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MATTER CYCLES between biotic, abiotic reservoirs.

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Presentation on theme: "MATTER CYCLES between biotic, abiotic reservoirs."— Presentation transcript:

1 MATTER CYCLES between biotic, abiotic reservoirs

2 water cycle

3 •Evaporation from bodies of water • Condensation into clouds, fog
• Precipitation What about the biotic? • Water, H, & O atoms needed by, stored in, and moved through organisms as part of the water cycle ex: used in photosynthesis, produced in respiration, transpired in great quantities by plants

4 carbon cycle

5 • Vast stores of C in atmosphere, oceans as CO2 • Taken up by plants in photosynthesis • Stored as organic molecules (ex: fructose - C6H12O6) in tissues of organisms

6 • Organic molecules used by organisms in respiration
• C released as CO2 into atmosphere, oceans

7 • Also taken up by aquatic
animals for shell building (CaCO3)

8 nitrogen cycle

9 • N2 is abundant in atmosphere
a form not usable by most organisms • Solution? Converted first by bacteria in roots of legumes (peas, beans, nuts) nitrogen-fixation • Further converted to NOx by soil bacteria ammonification, nitrification • Taken up by plants, used to build proteins, DNA • Still other bacteria return N2 to the atmosphere denitrification

10 phosphorous cycle

11 phosphorous cycle • Largest reservoir is on land in rocks, soil minerals and ocean sediment no atmospheric source • As rock weathers, phosphate slowly released to soil low availability limits plant growth needed to build proteins, DNA • Erodes with soil into rivers, lakes and oceans, settles to floor

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