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Strategic Plan 2016/17 to 2020/21.

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Presentation on theme: "Strategic Plan 2016/17 to 2020/21."— Presentation transcript:

1 Strategic Plan 2016/17 to 2020/21

2 Contents History of MHSC and Journey to Zero Harm
MHSC Mandate, Vision, Mission and Goals MHSC Structure MHSC Strategic Objectives Implementation of 2014 Mine Health and Safety Summit Milestones and Agreements MHSC Projects Portfolio Conclusion 2

3 MHSC History & Journey to Zero Harm
Vaal Reefs Disaster, “The Turning Point” Leon’s Commission (1994) Promulgation of MHSA (1996) Establishment of MHSC (SIMRAC, 1997) Expansion of Structures of MHSC (1999) &Tripartite Partnership Summits and Milestones (2003 & 2014) 3

4 Legislated MHSC Mandate
Advise the Minister on all occupational health and safety issues in the mining industry relating to legislation, research and promotion: Review and develop legislation for recommendation to the Minister Oversee research in relation to health and safety in the mining industry Liaise with other bodies concerned with health and safety issues Promote health and safety culture in the mining industry 4

5 MHSC Alignment with National Initiatives
National Development Plan (Chapters 9) Research and innovation by institutions playing a key role in improving SA’s global competitiveness and developing a base for the knowledge economy Ensuring that research and development is expanded through collaboration across South African and with Internationally accredited institutions Utilisation of multiple research sites through collaboration of industrial laboratories, government departments, corporate research parastatals, statutory research councils and NGO’s National Development Plan (Chapter 10) Promoting Health (HIV/Aids, TB Prevention and Cure, Lifestyle Diseases) National Development Plan (Chapter13) Building a Capable State (Procurement systems, oversight functions, capacity to deliver on mandate) State of the Nation Address (SONA) Nine Point Plan to Ignite Economic Growth 5

6 Vision and Mission VISION statement
The Mine Health and Safety Council has a vision to be a knowledge leader and the trusted advisor to the Minister of Mineral Resources and Stakeholders on Occupational Health and Safety matters, and to promote the transformation of Occupational Health and Safety in the mining industry towards the achievement of Zero Harm to Mine Workers and Mining Communities. MISSION STATEMENT To promote a culture of occupational health and safety in the mining industry by providing advice to the Minister of Mineral Resources, liaising with statutory bodies, fostering an effective tripartite partnership, and creating and disseminating information on leading practices to the mining industry. GOAL MHSC is pursuing the following goal: Zero Harm to employees and communities as result of mining activities and Providing Knowledge Leadership in Mining OHS All the strategic objectives are linked to this goal 6

Customer Perspective Internal Perspective Learning and Growth Finance Perspective 7

8 MHSC BUSINESS MODEL The MHSC Business Model describes how the organisation creates and delivers value to its stakeholders through the services and products it offers. The business model illustrates the MHSC mandate. 8

9 MHSC STRUCTURE State Labour Employers 9 HIV/AIDS and TB Programmes
Oversight role on the overall Implementation of culture transformation HIV/AIDS and TB Programmes 9

10 Customer & Stakeholder Perspective
OBJECTIVE1: DELIVER AGAINST MHSC MANDATE INCLUSIVE OF THE MHSC SUMMIT ACTION PLANS ON OHS TO ENSURE STAKEHOLDER SATISFACTION MEASURES TARGETS 15/16 16/17 17/18 18/19 19/20 20/21 Percentage of achievement of initiatives 100% INITIATIVES Initiatives to Enable Achievement of the Objective Develop advisory notes for submission to the Minister on various issues Develop legislative advice for submission to the Minister as recommendations Develop one advisory notes on OHS Summit Commitments inclusive of HIV/AIDS and TB issues Liaise with other bodies – Establish MoUs with organizations involved with OHS issues 10

11 Implementation of Safety Milestones
ELIMINATION OF FATALITIES AND INJURIES Every mining company must have a target of ZERO FATALITIES Target to eliminate fatalities by December 2020. Up to December 2016, 20% reduction in Serious Injuries* per year. From January 2017, 20% reduction in Lost Time Injuries (LTI**) per year. 11

12 Implementation of Occupational Health Milestones
ELIMINATION OF NOISE INDUCED HEARING LOSS Quietening of Equipment: By December 2024, the total operational or process noise emitted by any equipment not to exceed a sound pressure level of 107 dB(A). Standard Threshold Shift (STS) for Individual: By December 2016, no employee’s STS will exceed 25 dB from the baseline ELIMINATION OF LUNG DISEASES By 2024, 95% of Exposure Measurements Results will be below milestones level for coal dust, crystalline silica and platinum respirable particulate dust, Using present diagnostic techniques, no new cases of occupational diseases: Silicosis, Pneumoconiosis, FACILITATION OF THE FOLLOWING INITIATIVES: (Indaba) REHABILITATION OF MINE WORKERS INJURED ON DUTY INTEGRATION AND SIMPLIFYING OF COMPENSATION SYSTEMS 12

