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Presentation on theme: "ANIMAL PHYSIOLOGY BIOLOGY 3408"— Presentation transcript:

Dr. Jon Baskin lecture Dr. Richard Patrock laboratories

2 NEW and IMPROVED!!!! Now with even more math and chemistry.

3 Dr. Jon Baskin Office: KLBH 116 Telephone: 361 593-3580
Office Hours: :30 M, W, F; 9:30-10:30 T, Th home page:

4 Required Text Richard W. Hill, Gordon A. Wyse, and Margaret Anderson rd edition Animal Physiology. Sinauer Associates This is also available as a Looseleaf Textbook so that you can take just the sections needed to class. It is also available as an e-book,180-day subscription) The 4th and 2nd editions will probably cover almost everything I lecture on.

5 GRADING Exam points Exam points Exam points Exam points Final Exam ………………………… * Quizzes, homework points Laboratory points Total…..……………….. ..…………… points

6 Lecture Examinations The lecture exams will cover notes given in class and pertinent information from the textbook. Some notes will come from sources other than the text. The examinations will consist mainly of short answer questions, definitions, characterizations, lists, and annotated classifications. The first tfour exams will be over material covered during the preceding exam period.

7 Make Up Policy The makeup will be a comprehensive final exam. You will only be allowed to make up one exam; you will receive a zero for each exam beyond that The lecture exams will cover notes given in class and pertinent information from the textbook. Some notes will come from sources other than the text. The examinations will consist mainly of short answer questions, definitions, characterizations, lists, and annotated classifications. The first four exams will be over material covered during the exam period. *The final exam is comprehensive. If you take it, it will replace your lowest exam grade, for better or worse

8 Read Dr. Patrock’s syllabus.
Laboratory grade Read Dr. Patrock’s syllabus.


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