You desire to change my plans and behavior.

16 Scriptural Summary Addiction is a compulsive displaced behavior used to regain control over helpless circumstances in life. We can choose a direct healthy behavior instead, a Christ Driven Behavior, that honors God. Both behaviors (displaced and direct) will reverse the feelings of helplessness. The former is temporary, the latter is forever. Matthew 11:28 “Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.” Life is full of circumstances that cause us to feel overwhelmed and helpless. Life is not easy, fair or without pain. Proverbs 29:11   “A fool vents all their feelings, a wise man holds them in check.” Don't let your emotions control your behavior with Displaced behavior. Romans 12:2      “ Don’t be conformed to this world but be transformed with new thinking.” Transform your life with new Direct assertive thinking Your thinking determines your behavior. If addicts can learn to address their rage at helplessness directly, then it manifests simply as an assertive act. (example, exercise, play, work, move, pray) When people act directly, there can be no addiction. 2 Corinthians 12: 9-10  “My grace is sufficient for you, there is power in weakness.” Surrender to a more qualified thinker. Intelligently Delegate Control to God. Delegate control to God for power over your weakness. This is the concept of Intelligent Delegation. John 14:16:    “And I will pray the Father, and He will give you a Helper that will be with you.”   God will return that control to you with a Helper-Advocate, that will be with you forever. This is the concept of Reciprocal Innervation. Galatians 5: 22-23  “The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control. We get our clarity, values and purpose from the Holy Spirit. The fruits of the Holy Spirit are values, they result in Christ Driven Behaviors that give motivation and purpose and change behavior) Those fruits or values are: love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. Ultimately self-control is the empowering value. Values change behavior. 2 Corinthians 5:17 "If anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation, old things have passed away; all things have become new.“ Replace your old behavior with direct, empowering, Christ Driven Behavior, that honors God. Change your thinking and let God change your life. Synergize your free will with God's will. You have a choice, choose a better life.

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