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Comparative Analysis Essay

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1 Comparative Analysis Essay

2 Creative Writing Comparative Analysis Essay
A common essay task you will be asked to write in higher education will be comparative analysis papers. The intent of a comparative analysis essay is to examine two subjects (pieces of literature, writings styles, characters, etc.) and their similarities and differences in relation to one another. The purpose of these essays is not just to find the differences and similarities, but to analyze these aspects in order to find deeper meaning.

3 So what? So they’re alike and they’re different. So what?
A good paper will not simply offer a summary of themes, characters, or plot. Your job is to think about how these comparisons and contrasts create meaningful connections to a larger issue. I will not be giving you a prompt, rather you will be creating a so what/thesis driven argument

4 This Essay For this paper, you will be developing a thesis driven comparative analysis on two things of from your independent novels. You can choose any two characters, events, conflicts, themes, or overall story. The key is that you must be able to support your in depth analysis with quotes and specificity. In order to ensure that you are on the right track, you must have your comparative topic approved by me

5 Due Dates Topic Approval~ Tuesday 5/1, End of Class
Work time: 5/1, 5/2, 5/3, 5/4, 5/10,5/17 Outline~ DUE Friday 5/4 by 8am on Working Thesis Included 3 part outline (I, II, III) 3 level outline (I, A, 1.) Must include quotes Rough Draft~ DUE Sunday 5/11 by 8am on Peer editing 5/4 & 5/11 Words (Heading & Works Cited do not count toward word count) Typed, 1” margins, double-spaced, 12 pt. Times font, heading, header w/ page numbers In-text citations and Works Cited page. (Must follow MLA format) Final Paper ~ DUE Friday 5/18

6 Task Today Figure out what you are going to compare from your two novels Write a working thesis Give me a rough outline of what you are going to argue (serves as topic approval) Best format to you BTS 1: similarities BTS 2: differences BTS 3: so what

7 Essay requirements 1200-1500 Words
Typed, 1” margins, double-spaced, 12 pt. Times font, heading, header w/ page numbers In-text citations and Works Cited page. (Must follow MLA format) Final due: 5/18, 8am

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