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Dealing With Disappointment Workshop

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1 Dealing With Disappointment Workshop
Instructional Plan Dealing With Disappointment Workshop

2 Plan Overview Workshop Description Target Audience
Delivery Modality & Length of Training Session Instructional Goals & Objectives Learning Methodology Instructional Strategies & Activities Instructional Technology Time Line Individuals Involved Resources Implementation Plan Assessments/Evaluation Instruments

3 Workshop Description Topics covered: Building self-esteem
The Dealing with Disappointment workshop provides participants in the ESE program with tips and tools on how to effectively combat the feeling of despair that accompanies unemployment. Topics covered: Building self-esteem Overcoming fear Developing assertiveness Fostering power thinking Utilizing a short presentation on each topic, worksheets, videos, and group discussion the workshop explores each topic. By employing the tips and techniques presented in the workshop, participants will be able to combat the depression and disappointment that results from the inevitable rejection that is experienced during job seeking. The Dealing with Disappointment workshop provides participants in the ESE program with tips and tools on how to effectively combat the feeling of despair that accompanies unemployment. Topics covered: Building self-esteem Overcoming fear Developing assertiveness Fostering power thinking Utilizing a short presentation on each topic, worksheets, videos, and group discussion the workshop explores each topic. By employing the tips and techniques presented in the workshop, participants will be able to combat the depression and disappointment that results from the inevitable rejection that is experienced during job seeking.

4 Target Audience Age range: 19 – 56 years old.
Parents with children under age 18. Receiving cash aide and food stamps. Worked within the last two years. Previous work experience: varies from having worked one job, to having worked multiple jobs. Education: completion of eight grad only to those who hold a Bachelors Degree. Target Audience Age range: 19 – 56 years old. Parents with children under age 18. Receiving cash aide and food stamps. Worked within the last two years. Previous work experience: varies from having worked one job, to having worked multiple jobs. Education: completion of eight grad only to those who hold a Bachelors Degree.

5 Delivery Modality & Length of Training Session
Instructor-led classroom training that is interactive. The training is delivered using PowerPoint, Videos and worksheets to stimulate discussion. The training is delivered in one two-hour session. Learning continues throughout the program during one-to-one coaching sessions. Delivery Modality Instructor-led classroom training that is interactive. The training is delivered using PowerPoint, Videos and worksheets to stimulate discussion. Length of Training Session The training is delivered in one two-hour session. Learning continues throughout the program during one-to-one coaching sessions.

6 Instructional Goals & Objectives
Instructional Objectives The Dealing with Disappointment workshop participant, given a short presentation on self esteem and the "Improving Self Esteem" worksheet, will identify two elements of self esteem that they need to work on and develop a plan for improving these elements by the end of week two of their participation. After attending the Dealing with Disappointment workshop, and by the end of four weeks, participants in the ESE program will be able to identify areas of their self-esteem that need improvement. After attending the Dealing with Disappointment workshop, and by the end of four weeks, participants in the ESE program will be able to develop a plan for improving elements of their self-esteem. There are two main instructional goals for the Dealing with Disappointment Workshop each goal is supports two instructional objectives. Instructional Goal #1 The Dealing with Disappointment workshop participant, given a short presentation on self esteem and the "Improving Self Esteem" worksheet, will identify two elements of self esteem that they need to work on and develop a plan for improving these elements by the end of week two of their participation. Instructional Objectives After attending the Dealing with Disappointment workshop, and by the end of four weeks, participants in the ESE program will be able to identify areas of their self-esteem that need improvement. After attending the Dealing with Disappointment workshop, and by the end of four weeks, participants in the ESE program will be able to develop a plan for improving elements of their self-esteem.

