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EBRD investing in Croatia

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1 EBRD investing in Croatia
Vedrana Jelušić Kašić, EBRD Director for Croatia UK-CROATIA TRADE AND INVESTMENT FORUM London, 24 October 2013 © European Bank for Reconstruction and Development 2013 |

2 EBRD Business Volume in Croatia
EBRD in Croatia at a glance Cumulative business volume over €2.76 bn in 149 operations since 1994. Currently there are 80 active projects with a portfolio value over €1.23 bn. Private sector investments make 69% of portfolio. Equity investments represent a 29% of total portfolio, above EBRD’s average of 22%. EBRD Business Volume in Croatia 4

3 EBRD in Croatia at a glance
Portfolio distribution by currency Portfolio distribution by sector Diversified exposure across sectors, with higher relative participation in Infrastructure and Financial Institutions. 4

4 EBRD’s Country Strategy 2013-2016
New Country Strategy for Croatia was approved in June 2013 with the focus on: Mitigating the impact of the crisis by supporting corporates Financing SME’s directly or through financial intermediaries Financing long-term investments, working capital and restructurings Restructuring and privatisation of state-owned companies Focus on large utilities and infrastructure companies Accelerate sound public sector reform through policy dialogue Leveraging the benefits of EU accession to advance transition Contributing to the effective absorption of EU structural funds Assisting companies improve their competitiveness to face the challenges of the single market

5 EBRD Product Flexibility
Project-based financing to public or privately-owned companies and concessionaries. Senior, subordinated, convertible. Long Term or Short Term (revolving). Floating / Fixed rates. Choice of currencies. Possibility to create A/B loan structures and to syndicate part of the loan to the market. Loans Common stock or preferred stock. Minority positions only (up to 35%). Mezzanine. Equity Partial guarantees. Currency swaps. Bonds. Other

6 Projects signed in 2013 10/11/2018

7 EBRD Landmark Projects in Croatia
Natural resources INA € 150m loan Plinacro Gas Storage € 70m loan Telecoms , IT & Media VIP-NET GSM € 22m loan Data Centre Kriz € 2m loan Power & Energy Pelet Group biomass power plant € 4m loan Property y & Tourism Jadranka Hotels € 24m equity 10/11/2018

8 EBRD Landmark Projects in Croatia
Transport Coridor Vc Completion € 61m loan Port of Dubrovnik € 33m loan Municipal & Environmental Infrastructure Zagreb WW treatment plant € 42m loan Karlovac WW Project € 10m loan Financial Institutions PBZ 2nd phase of privatisation € 114m equity Zagrebacka banka SME/EE € 60m loan Manufacturing & Services Danieli ABS Sisak € 20m loan Pliva Research facility € 19m loan Agribusiness Atlantic Grupa € 232m A/B loan & € 27.5m equity Agrokor € 110m equity Podravka EE € m loan 10/11/2018

9 Concluding remarks EBRD aims to foster transition to market economies by applying sound banking principles. EBRD has a multi-sector, multi-product approach at supporting, but not replacing, private sector investment. Our priorities include supporting corporates and SME’s navigate the crisis, promoting the restructuring of state-owned enterprises and assisting leveraging EU-accession benefits. EBRD has broad experience in executing complex capital market transactions involving equity, debt and/or hybrid instruments, both alone or alongside other market participants. 10/11/2018

10 Q&A

11 Thank you!

12 EBRD contacts Vedrana Jelušić Kašić EBRD Director for Croatia

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