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Text Study Notes to the Text Words and Expressions Idea Sharing

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1 Text Study Notes to the Text Words and Expressions Idea Sharing
1 1 Text Study Notes to the Text Words and Expressions Idea Sharing Writing

2 Understanding Structure Analysis Summary Reproduction

3 I. Understanding 1. Who is Dr. Robert S. Eliot? __________________.
Text Study—Understanding I. Understanding 1. Who is Dr. Robert S. Eliot? __________________. __________________________. Author of a new book A clinical professor of medicine

4 2. What does Eliot say in his book?
Text Study—Understanding 2. What does Eliot say in his book? You may be hurting your heart if ___________________________. b. You need to learn to take charge of your life if Being tense may cause ____________________ __________________________ for “hot reactors”. d. Stressed people have ______________________. feeling angry and overwhelmed not wanting to break your heart tremendous and rapid increases in their blood pressure higher cholesterol levels

5 _____________________________________.
Text Study—Understanding 3. What causes stress? _____________________________________. FUD factors together with lack of control b. ______. Anger

6 4. The anger is coming from
Text Study—Understanding 4. The anger is coming from ________________________________________. _______________________. a feeling that everything must be perfect not having compass

7 b. ________________________________. _______________.
Text Study—Understanding 5. How to deal with stress? _________________. b. ________________________________. _______________. Trying NICE factors Write down six things like Ben Franklin Learn how to flow

8 chainlike cause-and-effect
Text Study—Structure Analysis II. Structure Analysis A. The Writing Model of Passage A: indirect quotation chainlike cause-and-effect direct quotation examples + quotation

9 Para. Main Idea Developing Skill 1~3 the stress in life
Text Study—Structure Analysis Para. Main Idea Developing Skill 1~3 the stress in life indirect quotation 4~6 how stress affects one’s heart chainlike cause-and-effect 7~11 major causes of the stress in life direct quotation 12~20 the steps to cope with the stress examples+ quotation

10 chainlike cause-and-effect
Text Study—Structure Analysis B. The way to develop paragraphs: chainlike cause-and-effect To make his idea more convincing, the author adopts the findings of researchers to explain how excess stress affects one’s heart through a chain of causes and effects.

11 Which paragraph is typically developed in this way?
Text Study—Structure Analysis Which paragraph is typically developed in this way? Para. 5 : Stress leads to death

12 1st cause: excess alarm or stress chemicals
Text Study—Structure Analysis 1st cause: excess alarm or stress chemicals 1st effect: bursting heart muscle fibers 2nd cause: heart muscle fibers 2nd effect: creating short circuits, causing crazy heart rhythms 3rd cause: crazy heart rhythms 3rd effect: beating like a bag of worms, can’t live

13 III. Summary Effects of stress (Paras. 1-6)
Text Study—Summary III. Summary Effects of stress (Paras. 1-6) Causes of stress (Paras. 7-11) 3. Solutions to stress (Paras. 12-20)

14 Text Study—Structure Analysis
You should learn to take charge of your life and recognize that many things are _________ your control. Being tense may cause tremendous and rapid __________ in blood pressure. Alarm or stress chemicals can literally ______ heart muscle fibers.The main factors causing stress are ____________ and doubt, together with the ______________. For some people, anger is the ______ of their stress. The NICE factors—new, interesting, __________ experiences—are recommended in order to calm you down. Like Ben Franklin, you have to set your _________. To face all the problems you have little control over, you have to learn ___________. beyond increases burst fear, uncertainty lack of control root challenging priorities how to flow

15 Text Study—Reproduction
IV. Reproduction Suppose you are a psychological doctor. A patient suffering from depression consults you. Work in pairs and role-play the situation. Use as many expressions and ideas from the text as you can.

16 Points to cover: Exchange of greetings.
Text Study—Reproduction Points to cover: Exchange of greetings. Necessary inquiry about the patient’s life style, job, present engagement … Harmful effects of getting stressed. How to manage stress effectively. A sample beginning

17 A sample beginning A: Morning, Doctor Smith.
Text Study—Reproduction A sample beginning A: Morning, Doctor Smith. B: You look upset. What’s the matter? A: My heart beats like a bag of worms. B: What are you busy with these days?

