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Presentation on theme: "Waves."— Presentation transcript:

1 Waves

2 Waves Most waves with the exception of tsunamis are wind waves, or surface waves They are driven and caused by the wind Tsunamis are much longer waves which have three different causes (earthquakes, Underwater landslides and volcanic activity)

3 Wind Waves What is interesting about these waves is they are a transfer of energy. This means as a whole the water “moves” but there is actually little movement of water molecules. These waves are caused by the wind but not always driven by such. When the wind stops but the waves continues it is known as a “swell”

4 Parts of a Wave Trough: Lowest point of a wave
Crest: Highest point of a wave Wave height: Measured from trough to crest. Wavelength: Crest to Crest Period: time interval between arrival of consecutive crests at a stationary point


6 Wavespeed Speed of a Wave= Wavelength/period
Wavelength=(Speed) x (period) Period= Wavelength/Speed

7 Wave Speed Solve the following wave speeds with the data provided.
A wave has a wavelength of 40m and a period of 5seconds. A wave has a wavelength of 35m and a period of 7seconds. A wave has a speed of 6m/s what is its wavelength if it has a period of 6 seconds?

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