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Safe + Sound Week OSHA is excited to celebrate the second annual Safe + Sound Week, August 13 through 19, 2018. We want you to join us!

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Presentation on theme: "Safe + Sound Week OSHA is excited to celebrate the second annual Safe + Sound Week, August 13 through 19, 2018. We want you to join us!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Safe + Sound Week OSHA is excited to celebrate the second annual Safe + Sound Week, August 13 through 19, We want you to join us!

2 Matt Gaines, Region VII VPP (Voluntary Protection Program) Manager
Safe + Sound Week Speaker: Matt Gaines, Region VII VPP (Voluntary Protection Program) Manager

3 Overview What is Safe + Sound Week?
A nationwide event to raise awareness and understanding of the value of safety and health programs in workplaces. When is it? August 13-19, 2018 Who is encouraged to participate? Organizations of any size or in any industry that want to show their commitment to safety. Who is organizing? The goal of Safe + Sound Week is to raise awareness and understanding about the value of safety and health programs among workplaces across the country. During the week of August 13 through 19, organizations of all sizes and from any industry are asked to undertake activities to kick off a safety and health program or energize their existing programs. Organizers include OSHA, the American Industrial Hygiene Association, the American Society of Safety Engineers, the Center for Construction Research and Training, the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, the National Safety Council, and the Voluntary Protection Program Participants’ Association. Numerous trade, labor, and professional organizations are partnering with us to promote this opportunity to their members. [PRESENTER CAN INCLUDE EXAMPLES OF PARTNERS IF THEY WISH]. For a full list of Safe + Sound Campaign partners, visit the Safe + Sound Campaign website at

4 Kick off a new or energize an existing safety and health program
Why Participate? Kick off a new or energize an existing safety and health program Proactively identify and manage workplace hazards before they cause injury or illness Improve the bottom line Participating in Safe + Sound Week will not only help show your organization’s commitment to safety and health, but it provides an opportunity to launch or renew your efforts to proactively identify and manage hazards in your workplace before they cause injuries or illnesses. Throughout the week, participants will host events and undertake activities that showcase the core elements of an effective safety and health program: management leadership, worker participation, and finding and fixing workplace hazards. Organizations with successful safety and health programs have proven that a safe workplace is also a sound business.

5 Sample Safe + Sound Week Activities
Management Leadership Worker Participation Finding and Fixing Hazards Deliver a safety and health message Establish a visible presence to promote safety and health Formalize and publicize your commitment to safety and health Take your commitment to safety and health beyond your organization Show you are listening and ask for feedback Empower workers with safety and health information Recognize workers or teams for contributions to workplace safety Partner for safety and health planning Spotlight hazards and controls Create challenges, contests, and competitions Evaluate safety and health processes and systems Conduct analyses to identify hazards Here are some sample activities organizations can undertake in each of those core safety and health program elements. You can also come up with your own ideas! [Share additional suggestions of activities specific to that business or organization, if available.] Activity guidance materials are available on how to implement these ideas during Safe + Sound Week. While participants are encouraged to implement one item from each of the three core elements, even doing a single activity is a good place to start.

6 Free Tools and Templates
Sample Checklist/Agendas: Suggested timelines and topics for a Safe + Sound Week event. Invitations/ s/Fliers: Fill-in-the-blank templates to promote an event at your workplace. Artwork: Web badges, infographics, and posters. Articles/Web Content: Facts and information to educate workers, customers, the public, and your supply chain. Media/Social Media: Fill-in-the-blank releases, shareable content, and social media tips. A variety of free tools and templates to help organizations plan, promote, and communicate about their Safe + Sound Week events are provided. From planning tools and invitations to graphics and customizable communications, you can download these resources to help you be successful. There is even content to help you share or promote your participation on social media.

7 Promotion and Recognition
Social media (#SafeAndSound2018) Web badges Participant certificate Features on websites Case studies of successful programs Every organization that participates in Safe + Sound Week will receive recognition. Once you commit to conducting one or more activities for Safe + Sound Week, you can post a save the date badge to your website or share it on social media. You can also print posters that can be displayed in your business. In addition, you can pre-register your participation to be highlighted on a map on the Safe + Sound Week website. During the week, you can use social networks such as Twitter, to share a “safety selfie” of your event with the hashtag #SafeAndSound2018. Participants that do so may also be featured on OSHA’s, organizers’, and partners’ websites. Once you complete your activities and events during Safe + Sound Week, you can download a participant certificate or web badge from the Safe + Sound Week website. Organizers and partners will be promoting organizations that participate in a variety of ways. We’ll also be looking for successful activities and programs to highlight, so let us know your results!

8 Visit
Next Steps Visit Sign up for updates Get free tools and templates Start planning! Access ideas to implement: Management leadership Worker participation Finding and fixing hazards Learn more about safety and health programs: If you are interested in participating in Safe + Sound Week, you can visit the Safe + Sound Week website now to sign up for regular s. We will let you know as more tools and templates are posted to help plan and promote your Safe + Sound Week events. Two-page briefs on how to implement activities that show your commitment to safety through management leadership, work participation, and finding and fixing workplace hazards are available. Once you complete your activities, you can download the participant graphic to use on your website or post at your workplace. You can also learn more about what makes a successful safety and health program. Visit to learn about the key components of a safety and health program, ideas for getting started, and resources to help you along the way.

