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Junior Transcript Review through

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1 Junior Transcript Review through
First Semester of the School Year

2 Why Am I Here? To meet your student’s advisor
To receive a copy of your student’s transcript To learn what admissions officers will see when they view your student’s transcript To learn what Grad Lab is and why your student may be in Grad Lab To receive a copy of the Credit Appeal Application if your student needs to appeal credit for a course because of attendance

3 Who is My Student’s Advisor?
Two or fewer advanced academic courses Alpha A-K: Dr. Grace Mosby Alpha L-Z: Ms. Sharron Raibon Three or more advanced academic courses Alpha A-Gh: Ms. Melba Ervin/Ms. Sophia Eng Alpha Gi-O: Ms. Kelli Sydow Alpha P-Z: Ms. Linda Harrison

4 Who is My Student’s Advisor?
504/English Language Learners Mrs. Josephine Morgan Special Education Ms. Kendra Stokes

5 The College Application Process
Ready Navigate Naviance Create a professional address Clean up social media Set Recommendation Letter Survey to Advisor (10 business days) Request Recommendation Letters from 2 Teachers Go Apply Common Ap (link & waive) 3 icons indicate delivery method: electronic delivery no electronic delivery request transcript from Registrar, pick up, & post

6 I Want Admissions Officers to See: Sample Transcript

7 I DO NOT Want Admissions Officers To See: Sample Transcript

8 What is Grad Lab? Students recover lost credits that are needed for graduation in grad lab May be attendance-related, M and N May be academics-related May take place during or outside the school day Students may earn original credit for courses needed for graduation Most often health, speech, government or economics Other courses are available

9 What is Credit Appeal? Application process to recover credit in a class where the student passed but no credit was awarded due to attendance Attendance credit loss appears on transcript as M or N and on report card as “NG” Application for fall semester 2016 are available tonight Deadlines are in place and strictly enforced Must submit application with copy of report card and attendance report Attendance reports are available in Attendance Office – takes at least 24 hours Check on status of appeal periodically in Attendance Office

Must receive credit for English 1,2,and 3 (both semesters) prior to first day of senior year or students CANNOT ENROLL IN English 4 Failed advanced academic courses no longer qualify for credit recovery. Must enroll in grad lab original credit class Students will be enrolled in GL for English 4A in spring while simultaneously enrolled in 4B classroom setting

11 My Student’s Transcript
Use the handout to identify your student’s advisor Proceed to the advisor’s table to receive a copy of your students transcript Have questions? For fastest response, your student’s advisor with questions If your problem cannot be resolved by , ask your student’s advisor for an appointment

12 Thank you for Coming!! GRADUATION IS ALMOST HERE!!!

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