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Sentence practice Honors 9 English.

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Presentation on theme: "Sentence practice Honors 9 English."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sentence practice Honors 9 English

2 Lauren gave Ashely a balloon for her birthday.

3 Amy seems happy at Marian.

4 Erin and Molly took Jacqueline to the mall.

5 Rachel named her puppy Spot.

6 The cookies tasted burned.

7 Mary Ellen tasted the cookies.

8 Katie, Roman’s friend, dyed her dress blue.

9 Tassia and Amaka are good students.

10 Kat looks relaxed.

11 The students’ prayers for a snow day were answered.

12 At Christmas, Melanie received a beautiful new car.

13 Dana’s puppy is named Dopey.

14 Dana named her puppy Dopey.

15 Francesca will be running in the race on Saturday.

16 Courtney is a famous dancer.

17 Lauren and Katie brought a treat for the class.

18 Both Megan and Alex were named “Student of the Month”.

19 Gina likes to read.

20 Studying is Maureen’s least favorite pastime.

21 Neither Rachel nor Lauren like horses.

22 Does anyone want a treat?

23 Maggie named her cat Fuzzy.

24 Suzie has a horse, two cats, and a gerbil.

25 Katy has a pet iguana.

26 Kaitlyn lives in a beautiful home.

27 The students gave Mrs. Silver many nice gifts.

28 Eileen gave a nice gift to Alex for her birthday.

29 In February, we all want to go to Florida.

30 Charlotte and Lauren are best friends.

31 Susan and Rachel seem to be happy at Marian.

32 Kelly has traveled to Europe.

33 Laura plays basketball.

34 Alaina has a cute new puppy.

35 Christina and Brigitte are accomplished skaters.

36 Ashley and Hillary went to the movies on Saturday.

37 Before school, Katie walks her dog.

38 Bridget and Allison are good singers.

39 Rosemary is Colleen’s sister.

40 Shannon works at a store in Birmingham.

41 Tawnee, an experienced diver, loves to swim.

42 Brigid rides to school with Laura.

43 Jacqueline and Amy watched many movies in the afternoon.

44 Winning an art competition is Mary’s dream.

45 Taelor and Danielle went on a cruise to Mexico, departing from Galveston Island.

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