18 Active Expressions Focus Study

19 Notes to the Text—Active Expressions
I. Active Expressions In English, you may find some expressions formed by very common words, but they are active and powerful. e.g. What’s on at the cinema tonight? 今晚电影院上演什么? What’s he up to? 他忙什么呢?

20 Find the active expressions:
Notes to the Text—Active Expressions 1. … and recognize there are many things beyond your control. 2. For many people, the root of their stress is anger… 3. They feel they have to be all things to all people … 4. … and they blow their tops. 5. … if you stir in your own juice with no safety outlet—you have to find out where it’s coming from. Find the active expressions:

21 not within the range of control
Notes to the Text—Active Expressions beyond one’s control not within the range of control the root of the source or basis of be all things play all the roles of blow one’s top lose one’s temper stir in one’s anger suffer from one’s feelings of Practice

22 Translation 作为一个音乐家,她的演奏技巧另人赞叹不已。 金钱往往被说成万恶之源。
Notes to the Text—Active Expressions Translation 作为一个音乐家,她的演奏技巧另人赞叹不已。 金钱往往被说成万恶之源。 有些家长希望自己的孩子十全十美,因此逼迫他们在课余时间学这学那。 母亲看到我的成绩单时大发雷霆。 这个消息激起了人们的愤怒。 Keys

23 Keys Her skill as a musician is beyond praise.
Notes to the Text—Active Expressions Keys Her skill as a musician is beyond praise. Money is said to be the root of all evils. 3. Some parents expect their children to be all things, thus urging them to learn this and that after class. 4. My mother blew her top when she saw my school report. 5. The news stirred the anger of the people.

24 II. Focus Study 1. If you often feel angry and overwhelmed,
Notes to the Text—Focus Study II. Focus Study 1. If you often feel angry and overwhelmed, like the stress in your life is spinning out of control, then you may be hurting your heart. If you often/always …, then you may… 如果你经常/总是······,那么你很可能······ Practice

25 Translation 如果你对什么事都挑剔、对什么人都吹毛求疵,那么你可能在追求一种不幸的生活方式。
Notes to the Text—Focus Study Translation 如果你对什么事都挑剔、对什么人都吹毛求疵,那么你可能在追求一种不幸的生活方式。 如果你什么事都看不上眼,好像无事值得你去做,那么你可能在虚度宝贵的时光。 If you always pick holes in everything and find fault with everyone around you, then you may be pursuing an unhappy lifestyle. If you hold everything in contempt, then you may be idling away your precious time.

26 What happens is that …, the more … the more …
Notes to the Text—Focus Study 2. What happens is that the hotter people get, physiologically, with mental stress, the more likely they are to blow apart with some heart problem. What happens is that …, the more … the more … 此时会发生这样一种情况 , 越······越 ······ Practice

27 Notes to the Text—Focus Study
Translation 在健康的家庭生活氛围里,常常会出现这样的情况——孩子由于父母恰如其分的表扬变得越自信,从而他们很可能会因为这种自信而做得更好。 In a healthy atmosphere of family life, what often happens is that the more self-confident children get with parents’ proper praises, the more likely they are to do even better with such self-confidence.

28 Word Using Matching Game Chinese to English Word Formation

29 I. Word Using 1. overwhelm v.
Words and Expressions—Word Using I. Word Using 1. overwhelm v. ① to cover (sth./sb.) completely, to cause to feel a sudden strong feeling e.g. A great mass of water overwhelmed the village. He was overwhelmed with joy at the news that his son won the champion.

30 Translation Key 1. overwhelm ② to defeat, to overpower
Words and Expressions—Word Using 1. overwhelm ② to defeat, to overpower Translation 我们的乒乓球运动员击败了欧洲队员。 Key Our table tennis players overwhelmed the players from Europe.

