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What is physics? The study of matter, energy, the relationship between them, the transformations they go through and the way they interact with space and.

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Presentation on theme: "What is physics? The study of matter, energy, the relationship between them, the transformations they go through and the way they interact with space and."— Presentation transcript:


2 What is physics? The study of matter, energy, the relationship between them, the transformations they go through and the way they interact with space and time

3 10 Main branches of physics
Astrophysics Atomic and molecular physics Biophysics Condensed matter physics (solid state) Cosmology Geophysics Mechanics Statistical Mechanics Theoretical physics Thermodynamics

4 What are systems? Due to the complexity of physical systems, you cannot study physics as a whole It is necessary to pick a small region of space and study it individually. This is called a system.

5 How to study physical systems
Qualitative analysis Describes the atributes or characteristics of a system By manipulating the system, you can determine the changes that occur within the system and figure out how it works Quantitative anaylysis Atributes that can be measured (or magnitudes) We need to know the initial, intermediate and final states of the system


7 Magnitudes

8 What is a physical magnitude?
Properties that can be measured and expressed with a number and a unit

9 Explain which of the following are examples of magnitude
The love a man has for a woman The longitud of your pencil The area of a room The mass of a coin A student´s knowledge The beauty of a person

10 How do we measure magnitudes?
With an instrument of measure

11 How must we express magnitudes?
120 What is wrong with this? Magnitudes must be expressed with a number and a unit V= 120 Km/hr Magnitude number unit

12 Magnitudes can be classified in two different ways
Scalar Quantities Vector Quantities Fundamental Derivate Complementary

13 Scalar vs Vector quantities
Has only magnitude Example: lenght, area, volume, temperature 12m, 8m2, 12m3, 5°C Has magnitude and direction Example: Displacement, force

14 Example scalar vs vector quantities
Ricardo drives 5km North to go to the grocery store and then drives 3Km East to go to his grandmother´s house. -What is the distance he travelled? -What is the displacement? -Classify the distance and displacement as scalar or vector quantities.

15 Fundamental vs Derivate vs Complementary
What is it? Examples

16 Fundamental Are magnitudes that do not derive from any other magnitudes

17 Examples-Fundamental magnitudes

18 Derivate Are those that derive from fundamental magnitudes

19 Examples-derivate

20 Complementary Geometric magnitudes that help define other magnitudes
Example: Angles Magnitude Unit and symbol Straight angle Radian (rad) Solid angle Steradian (sr)

21 Exercise- Classify the following as fundamental, derivate or complementary
Force (N) Mass (Kg) Volume (m3) Energy (J) Time (s) Electric charge (C) Straight angle (rad) Frequency (Hz) Longitude (m)

22 Answers Fundamental Derivate Complementary Force (N) X Mass (Kg)
Volume (m3) Energy (J) Time (s) Electric charge (C) Straight angle (rad) Frequency (Hz) Longitude (m)

23 Units of measurement What is a unit of measurement?
It is a particular physical quantity, defined and adopted by convention, with which other particular quantities of the same kind are compared to express their value Examples: meter, second, Newton, Joule

24 International System of Units
It is the modern form of the metric system and is the world´s most widely used system of measurement

25 Exercise: Classify the following as Unit or Magnitude
Height Month Microvolt Newton Surface Force Centimeter Kinetic energy Joule Temperature Weight Kilogram

26 Answer Unit Magnitude Height X Month Microvolt Newton Surface Force
Centimeter Kinetic energy Joule Temperature Weight Kilogram


28 Basic unit conversions
K H da unit d c m 1.2m = __________mm 0.003Km= _________m 0.123 dm= _________hm 13dam= _________cm

29 Basic unit conversions- Multiples
The multiple of a unit is a new unit that is several times bigger than the unit Prefix Symbol Conversion Factor deca Da 10 hecto H 10² kilo K 10³ mega M 10⁶ giga G 10⁹ tera T 10ⁱ² peta P 10ⁱ⁵ exa E 10ⁱ⁸ zelta Z 10²ⁱ yolta Y 10²⁴

30 Multiples- examples Unit Symbol Unit Name MJ kW GHz TA Hm

31 Answer Unit Symbol Unit Name MJ Megajoule kW Kilowatt GHz Gigahertz TN
Teranewton Hm Hectometer

32 Basic unit conversions- Submultiples
The submultiple of a unit is a new unit that is several times smaller than the unit Prefix Symbol Conversion Factor deci d 10 -ⁱ centi c 10 -² mili m 10-³ micro 10-⁶ nano n 10-⁹ pico p 10-ⁱ² femto f 10-ⁱ⁵ atto a 10-ⁱ⁸ zepto z 10-²ⁱ yacto y 10-²⁴

33 Submultiples- Examples
Unit Symbol Unit Name nW zA pm µJ fV

34 Answer Unit Symbol Unit Name nW Nanowatt zA Zeptoampere pm Picometer
µJ Microjoule fV Femtovolt

35 Conversions- Exercises
# Exercise 1 5.6 MV= ____________ V 2 6.34 TPa= ____________Pa 3 3.84 A= _____________PA 4 4.22 J= _____________mJ 5 0.87 W= _____________GW 6 13.6 nF= ______________MF 7 0.6 km= ______________nm 8 5.18 fN= ______________mN 9 87 mPa= ______________Ppa 10 12days= ______________seconds

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