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Handel’s Opera “Rinaldo”

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1 Handel’s Opera “Rinaldo”

2 “Rinaldo” Background Composed by Handel in 1711, a year after he first arrived in London. Performed entirely in Italian to English-speaking audiences. It was the first Italian language opera written specifically for the London stage. Handel hired famous Italian opera singers to come to London and perform the opera. “Rinaldo” was very popular with the public; It was Handel’s most performed opera in his lifetime.

3 “Rinaldo” Plot The opera takes place in the late 11th century Jerusalem during the first crusade. The Christian crusaders have surrounded Saracen king Argante and his troops within the walls of Jerusalem. One of the Christian Knights, Rinaldo, is in love with his commander’s daughter Almirena. King Argante asks the sorceress Queen Armide to abduct Almirena to distract Rinaldo from the battle so the Saracens can win. Over the rest of the opera, Rinaldo tries to rescue Almirena and the Crusaders conquer Jerusalem.

4 “Lascia ch’io pianga” This recitative and aria takes place right after the sorceress Armide abducts Almirena. Almirena is a captive in Armide’s palace garden, never to see her love Rinaldo again. Upon seeing Almirena’s beauty and sadness, King Argante falls in love with her and promises to free her. Almirena weeps for her cruel fate and wishes for freedom.

5 “Affects” in Baroque Music
Most songs in the Baroque period had only one central emotion or “affect” being portrayed. Examples: love, hate, joy, sadness, desire, jealousy. The focus on one emotion clarified the beauty and expression of the music.

6 Translation Recitative: Armida dispietata Armida, pitiless,
                  colla forza d’abisso                                  with the power of the underworld,                  rapimmi al caro ciel                                abducted me from the dear heaven                  de miei contenti.                                      of my contentment.                  E qui con duolo eterno                            And here with grief eternal                  vivo mi tiene in tormentoso inferno.    keeps me living in a tormented hell.                   Signor deh per pietà                                 Lord, ah, through pity                   lasciami piangere.                                    let me weep. Aria:             Lascia ch’io pianga             Let [me be] that I may weep, la cruda sorte over [my] harsh fate                   e che sospiri la libertà.                             and that I may long for liberty.                   Il duolo infranga queste ritorte               Sorrow may break these bonds                   de miei martiri sol per pietà.                   of my martyrdom only through pity.

7 “Lascia ch’io pianga” Analysis
Write a one-sentence summary about what is going on in the recitative. Almirena, King Argante, Sorceress Armide, Knight Rinaldo What “affect” does Handel portray in the aria “Lascia ch’io pianga”?

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