7 Instructional Goals & Objectives (cont.)
Instructional Objectives The Dealing with Disappointment workshop participant, Given a short presentation on turning fear into action and the "Conquering Fear" worksheet, will demonstrate understanding by identifying and explaining the five steps for turning fear into action by the end of week two of their participation. After attending the Dealing with Disappointment workshop, and by the end of four weeks, participants in the ESE program will be able to recognize they ways in which fear becomes a roadblock to achieving their full potential. After attending the Dealing with Disappointment workshop, and by the end of four weeks, participants in the ESE program will be able to manage fear and use it as a tool for action rather than allowing the fear to paralyze them. Instructional Goal #2 The Dealing with Disappointment workshop participant, Given a short presentation on turning fear into action and the "Conquering Fear" worksheet, will demonstrate understanding by identifying and explaining the five steps for turning fear into action by the end of week two of their participation. Instructional Objectives After attending the Dealing with Disappointment workshop, and by the end of four weeks, participants in the ESE program will be able to recognize they ways in which fear becomes a roadblock to achieving their full potential. After attending the Dealing with Disappointment workshop, and by the end of four weeks, participants in the ESE program will be able to manage fear and use it as a tool for action rather than allowing the fear to paralyze them.

8 Learning Methodology The goals and objectives are achieved by utilizing collaborative and project-based learning techniques that challenge learners critical thinking skills. By using various worksheets that present real - life situations, participants collaborate to develop responses to the situation. This guides the learner to a deeper understanding of the ways in which poor self-esteem and fear become a barrier to achieving full potential in life. The goals and objectives are achieved by utilizing collaborative and project-based learning techniques that challenge learners critical thinking skills. By using various worksheets that present real - life situations, participants collaborate to develop responses to the situation. This guides the learner to a deeper understanding of the ways in which poor self-esteem and fear become a barrier to achieving full potential in life.

9 Instructional Strategies & Activities
Lecture Worksheets Small Group Projects Class discussion Learning is facilitated by using various instructional strategies and activities. Lecture Participants are presented a brief lecture that outlines thirteen elements involved in healthy self-esteem and five steps for conquering fear and turning fear into action. Other topics covered are developing assertiveness and how to foster power thinking. Worksheets Participants are provided a worksheet that outlines the thirteen elements of healthy self-esteem and a worksheet that lists the five steps for conquering fear and turning fear into action. This worksheet also contain three life situation involving self-esteem and fear issues. Small Group Projects Participants are broken up into small groups and asked to choose one of the life situations from each worksheet. They are then given time to work together and develop a plan for working through the situation. Class Discussion Once participants have completed their group project each solution is presented to the class and discussed.

10 Instructional Technology
MS PowerPoint Videos Technology used during the workshop presentation is MS PowerPoint and Videos. MS PowerPoint is used during the lecture portion of the workshop as a visual guide through the topics. Two short videos are shown as part of the lecture presentation. The first video illustrates the negative effects of poor self-esteem on every day life. The second video discusses how to conquer fear.

11 Time Line Program Length Projected Start Date Workshop Length
ESE Program will last six months. Projected Start Date Workshop Length Dealing with Disappointment Workshop is two hours in length, held on Friday each week for new participants. 10/24/2014 ESE Program will last six months Dealing with Disappointment Workshop is two hours held on Friday each week for new participants Projected Start Date: 10/24/2014

12 Individuals Involved Administrator: Junior Russo
Facilitators Sheila O’Kane Lola Benders Andrew Martinez Job Developers Michelle Whitendale Yvonne Ramirez Adriana Smith Administrator: Junior Russo Facilitators: Senior Program Specialists Job Developers

13 Resources Self-esteem Worksheet Conquering Fear Worksheet
Dealing with Disappointment PowerPoint Presentation The resources that need to be developed for the workshop are Self-esteem Worksheet Conquering Fear Worksheet Dealing with Disappointment PowerPoint Presentation

14 Implementation Plan Communication Plan
Building Interest and Commitment Participant Selection Communication Plan The instructional plan will be communicated to the Senior Program Specialists, Job Developers and Ms. Russo during a team meeting to be held on Friday, September 19, 2014 at 3:00 pm at the CSET main office in Visalia, California. A powerpoint presentation outlining the instructional plan with accompanying handouts will be presented. Building Interest and Commitment To build interest and commitment in the plan the Senior Program Specialists will be asked to contribute to the creation of the PowerPoint™ and the supporting worksheets that will be used in the Dealing with Disappointment workshop. There will also be workshops held for the team members on how to facilitate the workshop. Participant Selection Participants in the ESE program are referred by the Health and Human Services Administration (HHSA) Welfare to Work division. All participants in the ESE program will attend the Dealing with Disappointment workshop.

