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Module 2: The ‘big story’ of the Bible

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1 Module 2: The ‘big story’ of the Bible

2 Universal Plot Structure (according to Nick Park)
Unexpected solution! Try to sort it out… all seems lost Disrupted Nick Park of Aardman Animation outlined this ‘universal plot structure’ in a display at Bristol’s interactive science centre ( Ask teachers to see if they can think of stories, books and/or films that follow this structure. E.g. Aardman films, books and films such as Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, etc. See Handbook p for background to Bible ‘big story’. Setting © RE Today 2016

3 Bible ‘plot structure’ – a ‘big story’ view
God Creation The Resources are based on a view that the Bible tells a ‘big story’. This is only one way of reading it, of course; it is obviously simplified, and does not deny that the Bible is a series of a separate texts with a significant number of authors and editors. However, many Christians argue that the Creator’s intentions for humanity can be discerned in the over-arching narrative structure of the Bible. This view is certainly mainstream enough to form the basis of pupils’ understanding at school; differences and their reasons can then be explored as pupils get older. The setting: See Handbook p.14. God: Fundamental to Christian belief is the existence of God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Creation: The universe and human life are God’s good creation. Humans are made in the image of God. The scene is set for the great drama that is going to unfold. Setting © RE Today 2016

4 Bible ‘plot structure’ – a ‘big story’ view
‘The Fall’ The setting is disrupted! See Handbook p14 Fall: Christians believe humans have a tendency to go their own way rather than keep their place in relation to their Creator. This attitude is called sin, and Genesis 3 gives an account of this rebellion, popularly called ‘the Fall’. This describes a catastrophic separation between God and humans, between humans and each other, and between humans and the environment. This idea that humans are ‘fallen’ and in need of rescue (or salvation) sets out the root cause of many problems for humanity. Disrupted Setting © RE Today 2016

5 Bible ‘plot structure’ – a ‘big story’ view
People of God Try to sort it out… all seems lost See Handbook p.14 People of God: Christians see the Old Testament as telling the story of God’s plan to reverse the impact of the Fall, to save humanity. It involves choosing a people who will model a restored relationship with God, who will attract all other people back to God. The Bible narrative includes the ups and downs of this plan, including the message of the prophets, who tried to persuade people to stick with God. The plan appears to end in failure with the people of God exiled in Babylon, and then returning to occupied Israel, awaiting a ‘messiah’ — a rescuer, a ‘saviour’. Disrupted Setting © RE Today 2015

6 Bible ‘plot structure’ – a ‘big story’ view
Incarnation Gospel Kingdom of God Salvation Try to sort it out… all seems lost Unexpected solution! See Handbook p.15 for the story linked to these four concepts. Do - Give teachers a chance to put images/cards/icons into order and retell the story. Explore some of the imagery – note, for example, the heart at the centre of the Escher-style impossible Trinity image for God; and how this image is embedded in the incarnation image. Look closely at the Gospel card – see the direction of the arrows painted within in the golden arrows out from the heart; your pupils’ eyes will be able to spot the writing on the outer circle too… Disrupted Setting © RE Today 2016

7 Silent conversation activity:
Move around and write comments around image, responding to each others’ ideas. Include questions you have about the art and the theology. Match concepts and icon cards to the relevant parts of the frieze. Address these questions later. The Big Frieze booklet contains helpful background information. 1. Panels on large flip chart paper. Will need 2 sets Silent debate activity- people up and moving. 2. Sit down study what people have said about your panel. © RE Today 2016

8 Creation Copyright © 2016 Emma Yarlett
Panel 1: Creation Can you spot? Adam and Eve, some fish, a serpent Creation Copyright © 2016 Emma Yarlett

9 Fall Can you spot? The police tape
Copyright © 2016 Emma Yarlett

10 People of God Copyright © 2016 Emma Yarlett
Panel 3 and 4: People of God Can you spot? David and Goliath, David dancing in front of the Ark, David spying on Bathsheba, Jonah under his tree, the word SIN People of God Copyright © 2016 Emma Yarlett

11 People of God Copyright © 2016 Emma Yarlett
Panel 3 and 4: People of God Can you spot? David and Goliath, David dancing in front of the Ark, David spying on Bathsheba, Jonah under his tree, the word SIN People of God Copyright © 2016 Emma Yarlett

12 Incarnation Copyright © 2016 Emma Yarlett
Panel 5: Incarnation Can you spot? A nativity scene, hints of kingliness, the shadow of the cross Incarnation Copyright © 2016 Emma Yarlett