31 ① adj. additional and not wanted
Words and Expressions—Word Using 2. excess ① adj. additional and not wanted e.g. The fat man went on a diet to get rid of his excess weight. 辨析 excessive : adj. too great in amount or in degree

32 Translation Key 2. excess ② n. an amount that is more than enough
Words and Expressions—Word Using 2. excess ② n. an amount that is more than enough Translation Luggage in excess of 100kg will be charged extra. Key 超过一百公斤的行李要额外收费。 形近词 access n. entering or approaching, way in excel v. be very good at sth. exceed v. be greater than, go beyond

33 Translation Key 3. attribute … to … ① caused or produced by sb. / sth.
Words and Expressions—Word Using 3. attribute … to … ① caused or produced by sb. / sth. Translation 他们把成功归因于老师的鼓励。 Key They attributed their success to their teacher’s encouragement.

34 ② to regard sth. as belonging to
Words and Expressions—Word Using 3. attribute … to … ② to regard sth. as belonging to e.g. This comedy has been attributed to Shakespeare. 形近词 contribute v. 捐赠,贡献 distribute v. 分发,分配

35 Translation Key 4. exterior n.
Words and Expressions—Word Using 4. exterior n. the appearance or outside surface of sth. Translation 你不能以貌取人。 Key You must not judge people by their exteriors. 形近词 More words with “-ior”? interior, prior, superior, inferior, junior, senior

36 v. ① to move in a round motion; ② to move slightly;
Words and Expressions—Word Using 5. stir v. ① to move in a round motion; ② to move slightly; ③ to make active; to excite e.g. Use a spoon to stir. Not a breath of air stirred. The story stirred the boy’s imagination.

37 Translation 5. stir n. ①action of stirring; ② great excitement,
Words and Expressions—Word Using 5. stir n. ①action of stirring; ② great excitement, shock or anger among people e.g. Give the soup a stir. The news of the terrorist attacks in New York caused quite a stir in the whole world. Translation 禽流感在一些国家引起恐慌。 Bird flu has caused a stir in some countries.

38 I wouldn’t recommend reading in this light; it may affect your eyes.
Words and Expressions—Word Using 6. recommend v. to suggest, to advise e.g. The doctor recommended that she (should) stop smoking as soon as possible. I wouldn’t recommend reading in this light; it may affect your eyes. The doctor recommended a change of climate for her health. that -clause doing/n. recommend +

39 Translation Key 7. substitute ① v. to replace (with) 我们这把破损的椅子得换个新的。
Words and Expressions—Word Using 7. substitute ① v. to replace (with) Translation 我们这把破损的椅子得换个新的。 你代我去开会好吗? Key We must substitute a new chair for the broken one. Can you substitute for me at the meeting?

40 Words and Expressions—Word Using
7. substitute ② n. a person or thing acting or used in place of another e.g. When do you have a substitute teacher? Use It Can telephone be substituted for as a way of communication? Why or why not? Tips I think so because … I don’t think so because …

41 Collocation 8. -tempered having the specified type of temper
Words and Expressions—Word Using 8. -tempered having the specified type of temper Collocation 性情平和/温和/温柔的 even/mild/sweet hot/quick/short moody good bad/ill 脾气急噪的 喜怒无常的 -tempered 好脾气的 坏脾气的

42 Translation Key 9. cut down
Words and Expressions—Word Using 9. cut down to reduce, to make less in number or amount Translation 如果不能完全戒烟,至少要少抽点。 Key If you can’t give up smoking completely, at least try to cut down.

43 causing trouble/anxiety/pain
Words and Expressions—Word Using 10. troublesome adj. causing trouble/anxiety/pain Word Formation n. + some = adj. liking to/causing or producing e.g. quarrelsome burdensome tiresome lonesome 好争吵的 成为负担的 烦人的 孤单的

44 II. Matching Game take a short cut across cut back F omit cut off
Words and Expressions—Matching Game II. Matching Game take a short cut across omit stop while in conversation remove or shaping by cutting reduce the length of sth. return quickly F cut back cut off cut down cut away cut out cut across C E D B A Practice

45 Fill in the blanks with “cut” phrases
Words and Expressions—Matching Game Fill in the blanks with “cut” phrases He ________ through the woods to where he had been standing before. You’d better _________ the last paragraph of your article in order to make it short. The operator ____ me ____ before I had a chance to talk to him. We may as well __________ the playground. We have kept him waiting for half an hour. cut back cut out cut off cut across

