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Rocks and Minerals.

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Presentation on theme: "Rocks and Minerals."— Presentation transcript:

1 Rocks and Minerals

2 Rocks and Minerals Rocks: naturally occurring ________of _______
Minerals: natural, ______substance that has definite _______composition and _______structure. _______rocks contain minerals. The building _______of rocks

3 Mineral Property Minerals can be __________by _______at its properties or physical and chemical ________ _____ways + 2 ________ways

4 7 ways to identify minerals/rocks

5 2 Special ways to Identify minerals/rocks
_______base test UV _______test

6 Color The ______of a _______sample. Different samples of the same mineral may have more than one color


8 Streak The ______of the ______of the mineral.
Minerals are _______across a _______plate. Minerals may look similar, but have a _______streak


10 Luster The way _______reflects from the mineral’s surface.
May be _______or __________(glassy is nonmetallic) May vary from sample to sample

11 Metallic Luster Non metallic luster

12 Minerals break The way a mineral _______is often a better clue as to its identity Bonds between atoms may be equal in all directions or they may be stronger within layers

13 Cleavage The tendency of a mineral to ______along ______surfaces
Minerals will have flat surfaces, may be in _____or more _______

14 Halite, breaks in 90 degree angles

15 Fracture The tendency of a mineral to _______ into _______, jagged pieces. Atomic bonds are fairly equal in all directions

16 Fracture

17 Density _______of _______in a given volume of a mineral
2 minerals may appear the _______but one may be much lighter

18 Hardness A mineral’s _______to being _______.
Determined by the strength between atoms.

19 _______Scale Describes a mineral’s hardness.
Talc = _____– baby _______ _______is the _______mineral = _____the only thing that can ______a diamond is another _________

20 Mohls Scale

21 ______test: ______with _____= carbonate minerals (______)
Special Properties ______test: ______with _____= carbonate minerals (______) Fluorescence = minerals _____when exposed to _____light

22 Standard Light UV light

23 Classifying Rocks _____rock types _______________ ___________

24 Sedimentary Rocks “that which has _______” Formed from _______
Sediments=rocks exposed to _______that have been broken down into very small pieces Formation depends on ____________________ Sediments _______into _______ Cement _______over time

25 Sedimentary

26 Igneous Rocks “______rocks” _______magma or ______
Magma= molten (______) rock ______earth ______= molten rock that reaches the _______of earth **heating and cooling of in mantle layer may lead to this formation

27 Igneous

28 Metamorphic Rocks “_______”
Igneous and sedimentary rocks that have _______due to ______and _______ Heat and pressure cause ______combinations or new crystals to form **heating and cooling of in _______layer may lead to this formation

29 Metamorphic

30 Rock Cycle

31 Rock Cycle The ______of ______remains ______while being ______through the _________ ______. **Look at poster

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