13 Implementation of Occupational Health Milestones
Prevention of TB, HIV/AIDS 13

14 Implementation of CTF and CoE Milestones
Culture Transformation Framework (CTF) By December 2020 there will be 100% implementation of six pillars: After December 2020 the remaining five pillars will be implemented: Implementation of Centre of Excellence Quick-win projects Technology and Knowledge Transfer Projects 14

15 MHSC Projects Portfolio
CoE Quick-win Projects Continuation Projects (Multi-year projects) New Simrac Projects Summit Milestones Action Plan Projects Completed Projects Initiatives Knowledge and Technology Transfer Projects Communication and Promotion Projects (Workshops, Forums, Conferences) Special Projects 15

16 Special MHSC Projects Women in Mining – from the conference resolutions in 2015, a WIM subcommittee has been established to develop a comprehensive plan for implementation on pertinent OHS issues impacting on WIM. Commemoration of Mine Disasters - focusing in coal brook disaster and ensuring that ex-mineworkers who passed on are honoured. Development of a comprehensive compensation system for the mining industry – provide evidence based research to inform policy direction. Host the OHS Tripartite Summit in November 2016 and other events. 16

17 Customer & Stakeholder Perspective
OBJECTIVE 2: PROMOTE AND COMMUNICATE MHSC PROGRAMMES TO IMPROVE OHS AWARENESS MEASURES TARGETS 15/16 16/17 17/18 18/19 19/20 20/21 Promotion and Communication of Initiatives to Mining Sector 80% INITIATIVES Initiatives to Enable Achievement of the Objective Develop a programme of initiatives to promote and communicate MHSC products and services Implement approved promotion and communication strategy plan for MHSC Undertake an assessment of four major events (World aids Day, Women in Mining, OHS Summit and OH Dialogue) conducted Undertake and annual principal stakeholders satisfaction survey Undertake and annual assessment on awareness /satisfaction from levy paying mines Undertake an annual assessment on awareness on awareness/satisfaction from Regional Tripartite Forums 17

18 Internal Process Perspective
Objective 1. ADHERENCE OF TURNAROUND TIME FOR PROCUREMENT OF SERVICES TO ENSURE DELIVERY BY MHSC MEASURES TARGETS 15/16 16/17 17/18 18/19 19/20 20/21 Services Procurement Turnaround Time 45 DAYS 80% INITIATIVES Initiatives to Enable Achievement of the Objective Develop & budget for an annual forward demand procurement plan (AFPP) Develop Terms of Reference and Sourcing Strategies for approved APP 60 days for open tenders procurement turnaround time 20 days for RFQs (Request for Qoutations) greater than R when appointing provider from database 10 days for RFQs less than R when appointing provider from database procurement 18

19 Procurement Turn-around Time Initiatives
SCM Capacitated with new SCM Practitioners Training of SCM and Bid Committees members completed Implementation of SCM Sourcing Strategies completed Advertising of Annual Supplier Database Updating and Migration to National Treasury Database in Progress Provision of regular SCM reporting to ensure monitoring and necessary interventions 19

20 Internal Process Perspective
Objective 2: ENHANCE EFFECTIVINESS OF EMPLOYEE PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT PROCESS MEASURES TARGETS 15/16 16/17 17/18 18/19 19/20 2/210 Quarterly Staff Appraisal Conducted 100% 80% INITIATIVES Initiatives to Enable Achievement of the Objective Cascade APP objectives and actions into performance contracts of all staff (Internal and Committees) Conduct staff performance appraisals 20

21 Internal Process Perspective
Objective 3: DELIVER MHSC PROJECTS ON BRIEF, BUDGET AND TIME (BBT) MEASURES TARGETS 15/16 16/17 17/18 18/19 19/20 20/21 An effective project management process that ensures effective, efficient, project scoping, scheduling and cost tracking 83% 85% 86% 87% 90% INITIATIVES Initiatives to Enable Achievement of the Objectives Development of milestone schedule and tracking of implementation Monitor projects utilizing projects milestones and contract register as part of Enterprise Projects Management Implement the Centre of Excellence Model 21

22 MHSC Projects Management System
Enterprise Project Management (Centralisation of all MHSC Projects) Project tracking and monitoring from single view (Projects Dashboard) Project risks improved management (Centralised Project Risk Management) Budget and resource usage and loading adequate monitoring 22

Enterprise Project Management System (EPM) continued implementation. Monitoring Delivery of Projects against set Milestones and Process Payments. Manage Projects Risks throughout delivery of the projects and implement risk mitigation measures as contained in projects risk register. Use Independent Subject Matter Experts for Quality Assurance. Development of Advisory Note for Minister’s as part of Technology and Knowledge Transfer. 23

