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The Crusades Christian Holy War

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1 The Crusades Christian Holy War
Copyright © Clara Kim All rights reserved.

2 Religious War JIHAD Three types of struggles
an internal struggle to maintain faith, the struggle to improve the Muslim society the struggle in a holy war. CRUSADE capitalized : any of the military expeditions undertaken by Christian powers in the 11th, 12th, and 13th centuries to win the Holy Land from the Muslims a remedial enterprise undertaken with zeal and enthusiasm

3 The Invaders In 1093, Byzantine Emperor named Alexius Comnenus ask for help against invaders THE INVADERS: The Muslim Turks aka Seljuk Turks The Muslim Turks were trying to take over the Byzantine capital of CONSTANTINOPLE

4 Byzantine Empire

5 Pope Urban II Pope Urban II read the letter asking for help and called for a “holy war” or Crusade He said those who fought and died in the Crusades would be promised a spot in Heaven with all sins forgiven


7 THE GOAL The goal of these Christian soldiers were to recover
1. Jerusalem and 2. Holy Land They wanted it back from the Muslim Turks

8 Jerusalem Holy center shared by three major world religions
Christianity-Jesus was crucified there Islam-Mohammed’s journey to Heaven took place there Jews- Abraham built the original holy temple there Kicked out of Jerusalem until 1947 and the founding of modern Israel

9 Crusader Spirit There were economic and religious motives for the Crusades Kings and the Church: A way to get rid of knights who always fought each other and threatened the peace of the kingdom Younger Sons: A way to gain land and position in society since the oldest son gets everything Knights and Commoners: fired by religious zeal (passion)



12 Peter the Hermit preacher in Germany rallied thousands to his banner including: a few German knights Turned “army” loose on Jews living on the Rhine River Marched to Byzantium and destroyed the countryside “army” destroyed by Turks after leaving safety of Byzantium.

13 First Crusade Carved in up into 4 Crusader states
Pope Urban recruited from French nobility Unprepared troops No strategy Four crusader leaders made uneasy alliance Carved in up into 4 Crusader states Captured Jerusalem and massacred inhabitants for 7 days

14 Map of Crusader States Completely surrounded by Muslim nations.
Loss of Edessa starts 2nd Crusade

15 Second Crusade Muslim leader Saladin destroys Crusader
States armies at Battle of Hattin takes control of Jerusalem Muslim Turks re-conquer the city Starts 3rd Crusade Saladin is described to be honest and brave

16 Third Crusade The “Kings Crusade
Richard the Lion Hearted English King, Frederick Barbarossa of the Holy Roman Empire, and Philip II of France march to Holy Land Barbarossa drowns and German army returns home Philip II and Richard argue over who should rule Jerusalem recapture Acre Richard defeats Saladin at every battle Signs uneasy alliance with Saladin Richard and Saladin respected each other

17 Fourth Crusade New call for Crusade against the Turks
Venice: Byzantium’s vassal state Persuades Crusaders that Byzantium deserves to fall Break into city and create the Latin Empire Stole much of Byzantium’s wealth Repeatedly fail to make peace with Byzantium’s neighbors: Turks, Bulgaria, Trebizond, and Nicea.

18 In the End The Christians are finally pushed out of the Holy Land
Muslim Turks are the victors and take over the Byzantine Empire in 1453

19 Economics Venice and Genoa Cities based on trade and have large navies Made fortunes off of transporting Crusaders eastward Opened trade with the East: lost Greek and Roman texts, silk, spices, etc.

20 Effects of the Crusades
Negatives: Weakened the Byzantine Empire, the Pope and nobles Kings become stronger Leaves a legacy of bitterness between the Christians, Jews and the Muslims Positives: Stimulated trade and spread of technology throughout the Mediterranean and Middle East

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