13 Gospel Copyright © 2016 Emma Yarlett
Panel 6: Gospel Can you spot? The temple curtain being torn in two, feeding of 5000, I am the door? Gospel Copyright © 2016 Emma Yarlett

14 Salvation Copyright © 2016 Emma Yarlett
Panel 7: Salvation Can you spot? The paintpots and colour, why have they returned? Salvation Copyright © 2016 Emma Yarlett

15 Kingdom of God Copyright © 2016 Emma Yarlett
Panel 8: Kingdom of God Can you spot? Peter healing the lame beggar, Peter writing from prison? Kingdom of God Copyright © 2016 Emma Yarlett

16 Panel 1: Creation Can you spot? Adam and Eve, some fish, a serpent
Make use of Emma Yarlett’s Frieze to explore this view of the Bible back in school. Use the ‘Big Frieze’ booklet for additional information on a Bible timeline and the core concepts, as well as what to look for in the images. Panel 1: Creation Can you spot? Adam and Eve, some fish, a serpent Panel 2: Fall Can you spot? The police tape Panel 3 and 4: People of God Can you spot? David and Goliath, David dancing in front of the Ark, David spying on Bathsheba, Jonah under his tree, the word SIN Panel 5: Incarnation Can you spot? A nativity scene, hints of kingliness, the shadow of the cross Panel 6: Gospel Can you spot? The temple curtain being torn in two, feeding of 5000, I am the door? Panel 7: Salvation Can you spot? The paintpots and colour, why have they returned? Panel 8: Kingdom of God Can you spot? Peter healing the lame beggar, Peter writing from prison? The Big Frieze booklet contains helpful background information. Trainer needs frieze book out here to read from Trainer to read out bits from frieze book to see if they can find © RE Today 2016

17 What did Jesus do to save human beings? [Y5] 2a.7
Upper Key Stage 2 2a.6 What did Jesus do to save human beings? [Y5] 2a.7 What difference does the resurrection make for Christians? [Y6] Some have created their own before they saw ours Katie Freeman, Y2, Hyde Park Infant School, Plymouth Stephen Pett © RE Today 2016

18 F1 Why is the word ‘God’ so important to Christians?
Essential information Background for teachers Links Resources Digging deeper Core learning Outcomes Resource sheets Take out a unit on Creation from each key stage for teachers to see and share with colleague: F1 Why is the word ‘God’ so important to Christians? 1.2 Who made the world? 2a.1 What do Christians learn from the Creation story? 2b.2 Creation and science: conflicting or complementary? 29 units of work provide rich resources for teachers – supporting their subject knowledge as well as offering a wide range of ideas and resources to teach the concepts in a variety of settings. ‘You might like to start with…’ = bridge to pupils’ experience; imaginative way in. Essential information designed to give teachers some confidence in handling the content. Show example unit. Talk through. Building blocks Teaching and learning suggestions You might like to start with… © RE Today 2016

19 The teaching and learning approach is fundamental to the Understanding Christianity resource. All three elements above are needed in each unit if pupils are to gain the expected understanding and ability to handle concepts and texts. See Handbook p 10-13 © RE Today 2016

20 Use the ‘select and weave together’ diagram.

21 Most Units take each element – text/impact/connections – in turn
Most Units take each element – text/impact/connections – in turn. Not all do – here is KS1 Unit 1.1 God, for example. See also Units Lower KS2 2a.4 Gospel (Digging Deeper) or Lower KS2 2a.5 Salvation (Digging Deeper) to show that not all follow Text/Impact/Connections Teachers need to take seriously the freedom to weave together tasks and activities to enable pupils to achieve the outcomes in your particular context. Bear in mind that making sense of the text is intended to help pupils grasp the concept more deeply; that this is logically prior to understanding what impact that belief/concept/text has on how Christians live; and that making connections depends upon pupils having learned the content of the building blocks (this is NOT to be substituted with a weak kind of ‘how do you feel?/what’s your opinion?’ question: pupils need to demonstrate their understanding of the concepts/texts/impact studied and make wider connections out of this understanding). So changing this order should only be done where there is a good, justifiable reason! Having said that, you might imagine an activity that explores some example of Christian living, and then asks why this is important/significant, and then goes back to uncover the concept/belief/text that underpins it.

