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Plymouth State University PAT Presentation

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1 Plymouth State University PAT Presentation
Steve Taksar Vice President for Finance and Administration December 7, 2012

2 Today’s Agenda Fy13 Budget Update (15 min) Master Plan (10 min)







9 Budget Balancing Strategies FY13
Vacancy Savings Departmental budget savings Contingencies Lower financial aid costs (but fewer students) Negotiate fixed price fuel/energy contracts Careful budget management

10 Early Thoughts on FY14 Seeking more state funding
Multiple enrollment strategies Data driven financial aid modeling New academic on line programs Cost control Reduce utility costs by using natural gas Keep cost of attendance as low as possible

11 Master Planning

12 What is a campus master plan?
ROADMAP for shaping the physical environment of the campus to support the mission and strategic plans of the university PROCESS to assure physical environment aligns with mission and strategic plan and is programmatically driven

13 Master Planning Process
Blueprint for the future, years Board mandated process every 10 years Campus engagement is critical Iterative process Data Intensive Goody Clancy and JBA Board presentation in October 2013

14 The 2013 Master Plan: Building on a legacy of planning


16 Work to date Interviews, work sessions and focus groups, including space planning workshops and program sessions Physical assessment launched First Campus Forum, attended by over 100 people Post-Forum Prospect Hall ‘Poster Session,’ which drew input from over 100 students

17 z 2004 MP COMPLETED Ice Arena + Welcome Center Langdon Woods Res Hall
Reno of Speare Hall for student services Reno of Mary Lyon and Blair Reno of Center Lodge Bridge realignment and roundabout UNDERWAY ALLWell Phase II Museum of the White Mountains Enterprise Center at Plymouth NOT COMPLETED Approx 325 additional beds Hyde Hall Reno & Addition HUB Reno & Addition Reno of President’s House for Admin Relocate bookstore to Main Street Mini-hub at Russell Physical Plant Addition z

18 We need to hear from you! Continued discussion with campus stakeholders…interviews, focus groups, work sessions Campus Forum #2 – late winter/early spring Campus Forum #3 – late spring Poster Sessions Thematic workshops Steering Committee Ongoing coordination with PSU cabinet and USNH Check the Campus Master Plan Moodle page for information and updates!

19 Goody Clancy team Amy Kohn Senior Campus Planner and Project Manager
David Spillane Principal and Director of Planning and Urban Design

20 Q & A

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