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Statistical tools for hypothesis testing:

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Presentation on theme: "Statistical tools for hypothesis testing:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Statistical tools for hypothesis testing:
Goodness-of-fit to a specific mathematical model chi-square (C2) linear regression Difference between population means t-test analysis of variance (ANOVA)

2 Most famous statistical tests: linear regression (with Pearson)
Francis Galton ( ) Most famous work: Natural Inheritance Most famous statistical tests: linear regression (with Pearson) fingerprint matching

3 Most famous work (18 papers):
Karl Pearson ( ) Most famous work (18 papers): Mathematical contributions to the study of evolution Most famous statistical tests: chi-square linear regression (with Galton)

4 H1. Girls are smarter than boys, therefore more girls than boys will take BIOL 354.

5 65 girls 54 boys Are there more girls than boys? Are there significantly more girls than boys (i.e., more girls than we expect by chance alone)?

6 H1. Boys are smarter than girls, therefore more boys than girls will TA BIOL 354.

7 H1. Boys and girls are equally smart, therefore their average quiz scores in BIOL 354 will be the same. H2.

8 Boys mean score: 16.9 Girls mean score: 16.7

9 H1. The longer you’ve been at UW the smarter you are, as reflected by quiz scores in BIOL 354.

10 P = 0.8 r = 0.06 (95%CI: to 0.48)

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