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Daily Goals Content: Literacy: Social:

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1 Daily Goals Content: Literacy: Social:
We will understand the key events of Monroe’s presidency We evaluate Madison’s opinion on the role of the national government Literacy: We explain through writing (to Mr. Kelly) and discussing (with a partner) today’s important ideas Social: We will actively participate in partner discussion We will talk to new people today We will raise our hands to participate in class discussion

2 James Monroe: Last of the Founding Fathers

3 In James Monroe's Presidency we get a preview of the future of the USA!
Civil War USA and Europe USA and Business

4 Missouri Compromise All Southern States were Slave States
All Northern States were Free States There were an equal number Missouri tried to enter as a Slave State. It almost cause a war. A compromise was reached: Maine came in as Free State to balance out Missouri Civil War delayed for 30 years


6 Monroe Doctrine U.S. foreign policy for the next 100 years:
Declared that Europe could have no new colonies in the Americas Promised to support American democracies that won independence from Europe Europe: You keep out of our business and we’ll keep out of yours!


8 Gibbons v. Ogden Battle of the Steamboats!
New York law gave Ogden exclusive rights to operate steamboats around New York City Federal Law gave rights to everyone Can a state law overrule a federal law? No! Supreme Court says federal laws trump state laws. USA is open for business!

9 Era of Good Feelings Monroe’s two terms as President are the only time in U.S. history when only one political party ruled the national government. The Federalist Part fell apart and ceased to exist. The Democratic-Republicans ruled unopposed for 10 years. That is why this is called the “Era of Good Feelings”

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