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What is an Alternative Sweetener? Are They Better?

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Presentation on theme: "What is an Alternative Sweetener? Are They Better?"— Presentation transcript:

1 What is an Alternative Sweetener? Are They Better?

2 Pretest Name:____________ Section:______
Are you currently using any alternative sweeteners ie. sweeteners other than sugar including artificial sweeteners? Which are you presently using and for what reason(s)? Do you consider alternative sweeteners to be healthier options to white sugar? Why?

3 Why are Americans Turning to Sugar Alternatives?

4 1. Weight Control

5 2. Control of blood sugar levels

6 3. Dental Carie Prevention

7 Dental Health Bacteria ferment sugars producing acid
Food factors associated with tooth decay Time of food in mouth Sticky foods Frequency of sugar consumption Sugar + acidity

8 4. Taste

9 What are Some Examples of Alternative Sweeteners

10 Nutritive Sweeteners Fructose, honey, corn syrup, molasses, fruit juice or concentrates, dextrose, maltose Sugar Alcohols: Sorbitol, mannitol, & xylitol Agave

11 Agave From a cactus used to make tequila
Processed by the body like sugar Consistency of maple sugar Delicate taste-used in energy drinks, teas, nutrition bars About the same # kcals as sugar Healthier? About the same as high fructose corn syrup (90% fructose, 10% glucose)

12 Novel Sweeteners: Stevia Weed or Herb?

13 Stevia: GRAS list Side Effects – Weed or Herb?
Bloating & nausea, dizziness, muscle pain, numbness Allergic Response: with allergies to daisies, ragweed, chrysanthemums, marigolds, etc. Diabetics: Lowers & interferes with BS control BP: Can lower BP. Problem if on BP meds

14 Novel Sweeteners Coconut Sugar Monk Fruit

15 Artificial Sweeteners
Sucralose (Splenda): Not digestible, no kcals Xs sweeter than sugar Aspartame (NutraSweet, Equal): 2 amino acids-phenylalanine + aspartic acid with a methyl ester digested with trace kcals 180 Xs sweeter than sugar

16 The Claims: Are They True? Which Sweetener is Right for You?

17 Will You Lose Weight?


19 The Response to Artificial Sugar Triggers Hunger

20 Will You Be Better Able to Control Blood Sugar Levels?

21 Can You Prevent Dental Caries?

22 Are They Healthier?

23 Is Natural Sugar Better? Is it More Nutritious?
Truth or Scam?

24 What are the Warning Labels About?

25 Will It Cause Cancer?

26 Allergies? Monk Fruit: A melon, possible reaction with fruit allergies
Stevia: Member of the ragweed family Honey: Benefit with daily use using honey from local pollens

27 Botulism Risk: Honey Not recommended for children under 1 year of age.

28 In Summary Alternative sweeteners do not guarantee weight loss.
Artifical sweeteners can help with BS control. Sugar alcohol calories must be counted as carbohydrate.

29 Allergic reactions and GI distress are possible side effects.
Honey should not be given to children < 1 year of age. Sweeteners are not good sources of vitamins and minerals. Sweeteners should not cause cancer in the amounts generally consumed.

30 For Additional Information substitutes and sugar substitutes Today’s Natural Sweeteners, January 2015 issue (under archives) Mayoclinic.orgArtifical sweeteners and other sugar substitutes in diet soda. Is it Harmful?

31 Additional Information cont. sweeteners: Its also possible that your system can’t tolerate Can it help with weight control? sweeteners or sugar substitutes

32 Post Evaluation Name:___________________ Section:______________
If you are using a sweetener, do you think it is still the best choice for you? Why or why not? If you were to choose to use an alternative sweetener, which would you use and why? What reasons might you avoid certain artifical sweeteners?

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