46 III. Chinese to English 学会把握自己的生活 learn to take charge of your life
Words and Expressions—C to E III. Chinese to English 学会把握自己的生活 你必须学会随波逐流 44岁时患心脏病 使自己心平气和的一个步骤 将病因归于压力 找出愤怒的来源 认识到许多事情是身不由己 learn to take charge of your life you have to learn how to flow suffer a heart attack at age 44 one step to calming down attribute the cause of the disease to stress find out where the anger is coming from recognize there are many things beyond your control

47 Ⅳ. Word Formation v. n. a. attribute stimulate destructive priority
Words and Expressions—Word formation Ⅳ. Word Formation v. n. a. attribute stimulate destructive priority attribution attributive stimulus stimulating destroy destruction prior

48 List Your “Six Things” in Your Life

49 Idea Sharing Ben Franklin wrote down six things in his life that he wanted to achieve most. Then what are your “six things”? Decide what things you can/can’t control. What will you do with the out-of- control problems? (Ben Franklin)

50 Structured Writing Practical Writing

51 I. Structured Writing Cause and Effect Writing
Writing—Structured Writing I. Structured Writing Cause and Effect Writing When you explain in writing the reasons why something happens, you are having a cause and effect writing. Read the following passage and tell the cause and effect.

52 Writing—Structured Writing
Samples Do you know why winter is colder than summer? One reason is that there are fewer hours of sunlight in winter. But there is another reason. Winter sunlight is cooler. It is the same sun, and it shines just as bright as in the summertime, and yet the earth gets less heat from it. (结果) (原因1) (原因2) (先果后因,多因一果)

53 Writing Task Find a model (outside the textbook):
Writing—Structured Writing Writing Task Find a model (outside the textbook): a. Look for a typical paragraph of cause and effect. b. Put it down. c. Exchange yours with other classmates’ in class. ( Source: books available/online)

54 II. Practical Writing Reading Journals
Writing—Practical Writing II. Practical Writing Reading Journals A journal enables you to gain insight into the work while integrating the reading and writing process. Then HOW?

55 1. Steps 1) Underline important parts as you read.
Writing—Practical Writing 1. Steps 1) Underline important parts as you read. 2) Write a one-paragraph summary of the entire reading. 3) Quote or paraphrase underlined parts and respond to them. 4) Write down your thoughts and feelings.

56 2. Tips 1) Write your name, the date, the name of
Writing—Practical Writing 2. Tips 1) Write your name, the date, the name of the author, and the title of the reading at the top of the first page. 2) About half the journal entry should be what the author says and half what you respond.

57 very carefully before you answer.
Writing—Practical Writing 3) Reply to the author with confidence. Agree, disagree, question, but first listen very carefully before you answer. 4) You don’t have to cover everything. Find some central aspects of the reading and focus on it.

58 3. Samples: This story helps us realize how easily and how little it
Writing—Practical Writing 3. Samples: Sample 1 This story helps us realize how easily and how little it takes for one to lose his/her life. Of course, what happened to Jekkey wasn’t “a little” , but just when he thought he was safe, he was at the greatest point of danger and had to be rescued. He had gone into a state of shock. He couldn’t feel himself. Any little dis– turbance in our equilibrium will throw us off right away, and all it takes is the slightest word to throw us back into equilibrium. What Jekkey is trying to state is how delicate and fragile the human mind and consciousness is. (The student having read a short essay about a young man named Jekkey who gets into a dangerous situation, summary of the essay omitted.)

59 (A language teacher responding to a book in her field.)
Writing—Practical Writing Sample 2 As a foreign language teacher, I absolutely enjoyed reading the observation of an ESL class in Chapter One of Brown’s text. I know that if I had been there, I would have enjoyed the lesson. I feel that the teacher did an excellent job in each part of the lesson. First, in my opinion, she clearly knew what her objective was, and the elements of her lesson exemplified that. I also believe that her activities were well-planned, and that each one took place in the “right time” during the lesson. She varied the style, implementation and performance of each activity; this keeps students interested and “on their toes”. In addition, it reinforced the learning that takes place. (A language teacher responding to a book in her field.)

60 The End of Section A To Section B

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