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Shoulder Girdle 3 2 1 4.

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1 Shoulder Girdle 3 2 1 4

2 Shoulder Girdle Shoulder Complex is the most mobile joint in the body.
Scapula Clavicle Sternum Humerus Rib cage/Thorax

3 Shoulder Girdle Points of interest Scapula Acromion process
Glenoid fossa

4 Shoulder Girdle Girdle Joints includes: Sternoclavicular joint
Acromicoclaviulcar joint Glenohumeral joint Scapulothoracic articulation

5 Shoulder Girdle Ligaments
Sternoclaviular Joint-Joint connecting the sternum to the clavicle on each side of the body.

6 Shoulder Girdle Ligaments
Acromioclavicular Joint- joint connecting the acromion process to the clavicle at the distal end of the clavicle.

7 Shoulder Girdle Joints
Glenohumeral joint- joint where the humerus fits into the glenoid fossa of the scapula.

8 Shoulder Girdle Ligaments
Scapulothoracic joint- joint where the scapula slides over the thorax or rib cage.

9 Shoulder Girdle Motions
Shoulder girdle is the motions at the Acromioclavicular joint Sternoclavicular joint Elevation/depression Protraction/retraction Upward/downward rotation

10 Scapula Landmarks Open up your coloring book, highlight all the landmark names associated with the scapula.

11 Scapula Landmarks Axillary border- lateral side between glenoid fossa and inferior angle.

12 Scapula Landmarks Vertebral border- between superior and inferior angles medially. Where the rhomboid and serratus anterior muscles attach.

13 Scapula Landmarks Spine of the scapula
Projection on posterior surface running from medial border to the acromion process.

14 Scapula Landmarks Glenoid fossa- slightly concave surface that articulates with humerus.

15 Scapula Landmarks Acromion process-broad flat area on superior lateral aspect.

16 Scapula Landmarks Coracoid process-Projection on anterior surface of scapula. (e)

17 Scapula landmarks Inferior and Superior Angle- superior medial and inferior point of the scapula.

18 Shoulder Girdle Bones Clavicle-S shaped bone that connects upper extremity to the axial skeleton.

19 Shoulder Girdle Bones Sternum-flat bone located in the midline of the anterior thorax. Manubrium-top Body-Middle Xiphoid process bottom triangle

20 Shoulder Ligaments Acromioclavicular ligament- connect accromion to clavicle and help prevent dislocation of the clavicle.

21 Shoulder Ligament Coracoacromial Ligament- Connects the coracoid process to the acromion process.

22 Acromicavicular Separation
Also known as an AC sprain. Occurs due to fall on outstretched arm or tip of shoulder. May be due to blow to tip of shoulder

23 AC separation Treatment Signs and Sx
Three grades –the grade determines treatment Grade one is exercise and ice Grade two immobilize 3 weeks and then exercise Grade three immobilize 5 weeks and then exercise Signs and Sx deformity Pain in vicinity of AC Special Test Shear Test Sulcus Sign

24 Joint motions Shoulder Shoulder girdle Flexion Extension
Hyperextension Adduction Abduction Medial rotation Lateral rotation Shoulder girdle Up rotation Down rotation Scapular tilt Protraction Retraction

25 Scapulohumeral rhythm
The first 30 degrees of motion is shoulder. After that the for every 2 degrees the humerus moves the scapula upwardly rotates 1 degree.

26 Lets try it Stand next to a partner that you are comfortable touching on their back. Person in anatomical position, place your hand on the axillary border of the scapula. Ask them to abduction and see what happens when they get above 30 degrees. The scapula will start rotating upward

27 Muscles of shoulder girdle
Trapezius- 3 lines of pull Upper trapezius Middle trapezius Lower trapezius

28 Muscles of shoulder girdle
Levator scapula- named for the elevation of the scapula, its main function.

29 Muscles of shoulder girdle
Rhomboid- major and minor. They get their name from Rhomboid shape, they lie under the trapezius.

30 Muscles of shoulder girdle
Serratus Anterior- serrated shape can be touched in full flexion. It is a scapular protractor.


32 Muscles of shoulder girdle
Pectoralis minor- only shoulder girdle muscle on the anterior side, it lies deep to the pectoralis major.


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