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A tale of features… Giving in the CRC.

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1 a tale of features… Giving in the CRC

2 3 1 2 Budget Other Diaconal Collection : Basket Monies
We have features for every step of the way

3 Cheques: designated or not
1 Cheques: designated or not Budget Can designate in different ways by writing in the memo line

4 Cash & Change: Undesignated loose money
2 Cash & Change: Undesignated loose money Diaconal This is designated to support the diaconal ministry or cause endorsed by the church and deacons

5 Maybe your church has something like these to designate your giving …

6 Other: 3 pockets of giving
From author J. Clif Christopher – Not Your Parents Offering Plate

7 Wages or Income pocket Capital pocket Estate pocket
This is where thoughts about making gifts to the church from more long term and estate planning type ideas come into play. 33% of charitable donations given in America are from faith groups, but churches only get 8% of estate gifts. We are good at giving from our wages but often forget about the church when more complicated financial situations arise. Groups like Christian Stewardship Services are great for helping us understand what we need to do to set up our wills and estates to maximize the amount of money we can leave behind to charities of our choice, that should include our churches. They also know the rules around Canadian tax laws so they can help minimize the amount of tax taken from your estate when you pass it on to loved ones.

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