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Note that only electronic posters will be presented.

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Presentation on theme: "Note that only electronic posters will be presented."— Presentation transcript:

1 Note that only electronic posters will be presented.
Dear author, we are glad to inform You that the Scientific Committee of the XVI Danube-European Conference on Geotechnical Engineering, has selected Your paper to be presented in the poster session! This is a simple template for preparing the poster: it should be length x height = 100 x 70 cm. Except for the here given left-hand part of the template, feel absolutely free to express the paper in most convenient way on the rest of the area. You may add any kind of design gadgets, which could even be prepared in other software! Note that only electronic posters will be presented. Please save the poster file both in PDF and JPEG or similar photo extension. Each poster will be presented in appropriate session, at allocated LED TV: the authors will get time and location announcement. Enjoy the preparation: we look forward to see Your masterpiece! XVI Danube-European Conference on Geotechnical Engineering Geotechnical hazards and risks: experiences and practices Skopje, TITLE OF THE PAPER: the format should be as in the paper, i.e. no capital letters where they shouldn’t be. The text box’ size has been fixed, so the title has to fit it (this has been adjusted). If necessary, You may use hy-phenation. AUTHORS: in one row each, in format “SURNAME Name”, followed with their title, but without affiliation. They all have to fit this text box.

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