MOU’s have been agreed upon with PSP’s including use of HDI’s (Wits, UP, CSIR and NIOH). The MHSC has sourced a service provider to develop a business plan that will outline the requirements to operationalise it - 1st week May 2016. Conduct capacity audit for PSP’s - state of readiness. The business plan will also outline governance framework for CoE in line with the approved model. The implementation date is 1st April 2017. 24

25 Internal Process Perspective
Objective 4: IMPLEMENT AND MAINTAIN INFORMATION, KNOWLEDGE AND RECORD MANAGEMENT SYSTEM SUPPORT STAFF AND STAKEHOLDERS MEASURES TARGETS 15/16 16/17 17/18 18/19 19/20 20/21 Effectiveness of the system 80% 100%  INITIATIVES Initiatives to Enable Achievement of the Objectives Monitor records management system KM system availability Monitor the KM system effectiveness 25

26 Knowledge Management Collection and making availabe of all Research work (CD, DVD, Hardcopy, website) MHSC work: online publication E-library (virtual Library to be developed and made available) Physical Library to be Implemented and few Computer workstations to be made available at MHSC offices Commemoration of Mine Disasters (DVD, Documentaries, Various Publications and E-books) Knowledge hub for occupational health and safety research outcomes (Knowledge and Technology Transfer) Availability of Occupational Health and Safety Research outcome from various institutions (COMRO), data online 26

27 Learning & Growth Perspective
Objective 1: IDENTIFY SKILLS REQUIRED BY MHSC OFFICE STAFF AND COUNCIL MEMBERS AND DEVELOP A TRAINING FOR CAPACITATION PROGRAMME FOR IMPLEMENTATION MEASURES TARGETS 15/16 16/17 17/18 18/19 19/20 20/21 Identified skill development needs implemented 80% INITIATIVES Initiatives to enable achievement of the objective Development of personal development plans (PDPs) to provide inputs to Workplace Skills Plan Submit Workplace Skills Plans (WSPs) and Annual Training Report (ATR) to MQA Monitor implementation of PDPs Develop and implement training plan for Council and Committees’ members Conduct induction for new Council and Committees’ members Conduct induction for New MHSC office staff 27

28 Learning & Growth Perspective
Objective 2: IMPROVE ORGANISATIONAL CLIMATE AND ENVIRONMENT TO MAKE IT CONDUCIVE FOR GOOD STAFF MORALE WITHIN MHSC MEASURES TARGETS 15/16 16/17 17/18 18/19 19/20 20/21 Level of Climate and Staff Morale Within MHSC 80% >80% INITIATIVES Initiatives to Enable Achievement of the Objective Implement initiatives from exit trend analysis identified from the previous financial year 28

29 Financial Perspective
Objective 1: MANAGE FINANCIAL RESOURCES FOR SUSTAINABILITY AND VIABILITY OF MHSC MEASURES TARGETS 15/16 16/17 17/18 18/19 19/20 20/21 Proportion of Income Collected 90% INITIATIVES Initiatives to enable achievement of the objective Validate database of active mines Implement Levy Task team Phase 1 outcome of a reviewed funding model to ensure the MHSC is adequately funded for delivery of OHS needs in the mining industry as per mandate and Summit action plans and programmes Finalise Levy Task Team Phase 2 of a reviewed funding model to ensure the MHSC is adequately funded for delivery of OHS needs in the mining industry as per mandate and Summit action plans and programmes 29

30 Levy Task Team Phase 1 & 2 Levy automation established and completed
Levy system explained and promoted to mines through Regional Tripartite Forums, programme to be continued Statistical information management formalised between stakeholders, as part of data validation Risk based Levy Model considered in Phase 2 , proposed Model to include Occupational Health and Hygiene statistics as a basis for calculation Proposed New Model currently in a process of being finalised by the task team 30

31 Financial Perspective
Objective 2: MONITOR EFFICIENT AND EFFECTIVE UTILISATION OF FINANCIAL RESOURCES MEASURES TARGETS 15/16 16/17 17/18 18/19 19/20 20/21 Maintain spending in line With Approved Budget Variance 5% INITIATIVES Initiatives to enable achievement of the objective Develop and implement zero based budgeting process to determine cash flow Develop and approve a budget for predetermined objectives Monitor implementation of spending plans 31

32 Approved Budget 32

33 Initiatives to Improve Expenditure
Critical Monthly project Milestones Variances Monitoring Centre of Excellence (CoE) Projects Contracted Research Projects Budget Including New Projects All Contracted Approved Surplus Funds Expenditure, Influenced mostly Implementation of CoE Tight Monthly Budgets vs Expenditure Analysis & Interventions 33

34 Conclusion - Attaining ZERO HARM
It is important that all the stakeholders continue to live the theme “EVERY MINE WORKER RETURNS FROM WORK UNHARMED EVERY DAY, STRIVING FOR ZERO HARM”. Increased participation of Tripartite Forums, Professional Mining Associations, Mining Companies and other stakeholders is a paramount. Commitment of all stakeholders is critical to ensure that MHSC Strategic Objectives including 2014 Milestones are achieved timely. 34


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