15 Evaluation Instruments
Formative Evaluation Summative Evaluation Used throughout the design process Provides feedback on how the process is proceeding Allows for Improvement before instruction has occurred After Instruction Determine effectiveness Did the instruction bring about the desired changes? Were the goals of the program met? Two types of evaluations will be conducted. The formative evaluation will be conducted throughout the instructional design process. The purpose of the formative evaluation is provide feedback on how the design process is proceeding. The formative evaluation also identifies areas that can be improved before the program is implemented and instruction takes place. The summative evaluation will take place after instruction has taken place. The purpose of the summative evaluation is to determine the effectiveness of the program. Data gathered from this evaluation will answer two fundamental questions. Did the instruction bring about the desired changes in the participants? (Dick, Carey & Carey, 2011, p. 168). Were the goals of the program met? (Dick, Carey & Carey, 2011, p. 168).

16 Formative Evaluation Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 3 One-to-One
Select 3 participants that are already in the ESE program. Work with them individually Gather data to revise instruction and materials. Phase 2 Small Group Select eight learners to go through the workshop. Have the learners go through the worksheets. Break the learners into two small groups and complete the activities. Observe participants. Administer attitude questionnaire. Debrief learners. Phase 3 Field Trial Present workshop in all three locations with ten participants. Administer attitude questionnaire to participants Administer attitude questionnaire to facilitators Debrief facilitators. The formative evaluation model that will be used is the Dick, Carey, and Carey three phase model. Phase 1: One-to=One The purpose of the phase is to remove obvious errors and omissions in the instruction, gauge initial learner performance, and determine learner reactions to the content (Dick, Carey & Carey, 2011, p. 165). To facilitate this process three participants that are already in the ESE program will be selected. The instructional designer will work with each participant individually. They will be presented the material for the workshop and will be asked to complete the worksheets. Data regarding any revisions to the instruction and/or the instructional material will be gathered. Phase 2: Small Group The main purpose of phase two is to determine the effectiveness of changes made from the results of information gathered during phase one. Eight participants/learners will be selected to go through the complete workshop. The learners will be broken up into two small groups and asked to compete the worksheets together. The participant interaction will be observed and noted during this process. At the end of the workshop the learners will be asked to complete an attitude questionnaire that will gage their feelings regarding the effectiveness of the instruction. The learners will then be debriefed regarding their experience. Information gathered during this phase will be used to further refine the instruction and the materials used. Phase 3: Field Trial The purpose of the final phase is to determine the effectiveness of revisions made after phase two. During this phase the workshop will be presented in all three locations to ten participants. As in phase two they will be administered a attitude questionnaire regarding their reaction to the workshop experience. Each facilitator will also be administered a questionnaire designed to garner their feedback regarding the workshop. Each facilitator will also be debriefed regarding their experience.

17 Summative Evaluation Participant Program Specialist Job Developer
Post Instruction Survey Participant Post Instruction Debrief As stated previously the summative evaluation seeks to answer two fundamental questions, Did the instruction bring about the desired changes in the participants? (Dick, Carey & Carey, 2011, p. 168). Were the goals of the program met? (Dick, Carey & Carey, 2011, p. 168). Three evaluation instruments will need to be developed. Post Instruction Survey. Post Instruction Debrief Report. Post Instruction Observation Report. The post instruction survey will be completed by each participant after instruction. This instrument should be designed to extract the participants feelings regarding the value of this instruction to their present situation. The Post Instruction Debrief will be conducted by the program specialist. They will review the survey with the participant in an effort to dig deeper into the participants feeling and attitudes regarding the value of the workshop. This will be reported to the instructional designer on a form designed to report the information gathered during the debrief. The Post Instruction Observation will be conducted by the job developer. As the participant proceeds through the first four weeks of the program the job developer will report observations regarding changes in behavior as a result of the instruction. This will be reported to the instructional designer on a form designed to report the information gathered during the observations. Post Instruction observation

18 References Brown, A., & Green, T.D. (2011). The Essentials of instructional design (2nd ed.) References Brown, A., & Green, T.D. (2011). The Essentials of instructional design (2nd ed.)

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