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NZDSN 2018 Conference 12 April 2018 Gill Genet

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1 NZDSN 2018 Conference 12 April 2018 Gill Genet
Making change real NZDSN 2018 Conference 12 April 2018 Gill Genet

2 Does the future need a changed workforce?
More Effective Social Services Productivity Commission Living Standards Framework Wellbeing Measures No single agreed definition Productivity Commission concept from the 2015 report More Effective Social Services is useful. Note that official statistics do not align to this, and nor do government funding models. Makes data very hard to obtain. More recent emergence of the living standards framework and a different expression of social outcomes sought, allied to wellbeing measures. Model does capture the breadth of services delivered and the centrality of working towards outcomes.

3 National EGL Leadership Group
Developing future workforce understanding? National EGL Leadership Group Careerforce NZDSN Stakeholders Stakeholders Stakeholders Stakeholders Stakeholders

4 Workforce reports Purpose is to inform workforce planning
The questions: What are the present and new emerging client needs from clients, whānau and employer perspectives What are the impacts of emerging policy, government initiatives, commissioning/contract changes, and technology developments in the workforce What research and/or evidence is available to inform the report What do employers need to support workforce capability development What is the current and future workforce landscape (planned, recommended and/or envisaged) How do new, emerging client needs impact on service delivery and workforce capability Refer to Methodology: Literature scan Key informant interviews Survey of 300 organisations Workshops in Wellington and South Auckland to test and refine initial ideas Tested ideas with SSPA national executive and other NGO stakeholders Consulted key government agencies

5 Client and whānau, centred workforce development
Client and whānau aspirations, needs and experiences Workforce competencies to meet aspirations, needs and support positive experiences The evidence to show competence = assessments Learning support - people, environment and content to achieve competence Making a difference to practice and improving community wellbeing and population health

6 Methodology included:
Literature scan Survey of organisations Listening, gathering, testing Discussions and workshops Survey 67 replies - captured themes, trends and a gauge of sentiment Covered service types, workforce demographics, training, factors impacting on workforce performance, workforce development planning (85%), significant changes

7 2 3 4 5-7 4&6 Levels and programmes Induction & orientation
I & O programme matched to qualification 3 Predicable tasks and situations Programme has elective content to meet employer’s services 4 Complex tasks & less predictability Developing greater visibility of the role in the content 5-7 Complex tasks, specific field of work & influencing skills Programme content is matched to the competencies of the role requires 4&6 Business, leadership and management NZQA descriptors L2 directed teaching with plenty of guidance and supervision – where matching occurs “apply processes and known solutions to familiar problems & collaborate with others” L3 more directed teaching with plenty of guidance and less supervision – also where matching occurs if the employer has a consistent programme across many staff “apply processes, select and apply known solutions to familiar problems & contribute to group performance” L4 more self management of learning still with support and guidance “select and apply standard and non standard processes & some responsibility for the performance of others” An example of what we might contract could be peer support as an employer may employ or work with peer support workers but may not have in depth knowledge of the role. L5 self-management of learning includes understanding the theory, includes influencing people and/or managing staff “apply a range of solutions & some responsibility for managing the performance of others” L6 complete self management of learning, specialised, in-depth competencies “analyse and generate solutions & responsible for leadership within dynamic contexts” The above is a generalisation, there is inconsistency across the sectors and in reality the situation is never fully predictable as our trainees and apprentices are working with people



10 Where to from here? Finalise the reports
Consider each report but also the reports from SSPA (social services), Platform (mental health), and HCHA (home and community) ? change growing complexity, vulnerabilities and their impact workforce role

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