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ESPON Seminar Lillehammer May 10/11, 2004

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1 ESPON Seminar Lillehammer May 10/11, 2004
Spatial Planning in GMES G - Global M - Monitoring for E - Environment and S - Security ESPON Seminar Lillehammer May 10/11, 2004

2 What is GMES ? A European initiative with different dimensions!
the user ‘s dimension - the need for independent information for EU environmental and security policies the strategic dimension - the necessity for Europe to play a leading role in information and Earth observation technology Overall goal - Establish by 2008 a European Capacity for Global Monitoring of Environment and Security key drivers of GMES The European Commission – DG Research / DG InfSo / DG JRC / DG Environment / DG Regio / DG Agri / DG ? The European Space Agency ESA ESPON Seminar

3 Initial List of GMES Priority Themes
European Regional Monitoring Land Cover Change in Europe Environmental Stress in Europe Water Management (world-wide) Global Monitoring Global Vegetation Monitoring Global Ocean Monitoring Global Atmosphere Monitoring Security related Aspects Support to Regional Development Aid Systems for Risk Management Systems for Crisis Management and Humanitarian Aid Horizontal Support Action Information Management Tools and Contributions to the Development of a European Spatial Data Infrastructure ESPON Seminar

4 GMES landscape: present and future
Program initiators Projects / Programme Integrated projects / SSA’s / STREP’s geoland Operational Programme DG Research Support: DG-Env European Space Agency GSE projects related to land use/land cover GSE LAND SAGE GUS CoastWatch ESPON Seminar

5 geoland - Thematic Scope
…… Core Service Centres Generic Land Cover Bio-geophysical Parameters Observatory Networks Nature Protection Water & Soil Spatial Planning Global Land Cover & Forest Change Food Security & Crop Monitoring Natural Carbon Flux geoland addresses the pre-operational delivery of Information Services necessary for the implementation of European directives & international conventions Policies / Directives / Conventions European and Global Monitoring Integrate existing monitoring and reporting solutions into comprehensive services networks Habitats ESDP,ESPON Natura 2000 Wetland Directive Water Framework Directive Soil Protection Initiat. Sustainable Developm. Fight against Poverty Global Change Kyoto Global Environment Protection ESPON Seminar

6 General Approach Starts from user requirements!
Active involvement of users Follows European Standards in terms of Nomenclature (e.g. CORINE LC) Formats (OpenGIS) Technical standards (INSPIRE) Quality Assurance (ISO) Based on sound experience the partners in LU/LC applications, especially for Agricultural land use and irrigation Forestry Urban mapping Processing chains designed for efficient production of LU/LC products, in terms of quality, affordabilty, and highest possible degree of automation ESPON Seminar

7 geoland – Observatory Spatial Planning
Lead: GeoVille (total budget:> 2 Mill €) Strong link with core service “Land cover” led by Infoterra Partners: University of Leeds (UK) JRC Hugin (D) Austrian Research Centres (A) Extended user group: DG Regio EURO-CITIES METRECS ETC-TE Federal Environment Agency (A) Austrian Institute of Spatial Planning (A) State Governments of Vorarlberg & Upper Austria (A) ESPON Seminar

8 geoland – Observatory Spatial Planning
Objectives and goals Introducing innovative EO based services and products into the domain of spatial planning Products in the urban-urban and urban-rural relations domain Products in the agricultural-environmental domain Tools & models to build scenarios Becoming the reference for EO spatial planning applications at European, national & regional level FRAGSTAT- algorithm to calcutate fragmentation ESPON Seminar

9 geoland– Observatory Spatial Planning
Summary of the geoland Services for Spatial Planning EO based applications for spatial planning to provide operational, homogenous and localised geo-information services for Europe Fulfilling the requirements of reliability sustainability, and affordability Thereby helping to understand the diversity of the European territory (polycentrism, etc.) to mitigate urban-rural disparities for a balanced territorial development to ensure sustainable use of soil as a non-renewable resource to evaluate spatial planning programmes on different levels to assess territorial impacts of infrastructure investments ESPON Seminar

10 Contact geoland -Webpage:
Dr. Franz Jaskolla Infoterra GmbH Friedrichshafen / Germany T E. Dr. Christian Hoffmann Geoville GesmbH Innsbruck / Austria T E: geoland -Webpage: ESPON Seminar

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