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Zero Tolerance Rules What?

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Presentation on theme: "Zero Tolerance Rules What?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Zero Tolerance Rules What?
Four simple safety rules designed with your safety in mind and based on lessons learned within the mining industry. Why? To clarify to all employees and contractor employees our safety expectations and to support the development of a safer workplace. To ensure that everyone working on our site returns home safe at the end of every shift, every day. A violation of any of the Zero Tolerance Rules could result in devastating consequences; we must take a firm stance for your safety.

2 The 4 Zero Tolerance Rules
1) Tampering / bypassing of a critical safety control(s) 2) Failure to use a personal lock for isolation 3) Working at heights without control(s) being in place 4) Working in a restricted voltage area without controls Tampering / bypassing of critical safety equipment Gluing isolation locks so they don’t open Silencing alarms with welding rods Jamming a wood block into a gas nozzle to keep it flowing Cutting a fall arrest harness Covering alarm lights so they cannot been seen Working at Heights with out control(s) in place Failure to apply controls outlined on the working at heights permit Working in a restricted voltage area without controls Employee is observed handling a damage and connected trailing cable within the restricted distance of exposed wires without full isolation or the cable being disconnected. Employee is observed using a screw driver inside a 600V distribution panel with exposed conductors without full isolation when the panel is capable of being powered through normal switching. Employee observed using a crane near a 35kV overhead power line without full isolation of the line and the boom has entered the restricted approach boundary. Electrician is observed inspecting a 4.16kV breaker cubical capable of being powered through normal switching without full isolation and a part of their body has entered the restricted boundary of the exposed conductors. Shovel operator is observed looking inside a 600V panel in the shovel electrical room and their a part of their body has come within the restricted boundary of an exposed wire or starter without full isolation. What this does not cover is: Electricians conducting a voltage measurement using an approved IOC meter on an energized power system. Linesman testing for absence of voltage using an approved IOC meter on a non isolated overhead line. November-10-18 Presentation – PAGE 2

3 Zero Tolerance Rules A suspected violation of the Zero Tolerance rules by a contractor employee will result in immediate removal from site until an investigation has been completed. If the investigation determines that a contractor employee has engaged in a violation of the Zero Tolerance rules site access will be immediately revoked and the contractor employee will no longer be permitted to work on IOC property. Remember: No job is worth risking your health and safety, or that of your co-workers.

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