22 Maps from Memory Activity

23 Zoom in on Creation/Fall
F1 Why is the word God so important to Christians? 1.2 Who made the world? 2a.1 What do Christians learn from the creation story? 2b.2 Creation and science: conflicting or complementary 3.2 Should Christians be greener than none Christians? 3.3 Why are people good and bad? © RE Today 2016

24 Teachers are clear about what to teach pupils, and what pupils should know and understand about each concept, by making use of these knowledge ‘building blocks’. Pupils might be assessed against these statements if a school is adopting a ‘mastery’ model of assessment. See Handbook p20-33 © RE Today 2016


26 Zoom in on Creation/Fall: Upper KS2 Unit 2b.2
Look at building blocks and outcomes – compare them with end of phase outcomes (H p.36-37) Bear these in mind as you look at some activities. Which outcomes do they enable pupils to achieve? Try some activities: From Unit 2b.2 Creation: look at outcomes. Text: explore genres, then look for clues as to Genesis 1’s genre. Compare with scientific accounts. Raise questions; reflect on possible purpose of Genesis and scientific accounts. Impact: Find out about Christians who are scientists – examples provided in Resource booklet and Resources part of Essential Information Connections: Reflect on experience of looking at night sky. Evaluate ideas to do with relationship between science and Genesis. © RE Today 2016

27 2b.2 Creation Resource Sheet 5
Get people up to do Need large cards with statements on –large cards with statements on provided by the diocese

28 Zoom in on Incarnation P15 handbook for description of incarnation
F2 Incarnation Use Tessa and Tom scripts to tell story of Jesus’ birth and how Christians celebrate it. [Read out some of the scripts]

29 F2 Incarnation Use Tessa and Tom scripts to tell story of Jesus’ birth and how Christians celebrate it. [Read out some of the scripts] 2a.3 Incarnation: Text: Tell story of Jesus’ baptism; what signs are in the story that Jesus is God? Compare with artworks. Link with idea of Trinity. Use Trinity kennings (see Resource Sheets 1 and 2 and slides below). Impact: Explore Christian infant and adult baptism and links with belief in Trinity. Connections: Explore Trinity in art and pupils’ own attempts to express mystery.

30 Text: Tell the story of Jesus’ baptism Matthew 3:11-17 Key word bingo
2a.3 Incarnation: Text: Tell the story of Jesus’ baptism Matthew 3:11-17 Key word bingo What is going on? What signs are in the story that Jesus is God? Water Voice Dove baptise Dove Holy Spirit heaven water Spirit love Jesus son If time Read out Baptism story- do bingo if not just explain these are the type of thing you are going to do Introduce what next steps would be Compare with artworks.

31 2a.3 Incarnation/God Resource Sheet 1
Almighty Breath Comforter Creator Dove Fire Fortress Holy King Prince of Peace Prophet Rabbi (Teacher) Rock Saviour Shepherd Water Wind Words used to describe Father, Son and Holy Spirit in the Bible. Can you sort them? Father Holy Spirit Son Delegates to do using paper on table to draw venn diagram and scribble in words – discussing why these words are used

32 Introduce what next steps would be- describe the sort of activities you can do with a poem like this
Connections: Explore Trinity in art and pupils’ own attempts to express mystery.

33 We have Zoomed in on 2 concepts
Give out copies of the knowledge ‘building blocks’ for each concept. Ask teachers to read them and traffic light them according to how familiar/unfamiliar they are – or how confident they are about the information. Use this to help clarify subject knowledge needed in the group. Recommend that teachers read the Essential information sections – not just for their year group but also for others. KS3 information for Fall, for example, is helpful for teachers teaching Creation/Fall lower down the school. Give delegates time to do this. This is for them personally but it would help if it was discussed with sub leader in school so they can plan future support. © RE Today 2016

34 To discuss in small groups
What excites/enthuses you about this new resource? What question or worries do you have about what you have heard?

35 Next steps with this resource
Further out of school training will be for a nominated person from your school e.g. subject leader & head Make links and networks within your local area for working with this resource Schools to trial parts of this resource Diocese suggests focussing on no more than three concepts initially creation, incarnation and salvation Work out training needs for staff Trial using the pedagogy by teaching a unit

36 Next steps for your school
Discuss as a school or in Key Stage groups How could you introduce this to your school? Which parts will you trial? What support will you need? Anything else?

37 RE coordinators share practice in regions
Feedback to Jane Chipperton RE coordinators attend a follow up day/twilights in Dates to be arranged. 29th September 3 Faiths Forum – Identity, Faith & Belief January 24th Julia Diamond-Conway - Creation (RE Today) Practical details- Jane will send link to download resources but can buy extra packs through diocese £55 if needed and also stuff like extra friezes and big friezes. Thank you

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