9 Contact OSHA: Or contact: Matt Gaines
Questions Contact OSHA: Or contact: Matt Gaines [Provide contact information if you will be fielding questions]

10 OSHA’s Voluntary Protection Programs (VPP)

11 Recognizes companies with exemplary S&H programs.
What is VPP? The Voluntary Protection Program (VPP) is designed to recognize and promote effective safety and health management. In the VPP, management, labor, and OSHA establish a cooperative relationship at a workplace that has implemented a strong program. Recognizes companies with exemplary S&H programs.

12 VPP Concept Safety & Health Program The VPP concept recognizes that compliance enforcement alone can never fully achieve the objectives of the Occupational Safety and Health Act. Good safety management programs that go beyond OSHA standards can protect workers more effectively than simple compliance.

13 Who Participates in VPP?
11/10/2018 5:50:24 AM Who Participates in VPP? VPP participants are a select group of facilities that have designed and implemented outstanding health and safety programs. Star participants meet all VPP requirements. Merit participants have demonstrated the potential and willingness to achieve Star program status, and are implementing planned steps to fully meet all Star requirements. *Safety and Health Programs address: 1) Management Commitment and Employee Involvement 2) Worksite Analysis 3) Hazard Prevention and Control 4) Safety and Health Training *MERIT is a “stepping stone” to STAR -limited to one term

14 STAR Rate Requirements
Injury & Illness Rates must be below the national average for their NAICS.

15 Total Sites - 123 in Region 7 Currently 1500 VPP sites nationwide
11/10/2018 5:50:24 AM Region VII VPP Sites IOWA (STATE) (45 Star) IOWA (FED)- 1 (1 Star) KANSAS (16 Star) MISSOURI - 41 (41 Star) NEBRASKA (22 Star) Total Sites in Region Currently 1500 VPP sites nationwide

16 What Do Management & Employees Agree To Do?
Management agrees to operate an effective program that meets an established set of criteria. Employees agree to participate in the program and work with management to ensure a safe and healthful workplace.

17 OSHA initially verifies that the program meets the VPP criteria.
What Will OSHA Do? OSHA initially verifies that the program meets the VPP criteria. The site's exemplary program is publicly recognized and removed from routine scheduled inspection lists. (OSHA may still investigate major accidents, valid formal employee complaints, and chemical spills.) OSHA also reassesses periodically to confirm that the site continues to meet VPP criteria (every 3 to 5 years for Star; every 1-1/2 to 2 years for Merit). Verification through: Review of application 2) Onsite review *Onsite Review: - Company and OSHA agree on date -Typically lasts one week *Opening conference *Review of S & H programs and Injury/Illness info. *Tour of entire facility *Employee and management interviews *Report write-up *Closing conference

18 What are the Benefits of VPP?
11/10/2018 5:50:24 AM What are the Benefits of VPP? Improved employee motivation to work safely, leading to better quality and productivity Reduced workers' compensation costs Recognition in the community Improvement of programs that are already good, through the VPP application process and internal and external review VPP participant sites generally experience from 50 to 80 percent fewer lost workday injuries than would be expected of an "average" site of the same size in their industries. Removal of site from inspection lists

19 Reducing the Costs of Accidents
Notice: One study estimated that a safety and health program saves $4 to $6 for every $1 invested. Charles Jeffress speech, 10/30/1999 Other companies who value workplace safety and health, such as OSHA's Voluntary Protection Program (VPP) participants, have experienced significant economic benefits as a result of their excellent safety and health performance. Together, VPP sites in more than 180 industries are estimated to have saved more than $130,000,000 in direct and indirect costs annually.

20 S & H Management System Components

21 Safety and Health Program Major Elements The VPP Model
An effective occupational safety and health program will include the following four interrelated elements: Management commitment and employee involvement Worksite analysis Hazard prevention and control Safety and health training

22 Safety And Health Culture

23 Safety & Health Culture What Is This Thing Called Culture?
Culture is a combination of an organization's: Attitudes,  Behaviors,  Beliefs,  Values,  Ways of doing things

24 What Are The Basic Elements Of A Safety And Health Culture?
All individuals within the organization believe they have a right to a safe and healthy workplace. Each person accepts personal responsibility for ensuring his or her own safety and health. Safe behavior Everyone believes he or she has a duty to protect the safety and health of others.

25 What Paperwork is Involved?
11/10/2018 5:50:24 AM What Paperwork is Involved? The VPP application process is designed to be rigorous, so that only the best programs qualify. The focus is not on a single correct way to meet VPP requirements, but rather a system that works. Some successful programs involve a lot of written documentation, while others do not. There is some paperwork required in the application process, but use of existing material is encouraged.

26 Will My Program Qualify?
A checklist is available from the VPP Manager. Use the checklist to see if your program meets VPP criteria. The checklist covers information about a site’s Injury/Illness Rates, Safety and Health Program elements, and related topics.

27 You must submit a written application to OSHA.
11/10/2018 5:50:24 AM How Do I Join? You must submit a written application to OSHA. After your written application has been reviewed by OSHA, an onsite review will be scheduled. Best Advice?? = Attend a VPP Participants’ Association “VPP Application Workshop”

28 VPP Application Workshop
Next workshop? – May 21 in LaVista, Nebraska Visit to sign up

29 The VPP Onsite Evaluation
Once an application has been accepted, OSHA will schedule an onsite evaluation.

30 VPP Evaluation, continued
Normally lasts one week Team of 2 to 4 inspectors Programs and records are reviewed Walk-around inspection of entire worksite Formal interviews with employees and management “Culture Assessment” Report drafted onsite

31 Where can I get more information?
The VPP Manager can provide you with a VPP information kit and answer questions about the program. Matt Gaines – **

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