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The American Revolution

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Presentation on theme: "The American Revolution"— Presentation transcript:

1 The American Revolution

2 French & Indian War (Seven Years War)

3 King George III

4 George Grenville Prime Minister’s Plan to Pay French & Indian War Debt Sugar Act (1764) Currency Act (1764) Quartering Act (1765) Stamp Act (1765)

5 Stamp Act Crisis, 1765

6 Townsend Acts (1767) Taxes on Imported Goods: Paint, Paper, & Tea Suspends New York General Assembly

7 Boston Massacre, March 5, 1770

8 Boston Massacre 1770 Compare this image to the last one. How could they present the event differently?

9 Samuel Adams & the Sons of Liberty

10 Boston Tea Party December 1773

11 Intolerable Acts, 1774 Closed the Port at Boston Harbor
Dismantled Massachusetts General Assembly Removed Royal Officials from Local Courts Required the Quartering of British Troops

12 The Continental Congress September 5, 1774

13 “The Shot Heard Around the World” April 19, 1775
The Battle of Lexington

14 Battles of Lexington and Concord, April 19, 1775

15 Second Continental Congress April 1775
Olive Branch Petition Create Continental Army Appointed General George Washington to Command the Army

16 General George Washington

17 Thomas Paine & Common Sense (1776)

18 John Adams Robert Livingston Benjamin Franklin Roger Sherman Thomas Jefferson

19 Declaration of Independence

20 The Exodus of the Loyalists


22 “These are the times that try men’s souls” Thomas Paine, “The Crisis”

23 Battle of Trenton, Christmas 1776

24 Valley Forge, Pennsylvania Winter 1777-1778

25 Cornwallis at Yorktown October 19, 1781

26 Treaty of Paris September 3, 1783

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